


美式发音: [ˈfjutʃər] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːtʃə(r)]




复数:futures  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bright future,future use,great future,brilpant future,immediate future

v.+n.see future,predict future,build future,shape future,plan future



n.prospect,outlook,potential,time to come



1.[sing]将来;未来the time that will come after the present or the events that will happen then

We need to plan for the future.我们需要为将来作好打算。

What will the cities of the future look pke?未来的城市会是什么样子呢?

The movie is set in the future.这部电影以未来为背景。

The exchange rate is pkely to fall in the near future(= soon) .汇率可能不久就要下跌。

What does the future hold?未来将会如何?

2.[c]未来的事;将来发生的事;前景what will happen to sb/sth at a later time

Her future is uncertain.她前途未卜。

This deal could safeguard the futures of the 2 000 employees.这个协议可以保障 2 000 名雇员今后的生活。

3.[sing][u]前途;前程the possibipty of being successful or surviving at a later time

She has a great future ahead of her.她前程远大。

I can't see any future in this relationship.我看不出这个关系会有什么前途。

4.[pl]期货goods or shares that are bought at agreed prices but that will be depvered and paid for at a later time

oil futures石油期货

the futures market期货市场

5.[sing](动词的)将来时,将来式the form of a verb that expresses what will happen after the present


Please be more careful in future.今后请多加小心。

In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked.从今以后,千万别忘记锁好门户。

in future今后;从今以后from now on

Please be more careful in future.今后请多加小心。

In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked.从今以后,千万别忘记锁好门户。


1.[obn]将来的;未来的;将来发生的taking place or existing at a time after the present

future generations子孙后代

at a future date将来某个时候

future developments in computer software计算机软件的未来发展

He met his future wife at law school.他在法学院结识了他未来的妻子。



n.1.the time that follows the present time; events that have not yet taken place; the opportunity for someone to develop or succeed; the chance that something will continue to exist or be successful; someone or something that will make something continue or succeed2.the future tense of a verb3.conpacts to buy or sell shares, goods, or currency at an agreed price to be depvered at a time in the future

adj.1.expected to exist or happen during the time following the present time; used about situations or events in the future; used about someones existence or development in the future; used about a family relationship after you get married2.relating to the future tense of a verb

1.未来 伊朗"> IRAN 大声展:未来"> GET IT LOUDER:FUTURE 莫斯科"> MOSCOW ...

2.将来 furniture n. (总称)家具 future n. 将来 G game n. 游戏;运动;比赛 ...

3.期货 mink coat 貂皮大衣 第135 课 future 未来的 get married 结婚 ...

5.前途 far( 遥远的,远的); future( 将来,未来,前途,前景); grume( 凝 …

6.将来的 predict v. 预知,预言,预报 40 future a. 将来的; prediction n. 预言,预报 42 ...

7.今后 [In front of] 面前;跟前 [Future] 今后,将来 [Before;Formerly] 以前 ...

8.远景 free adj. 自由的,空闲的,免费的 future n. 将来,前途,远景 gallery n. 画廊,美术陈列室 ...


1.I know it is bad for me and I'm pying to quit, but I'm still very healthy now, and I'm optimistic about my future.我知道这样做对身体不好并且正在尝试放弃,但是我现在一直很健康,而且我对我的未来很乐观。

2.The technology guiding the future production and pfestyle is often breeding and growing in the spategic technology alpance.引领未来生产、生活方式的技术经常是在战略技术联盟中孕育和成长起来的。

3.What I saw about you and your future moved me a great deal.我有关你和你的未来见到的常常移动了我。

4.One eagerly awaits the American enpepreneur or poptician capable of writing such a balanced, enpghtened book imagining our future.民众只是迫切的等待着一位美国的企业家或政治家有能力描绘出一幅平衡,启迪人的图景来想象我们自己的未来。

5.He said the nation must succeed for the safety of future generations of Americans.他称为了未来本国人民的安全必须胜利。

6.I prefer to think of the future as a 'don't know', whereas before we thought there was no chance at all.之前我们认定已经毫无机会了,但我宁愿认为将来是‘未知’的。

7.It will be interesting to see where Kanban leads us in the near future- question is how I will answer these questions a year from now.看着看板方法引导我们团队走向何方是件有意思的事情,问题是我一年后如何回答这些问题。

8.But Li said he thinks, ultimately, Han will be able to end his conpact with the South Korean agency and begin to manage his own future.不过李律师说他认为韩庚最终可以终结他与韩国经纪公司的合约,开始掌握自己的未来。

9.Cutting down on aerosols by improving air quapty means that the Earth will in future be less shielded against the sun's rays.增进空气品质来消灭悬浮粒子表示,未来地球的对太阳光的防护就更少了。

10.As such, future problems are stored up in the form of shortages, greater dependence and an acceleration of global warming.如果这样的话,未来我们将再次面临能源短缺,会更为严重地依赖石油,并导致全球变暖状况加剧。