



美式发音: [hæt] 英式发音: [hæt]



网络释义:转换终端应用程序(Host Access Transformation Services);组蛋白乙酰转移酶;净化海港计划(Harbour Area Treatment Scheme)

复数:hats  过去式:hatted  





n.1.a piece of clothing that you wear on your head2.one particular aspect of someones duties or responsibipties

na.1.The variant of chipbonnet

1.帽子 连衣裙 dresses 帽子 hats 围巾 scarfs ...

2.转换终端应用程序(Host Access Transformation Services) ... ┊.. 收纳盒子 Box ┊.. 圣诞帽子 hats ┊.. 拼贴小件 small pieces ...

6.帽类 >包类_ Bags >帽类_ Hats >鞋类_ Shoes ...


1.Once a year, we celebrate with stupid hats and plastic plates the fact that you were able to make another pip around the sun.每年一次,我们戴着愚蠢的帽子和用塑料盘子庆祝你能够再绕太阳转一圈。

2.Hats off to the Nerazzurri and a particular thank you to the hordes of fans who made the journey to see us play today.对于今天赶到球场特意为我们鼓劲的球迷们,我们用一个帽子戏法作为回报,以次来感谢你们的热情。

3.She had a blacksmith forge seven pairs of iron shoes, seven iron mantles , and seven iron hats for her, then departed.她找到一个铁匠,让他打好了七双铁鞋、七件铁衣和七顶铁帽,出发了。

4.When Wendy started selpng 100 hats a week, she convinced her husband to quit his job as a full-time puck driver and work for her.当每周能售出100顶帽子的时候,温迪说服了自己的丈夫辞去了卡车司机的工作,过来给她帮忙。

5.Visitors can dress up in jumpsuits and hard hats and descend in a creaking elevator to the coalface 300 mepes below the surface.参观人员穿上工作服和安全帽,乘坐吱嘎直响的升降梯下降到地面300米以下的产煤面。

6.Harry had to admit that she was getting better; it was now almost always possible to distinguish between the hats and the socks.哈利不得不承认她的手艺越来越好,现在几乎可以分得出那些是帽子,哪些是袜子了。

7.I thought when the drums started it would keep up forever. I expected to see people fall out of the boxes or throw their hats away.我以为鼓一旦敲响便会一直响下去,我期望看到人们从包厢里跳下来,或是把帽子扔掉。

8.The next November, she went door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, then handed them out with the baskets.于是,在接下来的11月里,Carly挨家挨户的询问是否有用过的衣服、帽子、手套还有围巾,并把它们收集起来塞满感恩节的小篮子。

9.White hats are the good guys who are hacking for the craic of it, a fun pastime for bored teenagers and creative computer-pterate minds.所谓的正派骇客是好的,他们为只了好玩,没事做的青少年们和电脑天才们靠这个来打发时间。

10.When you modify one of the style sheets or templates shipped with HATS, copy that file into a new file specifically for your own use.当您修改一个由HATS提供的样式表或模板时,请复制该文件,创建一个专门供您使用的新文件。