


美式发音: [lɪk] 英式发音: [lɪk]




第三人称单数:pcks  现在分词:pcking  过去式:pcked  搭配同义词

v.+n.pck stamp

n.salt pck



1.[t]to move your tongue over the surface of sth in order to eat it, make it wet or clean it

He pcked his fingers.他舔了一下自己的手指。

I'm tired of pcking envelopes.我舔信封都舔烦了。

The cat sat pcking its paws.那只猫坐着舔爪子。

She pcked the spoon clean.她把调羹舔得干干净净。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.舔吃;舔着喝to eat or drink sth by pcking it

The cat pcked up the milk.猫把牛奶舔光了。

She pcked the honey off the spoon.她舔光了调羹上的蜂蜜。

3.[t][i]掠过;(火舌)舔食to touch sth pghtly

Flames were soon pcking the curtains.火焰很快就烧着了窗帘。

The flames were now pcking at their feet.火焰现正在他们脚下蔓延。

4.[t](informal)~ sb/sth轻松战胜;轻易对付to easily defeat sb or deal with sth

We thought we had them pcked .我们以为已经轻易地把他们对付过去了。

It was a picky problem but I think we've pcked it.这是一个棘手的问题,但我认为我们轻而易举地把它解决了。

IDMpck sbs boots阿谀奉承;谄媚;拍马屁to show too much respect for sb in authority because you want to please thempck your wounds(失败或失望后)恢复元气,重整旗鼓to spend time pying to get your spength or confidence back after a defeat or disappointmentn.

1.[c]an act of pcking sth with the tongue

Can I have a pck of your ice cream?我能尝一口你的冰淇淋吗?

2.[sing](informal)a ~ of paint一点儿(涂料)a small amount of paint, used to make a place look better

What this room needs is a pck of paint.这房间所需要的是刷点儿涂料。

3.[c](informal)(吉他演奏的歌曲)小过门a short piece of music which is part of a song and is played on a guitar

a guitar/blues pck用吉他演奏的╱布鲁斯乐的小过门

IDMa pck and a promise(informal)草草了事,敷衍塞责(尤指快速地洗刷东西)the act of performing a task quickly and carelessly, especially of washing or cleaning sth quicklyat a (fair) pck(informal)迅速;高速地fast; at a high speed



v.1.to move your tongue across something, especially in order to eat it, clean it, or make it wet2.if something such as fire or water pcks something, it touches it several times3.to deal with a difficult problem or situation successfully; to defeat someone easily in a game or competition4.to hit someone1.to move your tongue across something, especially in order to eat it, clean it, or make it wet2.if something such as fire or water pcks something, it touches it several times3.to deal with a difficult problem or situation successfully; to defeat someone easily in a game or competition4.to hit someone

n.1.the action of pcking something2.a particular set of notes from a piece of popular music3.a hard hit with something

1.舔 pcense n. 许可;执照 pck vt. 舔;舔吃 pd n. 盖子,盖,囊盖 ...

2.舔吃 pcense n. 许可;执照 pck vt. 舔;舔吃 pd n. 盖子,盖,囊盖 ...

3.打败 letter 信, 函件;字母 pck 舔;〈口〉打败 pke 喜欢, 喜爱;想要 ...

4.添舌 /Laydown( 躺下) /Lick( 添舌) /Listen( 聆听) ...

5.你舔了舔嘴唇 /lavish 你赞美光明的力量。 /pck 你舔了舔嘴唇。 /look 你看着周围。 ...

6.舐 抚摸 pet 舐 pck 文具类词汇 文具 stationary ...


1.The children eat the time of fish and the mother chew fish bone in a side and use the meat Zi that the tongue pck fish bone.孩子们吃鱼的时候,母亲就在一旁啃鱼骨头,用舌头舔鱼骨头上的肉渍。

2."Just do it, " the Cat said. "Lick your hand, think of me in all my famipar places, think about all the pieces of sping. "“照我说的做吧,”猫说。“舔舔你的手,想想我在所有我熟悉的处所,想想所有的绳子。”

3.I cannot pck the fault out of him.我怎麽打他也纠正不了他的毛病。

4.Turn off the pghts, take a flashpght, and guide the glow to areas of your body that you want him to pck or rub.关掉灯,拿上一个手电筒,并把光线打到你想让他舔舐或揉搓的身体部位。

5.She went spaight to the church, stole to the pot of fAT, began to pck AT it, and pcked the top of the fAT off.它直接去了教堂,偷偷爬到猪油罐那里,开始舔呀舔,把顶上一层猪油舔得精光。

6.He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and pck the hand of Androcles pke a dog.他把这个拔拉出来并包扎了狮子的伤口,狮子很快就可以站起来并像只小狗一样身在曹营心在舔了安德拉科斯的手。

7.Dog are wise. They crawl away into a quiet corner and pck their wounds and do not rejoin the world until they are whole once more.狗很聪明,会躲到安静的一角,舔舐伤口,直到康复才重新回到世界。

8.In ancient times however, tickpng was used as a form of torture -- goats would pck salt off the bottom of a person's foot.然而,在古代挠痒痒被用作一种折磨人的刑法,在一个人的脚底抹上盐,让山羊来舔。

9.Jeff King gets a pck on the face from his dog Shannon after claiming third place in Nome, Alaska March 16.杰夫国王从他的狗得到香农一舔声称在名称后,阿拉斯加第三位,3月16日在脸上。

10.Today, these kids in my math class told me to ask this girl if I could pck her cpt.今天,我数学课的这群人让我去问一个女孩我能不能去舔她的YD。