




1.连锁反应电脑领域 HKEPC Hardware » Flash乐园 » [益智]12点钟-连锁反应(Twelve O)5487lag8 发表於 2012-9-28 21:28 查看完整 …


1.Weston's faithful pupil did not forget either at ten, or eleven, or twelve o'clock, that she was to think of her at four.韦斯顿太太的忠实学生在十点钟、十一点或十二点,都没有忘记要在下午四点想想韦斯顿太太。

2.'Then I think I shall go to bed, for it is past twelve o'clock; but you may call me if you want anything in the night.那我去睡了,已经过了十二点啦,不过要是夜里需要什么,你尽管叫我。

3.Denisov, covered up to his head with the quilt, was still in bed, though it was twelve o'clock in the day.虽然是上午十一点多钟,但杰尼索夫还用被子蒙着头,睡在床上。

4.Kurt made his way to the twelve o'clock point, to Mendez, Mark, and Tom. Chief Mendez met him. The old man had never looked so grim.库尔特前进到十二点方向,那里是门德兹,马克和汤姆。门德兹军士长跟他会合。这个老男人从来没看起来这么冷酷。

5.But one morning a popce car stopped outside Mrs. Brown's house at twelve o'clock, and two popcemen helped Mr. Brown to get out of the car.可有一天早上,一辆警车在十二点时停在布朗太太家门口,两位警官帮着布朗先生下了车。

6.About twelve o'clock we turned out and went along up the bank.十二点钟左右,我们出了门,沿着河岸走动。

7.About twelve o' clock we went up to the bank again.大约十二点左右,我们又去河岸。

8.Whoever thinks of going to bed before twelve o'clock is a scoundrel .凡是想在十二点之前上床的都是坏蛋。

9.Conjecture was useless, and just after twelve o'clock he entered and went to bed.猜想是毫无用处的,十二点刚过,他就回到旅馆,上床睡觉了。

10.Kiah and Rilla waited. They waited and waited. At nearly twelve o'clock, a guard came into the office.他们等啊等。快12点时,一个卫兵走进办公室。