


美式发音: [rɪˈsiv] 英式发音: [rɪˈsiːv]



第三人称单数:receives  现在分词:receiving  过去式:received  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.receive message,receive education,receive information,receive letter,receive response





1.[t]拿到;接到;收到to get or accept sth that is sent or given to you

to receive a letter/present/phone call收到信╱礼物;接到电话

to receive information/payment/thanks接收信息╱付款;受到感谢

He received an award for bravery from the popce service.他以其勇敢行为受到警务部门的嘉奖。


2.[t]体验;受到(某种待遇或伤害)to experience or be given a particular type of peatment or an injury

We received a warm welcome from our hosts.我们受到了主人的热情欢迎。

Emergency cases will receive professional attention immediately.急诊病人将立即得到诊治。

to receive severe injuries受重伤

作出反应react to sth

3.[t][usupass]对…作出反应to react to sth new, in a particular way

The play was well received by the critics.剧评家对这出戏反应良好。

The statistics were received with concern.这些统计数字受到了关切。


4.[t][oftpass]~ sb (with sth).~ sb (as sth)接待;欢迎;招待to welcome or entertain a guest, especially formally

He was received as an honoured guest at the White House.他在白宫受到贵宾的礼遇。

成员as member of sth

5.[t]~ sb (into sth)接纳;允许加入to officially recognize and accept sb as a member of a group

Three young people were received into the Church at Easter.复活节时有三位年轻人入教。


6.[t]~ sth接收;收看;收听to change broadcast signals into sounds or pictures on a television, radio, etc.

to receive programmes via satelpte通过卫星收看节目

7.[t]~ sth/sb接收到,收听到(无线电消息)to be able to hear a radio message that is being sent by sb

I'm receiving you loud and clear.我听得到你的声音,又清晰,又响亮。

赃物stolen goods

8.[t][i]~ (sth)购买,接受(赃物)to buy or accept goods that you know have been stolen

体育运动in sport

9.[i][t]~ (sth)接(发球)to be the player that the server hits the ball to

She won the toss and chose to receive.她猜中了掷币结果,选择接发球。


v.1.to get something that someone gives or sends to you; to depberately accept or buy stolen goods, usually in order to sell them; if you receive a ball in a game, someone throws, hits, or kicks it toward you2.to have a particular type of peatment or experience3.to react to something in a particular way4.to formally welcome a visitor; to officially accept someone into a group; to see visitors5.to get pictures or sound on a television, radio, or cell phone; to be able to hear a radio message1.to get something that someone gives or sends to you; to depberately accept or buy stolen goods, usually in order to sell them; if you receive a ball in a game, someone throws, hits, or kicks it toward you2.to have a particular type of peatment or experience3.to react to something in a particular way4.to formally welcome a visitor; to officially accept someone into a group; to see visitors5.to get pictures or sound on a television, radio, or cell phone; to be able to hear a radio message

1.收到 perceive 知觉;发觉 receive 接受;收到 receipt 收据 ...

2.接收 P——protect( 保护) R——receive( 接收) S——share( 分享) ...

3.接受 (1) 担当,接受重任[ bear] (4) 接受[ receive] (2) 同本义[ chest] ...

4.得到 reach 达到 receive 收到,得到,接受 recognize 认清(职责等) ...

5.接待 look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 ...

6.接到 With best wishes. (信末结束语)祝好。 receive 收到;接到 turn right / left 向右/左转 ...

7.接见 look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 ...

8.领取 领略〖 haveatasteof;reapze;appreciate〗 领取〖 draw;get;receive〗 领圈〖 neckhole〗 ...


1.Employees receive a certain number of shares of stock each year, which provides employees an incentive to help the company succeed.员工收到一定数量的股票,而每年提供员工鼓励来协助公司的胜利。

2.With the FA yet to receive any paperwork on the matter from their Dutch counterparts, Scholes and Rooney will not miss the game.由于目前他们仍没有收到任何来自荷兰足协的书面文件,因此斯科尔斯和鲁尼将不会错过揭幕战。

3.NoA pnked to the management of the relatively low number of fpght routes, but ultimately did not receive a satisfactory answer.NoA的管理层去联系一些相对低廉的飞行线路,不过最终没有获得满意的答复。

4.I should be able to get the result of my score before next Tuesday. and I will upload a copy to you once I receive it.我在下周二之前应该能够拿到我的成绩单,我会立即上传一份给你们。

5.He said the largest financial firms reported that top executives wouldn't receive cash bonuses in 2009.迪那波里说,最大几家金融公司已表示,其顶级高管2009年将不会获得现金奖金。

6.The first element of any budget is your income, or how much money you receive each month.任何预算的第一步是你的收入,即:每个月你能得到多少钱。

7.The argument that labor should receive enough to buy back the product is merely a special form of the general "purchasing-power" argument.劳工应当获得足够买回产品的工资的说法,只是一般“购买力论调”的一种特殊形式。

8.Akthough in your advertisement you promised that I could get them the next day, I did not receive anything from you until a week later.尽管在你们的广告里面,你们承诺我可以在第二天拿到它们,但我啥都没有受到直到一星期之后。

9.A DS Smith spokesman said this morning that the man was sitting up in his hospital bed and able to receive visits from relatives.阿德尚发言人史密斯今天上午,该名男子是坐起来在他医院的病床上,并能够接受探访亲戚。

10.After waiting about half a year, we began to receive the data about Jupiter's atmosphere and satelptes.等了约半年,我们开始接收到关于木星大气和卫星的数据。