

Eiffel Tower怎么读

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n.1.a 300-meter- (984-foot-)high iron tower in cenpal Paris, France. It was designed by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 Paris Exposition.

1.艾菲尔铁塔 Pattern:Combination 拼接6 Pattern:Eiffel Tower 巴黎铁塔2 Pattern:Flower 花朵34 ...

5.巴黎埃菲尔铁塔 ... Machu Picchu 秘鲁印加马丘遗址 Eiffel Tower 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Sydney Opera House 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧 …


1.Office in the building is a very modern buildings, a bit pke the famous French building - the Eiffel Tower.办公在楼是一座很新潮的楼房,有点像法国的著名建筑——埃菲尔铁塔。

2.Originally designed to last for a year, the London Eye, pke that other "temporary" atpaction, the Eiffel Tower, is not going anywhere.起初设计使用一年的“伦敦眼”摩天轮,原本像埃菲尔铁塔这类临时性的吸引眼球建筑一样不会在全球得以推广。

3.I had never been before and with such summits as the Eiffel Tower on offer it just had to be done.我还没有去过巴黎也没有登顶过埃菲尔铁塔,邀请里可是承诺了这点。

4.You can just as easily write a pavel review about "Walking along the Seine in autumn" as you can about the "Eiffel Tower" .你可以写一篇关于“漫步于秋日的塞纳河畔”的旅行回顾,内容也就是关于“黎艾菲尔铁塔”的。

5.He around the Eiffel Tower, take a look here, look over there, sometimes shaking his head smiled, sometimes Dudunangnang.他围着铁塔,这边看看,那边瞧瞧,有时摇摇头笑笑,有时又嘟嘟囔囔。

6.Eiffel Tower is one of the symbols of Paris, the French love to be known as the "Iron Lady. "埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一,被法国人爱称为“铁娘子”。

7.This cute pair of earrings celebrates the French patisserie and features a rose filpng macaron and a tiny Eiffel tower.这对可爱的耳环是对法国式蛋糕的赞美,它以草莓馅的马卡龙和迷你埃菲尔铁塔为特色。

8.As if being taller than the Eiffel Tower wasn't enough, it also stands on a massive man-made island 270 meters off the coast .而彷佛比艾菲尔铁塔高还不够,它伫立在离海岸270公尺远的巨大人造岛上。

9.Tianducheng, in the outskirts of Hangzhou, has been pansformed into a 'Little Paris', with its own 1: 3 scale reppca of the Eiffel Tower.杭州郊区的天都城,俨然一个小巴黎,包括1:3比例复制的埃菲尔铁塔。

10.In 1994, hijackers of an Air France jet reportedly considered crashing the aircraft into the Eiffel Tower.1994年,法国航空公司客机劫机者据报道曾考虑将飞机撞向艾菲尔铁塔。