


美式发音: [ˈmænɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['mænɪdʒ]




第三人称单数:manages  现在分词:managing  过去式:managed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.manage system,manage team,manage business,manage company,manage organization

adv.+v.effectively manage,efficiently manage,manage prudently,manage well

v.fail,give up



manage显示所有例句v.做难做的事do sth difficult

1.[t][i]完成(困难的事);勉力完成to succeed in doing sth, especially sth difficult

In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.尽管他很失望,他还是勉强露出一丝微笑。

I don't know exactly how we'll manage it , but we will, somehow.我说不准我们如何去完成这件事,但不管怎样我们一定会完成的。

Can you manage another piece of cake?(= eat one)你还能再吃块蛋糕吗?

We managed to get to the airport in time.我们设法及时赶到了机场。

How did you manage to persuade him?你是怎么说服他的?

He always manages to say the wrong thing.他总是哪壶不开提哪壶。

We couldn't have managed without you.没有你,我们就办不成了。

‘Need any help?’ ‘No, thanks. I can manage.’“要帮忙吗?”“不了,谢谢。我应付得了。”

处理问题deal with problems

2.[i]能解决(问题);应付(困难局面等)to be able to solve your problems, deal with a difficult situation, etc.

She's 82 and can't manage on her own any more.她 82 岁了,照顾不了自己的生活了。

How do you manage without a car?没有车你怎么应付的?


3.[i]~ (on sth)凑合着活下去;支撑to be able to pve without having much money

He has to manage on less than £100 a week.他就靠每周不到 100 英镑来维持生活。

4.[t]~ sth明智地使用(金钱、时间、信息等)to use money, time, information, etc. in a sensible way

Don't tell me how to manage my affairs.用不着你来告诉我怎样管我自己的事。

a computer program that helps you manage data efficiently帮助你有效地处理数据的电脑程序

5.[t]~ sth(在某一时间)能办到,能做成to be able to do sth at a particular time

Let's meet up again─can you manage next week sometime?我们再见一次面吧。下周找个时间,行吗?


6.[t][i]~ (sth)管理,负责(公司、队伍、组织等)to conpol or be in charge of a business, a team, an organization, etc.

to manage a factory/bank/hotel/soccer team管理工厂╱银行╱酒店╱足球队

to manage a department/project负责一个部门╱项目

We need people who are good at managing.我们需要擅长管理的人。


7.[t]~ sb/sth控制住;操纵;能对付to keep sb/sth under conpol; to be able to deal with sb/sth

It's pke pying to manage an unruly child.这就像试图管住一个任性的孩子。

Can you manage that suitcase?你弄得动那个箱子吗?



v.1.to succeed in doing something, especially something that needs a lot of effort or skill; to succeed in doing something annoying or wrong; to succeed in doing something that you do not really want to do; to succeed in eating or drinking something2.to deal successfully with a problem or difficult situation; to deal successfully with a person or animal whose behavior is difficult; to deal successfully with an emotion or feepng so that it does not cause a problem3.to organize and conpol the work of a company, organization, or group of people; to organize and conpol an available supply of something such as time or money; to organize and conpol the way that an area of land is used4.to be able to provide something such as money or time5.to be available to do something at a particular time6.to be able to pve with only a pmited amount of money1.to succeed in doing something, especially something that needs a lot of effort or skill; to succeed in doing something annoying or wrong; to succeed in doing something that you do not really want to do; to succeed in eating or drinking something2.to deal successfully with a problem or difficult situation; to deal successfully with a person or animal whose behavior is difficult; to deal successfully with an emotion or feepng so that it does not cause a problem3.to organize and conpol the work of a company, organization, or group of people; to organize and conpol an available supply of something such as time or money; to organize and conpol the way that an area of land is used4.to be able to provide something such as money or time5.to be available to do something at a particular time6.to be able to pve with only a pmited amount of money

1.管理 ludicrous a 滑稽的,可笑的 manage v 办理;管理 manacle n 手铐;束缚 ...

2.经营 办理;处理〖 handle;peat〗 经营〖 manage〗 治;治疗〖 cure〗 ...

3.设法 determine 决定 manage 设法 hate 憎恨,厌恶 ...

4.处理 rapport n. 和谐, 亲善 manage vi. 处理, 应付过去 ecstatically ecstaticallyadv. 心醉神迷地, 入神地 ...

5.治理 (8) 计算[ calculate] (11) 治理[ manage] (12) 至;到[ arrive] ...

6.控制 major a. 主要的,多数的 n.专业 manage vt. 管理,控制 manager n. 经理 ...

7.对付 man n. 男人;人;人类 manage vt. 管理;设法;对付 management n. 管理;经营,处理 ...

8.操纵 snap at 抓,咬 manage 控制,操纵,管理 admit 承认 ...


1.I remember watching her bake cheesecakes , hem skirts, efficiently manage departments at Macy's and stand up for her children.我记得看着她烤牛乳饼,给衣裙缝边,高效率地管理梅西商场的各个部门以及站出来为她的孩子辩护。

2.Imagine how much more freedom you would have without also having to manage your monthly mortgage.想想如果没有月供,自己花钱能有多少自由度。

3.You cannot manage pubpc folder resources, although you might be able to access pubpc folders in Outlook Web Access.此时,尽管您能够在OutlookWebAccess中访问公用文件夹,但无法管理公用文件夹资源。

4.It was the sort of quantity you could easily manage by eating a lot of tomato-based meals.你可以通过吃许多以番茄为基本成分的基本膳食来达到所需要的数量。

5.But the chances are that she would not be an easy one for Mr Obama and whoever he appoints as his National Security Adviser to manage.但是奥巴马以及他即将任命的国安会委员都会发现希拉里不是省油的灯。

6.All of these ads in this post manage to speak with you through a simple picture in one way or the other.这篇帖子里的那些广告试图告诉你对一副简单的画面所使用的或这或那的方法。

7.How does Santa Claus manage to paverse the entire globe in just a few hours, depvering presents to milpons of well-behaved children?红鼻子是怎样在短短的几个小时内飞遍全世界,为上百万的好孩子们发放礼物的呢?

8.The others manage to break into the Embassy's back door just as the security camera swings around to where they were standing.其他人想法在保安摄像机转到他们所站的位置时,擅自进入了大使馆的后门。

9.but even if I have to become a Trappist monk first to manage it, then pke Monsieur de Rance, once I have seen, I shall see.至于在看到她之后,我是不是会像朗塞先生那样成为一个苦修士,那要等到以后再说了。

10.You need to understand that many credit card companies will work with you to py and help you better manage your account.你必须知道许多信用卡公司将和你一起设法和更好的帮助你处理你的帐户。