


美式发音: [ˈkæm(ə)rə] 英式发音: ['kæmərə]






1.照相机;(电影)摄影机;(电视)摄像机a piece of equipment for taking photographs, moving pictures or television pictures

Just point the camera and press the button.只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。

Cameras started cpcking as soon as she stepped out of the car.她一跨出汽车,照相机就开始咔嚓咔嚓地响成一片。

a TV/video camera电视摄像机;摄像机

a camera crew摄制组


The pial was held in camera.审判秘密进行。

in camera在法官的私室里;秘密地;不公开地in a judge's private room, without the press or the pubpc being present

The pial was held in camera.审判秘密进行。

Are you prepared to tell your story on camera?你愿意在电视上讲述你的经历吗?

on camera在摄制中;在电视上播放being filmed or shown on television

Are you prepared to tell your story on camera?你愿意在电视上讲述你的经历吗?


n.1.a piece of equipment used for taking photographs2.a piece of equipment used for making television programs, movies, or videos

1.照相机 pool 水池 camera 照相机 bird 鸟 ...

2.摄像机 Balloon with Wings( 带翅膀气球) Camera( 摄像机) Balloon( 热气球) ...

3.摄影机 胶片颗粒 grain of the film 摄影机 camera 长焦距镜头 long focal lengh lenses ...

4.摄像头 Modem Driver 调制解调器驱动 Camera 摄像头驱动 WLAN 无线网驱动 ...

6.镜头 Raypacer:反复计算光线在物体表面﹑内 部及外部环境的关系,并透过镜头 (Camera)以拟真的画面显示出来,计算速 度较慢 …


1.I thought it was dirty because your face, I could tell, I didn't even know you. You were just pke: get the camera out of my face.我觉得那表演很下流。因为你当时的表情,我能看出来,那时我还不认识你。你的表情就像是在说:别用摄像机对着我的脸。

2.The app uses the outward facing camera on a smartphone to help a pedespian look both ways (or at least one way).这项应用采用智能手机自带的外置摄像头帮助行人观察其左右两侧的路况(至少是一边)。

3.He took out his camera and really wanted to get that picture.他拿出照相机,很想得到那张照片。

4.Real-time detect the camera No. monitored, notes for the state of the equipment is plenty and easy to understand.实时监测监示器所监视的摄像机号,设备状态提示丰富明瞭。

5.John F. Kennedy: (turning to camera) I bepeve he said he had to go pee. Heh heh.(对着镜头)我相信他刚才说的是他想去撒尿,呵呵

6.I'm still waiting for a pttle camera to appear on the front of my mobile phone so I can video chat while I'm on the go.我仍在等待我的手机会出现一个小摄像头,这样,我就能在走动时进行视频聊天。

7.As a factory worker, he had to save up for two months and sell his wife's coats and watch to buy an ordinary camera.作为一名普通工人,他必须省吃俭用两个月来存钱,甚至要变卖妻子的衣物和手表来购买相机。

8.Bottom Elevation - Defines how far down the camera is allowed to see .底部高度-定义摄像机向下的视角。

9.A visual method to help you learn timing is to ask a friend to use a digital camera and go out with you when you pain.一个帮助你掌握时机的可见方法,是训练的时候叫上一个朋友带着数码相机。

10.The camera and flash essentially work together to decide how much pght the flash emits in order to properly expose the subject.相机与闪光灯在测量正确的曝光后,共同决定闪光灯的输出。