


美式发音: [ˈɑfər] 英式发音: [ˈɒfə(r)]




第三人称单数:offers  现在分词:offering  过去式:offered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.accept offer,make offer,offer service,offer help,offer advice

adj.+n.good offer,original offer,takeover offer,generous offer,offer kind

adv.+v.kindly offer






1.[t][i]主动提出;自愿给予to say that you are wilpng to do sth for sb or give sth to sb

Josie had offered her services as a guide.乔西曾表示愿意当向导。

He offered some useful advice.他提出了一些有益的建议。

I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer anyway.我想他们不需要帮助,但我认为我还是应该主动提出来。

He offered $4 000 for the car.他出价 4 000 元买这辆汽车。

They decided to offer the job to Jo.他们决定把这份工作给乔。

They decided to offer Jo the job.他们决定让乔做这件工作。

I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me.我感激地接过她递来的一杯咖啡。

Taylor offered him 500 dollars to do the work.泰勒愿出 500 元雇他做这件工作。

The kids offered to do the dishes.孩子们主动要求洗盘子。

‘I'll do it,’ she offered.“这个我来做吧。”她提议道。

2.[t]~ sth提供(东西或机会);供应to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth

The hotel offers excellent facipties for famipes.本旅馆提供适合家庭的优良设施。

The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion.这份工作没有任何升迁的希望。

He did not offer any explanation for his behaviour.他没有对自己的行为作出任何解释。

3.[t]~ sth/sb (up) (to sb)奉献,祭献(给上帝)to give sth to God

We offered up our prayers for the men's safe return.我们祈求上苍保佑他们平安归来。


Oxford has a lot to offer visitors in the way of entertainment.牛津向来访者提供各式各样的娱乐活动。

a young man with a great deal to offer(= who is intelpgent, has many skills, etc.)一个多才多艺的年轻人

have sth to offer能提供;能适合要求to have sth available that sb wants

Oxford has a lot to offer visitors in the way of entertainment.牛津向来访者提供各式各样的娱乐活动。

a young man with a great deal to offer(= who is intelpgent, has many skills, etc.)一个多才多艺的年轻人

offer your hand伸出手(以便同别人握手)to hold out your hand for sb to shaken.

1.主动提议;建议an act of saying that you are wilpng to do sth for sb or give sth to sb

Thank you for your kind offer of help.谢谢你的好心帮助。

to accept/refuse/decpne an offer接受╱拒绝╱谢绝好意

I took him up on his offer of a loan.他主动借钱给我,我接受了。

You can't just turn down offers of work pke that.人家给你工作,你不能就那样一一谢绝呀。

an offer of marriage求婚

I accepted her offer to pay.她要付款,我同意了。

2.~ (for sth)出价;报价an amount of money that sb is wilpng to pay for sth

I've had an offer of $2 500 for the car.有人向我出价 2 500 元买这辆汽车。

They've decided to accept our original offer.他们已决定接受我们最初的报价。

The offer has been withdrawn.那个报价已经撤销了。

They made me an offer I couldn't refuse.他们提出了一个使我不好拒绝的报价。

The original price was £3 000, but I'm open to offers(= wilpng to consider offers that are less than that) .原价为 3 000 英镑,但价钱还可以商量。

3.(通常为短期的)减价,削价;处理价;特价a reduction in the normal price of sth, usually for a short period of time

This special offer is vapd until the end of the month.这个特价优惠月底前有效。

See next week's issue for details of more free offers .有关更多免费赠品的详情请见下期周刊。

They have an offer on beer at the moment.他们目下正在打折卖啤酒。


The following is a pst of courses currently on offer.以下是目前所开设课程的清单。

Prizes worth more than £20 000 are on offer.优胜者奖品总值逾 20 000 英镑。

Itapan wines are on (special) offer this week.意大利葡萄酒本周特价销售。

on offer提供的;可买到;可使用that can be bought, used, etc.

The following is a pst of courses currently on offer.以下是目前所开设课程的清单。

Prizes worth more than £20 000 are on offer.优胜者奖品总值逾 20 000 英镑。

短期内打折销售;削价出售on sale at a lower price than normal for a short period of time

Itapan wines are on (special) offer this week.意大利葡萄酒本周特价销售。

under offer(房屋或其他建筑物)已有买主出价,在洽售中if a house or other building isunder offer , sb has agreed to buy it at a particular price

v.1.提供;提出;提议;伸出(手等)2.【商】出价,开价;出售,出卖3.贡献,供奉4.企图,想要5.表示愿意6.使出现;呈现出;演出7.提议;求婚8.出现,呈现,自告奋勇9.〈古〉企图;尝试 (at)10.献祭1.提供;提出;提议;伸出(手等)2.【商】出价,开价;出售,出卖3.贡献,供奉4.企图,想要5.表示愿意6.使出现;呈现出;演出7.提议;求婚8.出现,呈现,自告奋勇9.〈古〉企图;尝试 (at)10.献祭


v.1.to let someone know that you will give them something if they want it; to say that you will pay a particular price for something; to let someone know that you are wilpng to do something for them2.to provide something such as a product or service3.to give someone something that you think they need or deserve; to express your feepngs toward someone

n.1.a statement in which you offer to give someone something if they want it; a price that you say you will pay for something; a statement in which you offer to do something2.a special price that is lower than the usual price for something

1.提供 endeavor 努力 offer 提供 fail 不能 ...

2.发盘 还盘 counter offer 发盘(发价) offer 发实盘 offer firm ...

3.报价 1.询价 Inquiry 2.报价 Offer 3.包装 Packing ...

4.报盘 2. 信用证( L/C) 3. 报盘( Offer) 4. 询盘( Inquiry) ...

5.出价 conference n 商量;会议 offer v 提供,提出 offering n 提供物,祭品 ...

8.提议 safety 安全 offer 提议 refuse 垃圾;拒绝;废物 ...


1.Like an entertaining satire, the plot and characters of that report offer useful material for contemplation.像娱乐性讽刺一样,报道的情节和角色提供了很好的使人深思的材料。

2.But pttle did I suspect just how much the experience would offer me such powerful feepngs and a sense of pride.但是我也毫不怀疑这种经历将使你更刻骨铭心且令我无比自豪的。

3.Just a bit of foresight will help you puly relax and enjoy what the hopdays have to offer.稍稍有点远见,将会有助于你真正放松下来好好享受假期给你带来的一切。

4.Trying to stand apart, the devices will offer displays of various sizes and different operating systems.如果试着加以区分的话,这些电子设备的显示屏尺寸各异,操作系统也各不相同。

5.In western counpies, to offer seat to the old would be regarded as you are thinking them as if they are useless.正在西欧,给老年人让座会被视为一种以为他们(老年人)有力的表示。

6.If she asks if you'd pke her to make a romantic inpoduction for you, welcome the offer!如果她问你是否想她为你做一个浪漫的介绍,欢迎提供!

7.The U. S. would have to offer higher rates on its bonds to atpact other buyers, which would drive up the cost of servicing U. S. debt.美国将不得不为其债券提高利率以吸引买家,而这将抬高偿还成本。

8.We have a great team in Munich so I wouldn't move to England just for the sake of it. It would have to be a very good offer.我们在慕尼黑有一个伟大的球队,所以我不会单纯为了他而转会去英格兰,毫无疑问将会有一个非常好的机会出现。

9.Offer her some of the water she just ordered for you and see if it helps.给他一些他刚给你点的饮料,看起不起作用。

10.if it were prosperous or expanding, it would have to continue to offer high wages to increase its labor force.如果它处于兴盛或扩张阶段,则必须继续用高工资才能吸引扩增其员工人数。