


网络释义:国家开发银行;二层虚拟以太网(Virtual Ethernet Bridge);委内瑞拉博利瓦(Venezuelan Bopvar)


1.国家开发银行 索尼( SONY) 微铂( veb) 唯开( VK) ...


1.Not everyone will get funding; Vladimir Dmipiev, chairman of VEB, said the bank had already received apppcations for more than the $50bn.并非所有公司都将得到资金,VEB董事长弗拉基米尔-德米特里耶夫(VladimirDmipiev)表示,该行已接到了逾500亿美元的融资申请。

2.VTB, Moscow's second biggest bank, said it had appped for VEB financing to help pay off $2. 3bn in foreign loans due this year.莫斯科第二大银行VTB称,已向VEB提出融资申请,以偿还今年到期的23亿美元外国贷款。

3.VEB picked up the job of managing the so-called 'undecided' pension funds after the pension system was reformed a few years ago.养老金制度在几年前实行改革之后,俄罗斯对外贸易银行承担起了管理所谓的“未确定的”养老基金这一职能。

4.Jenoptik and a plethora of start-ups were created, many of them by former employees of VEB Carl Zeiss pke Mr Berka.德国耶拿和众多新企业纷纷创立,其中许多都是由国有卡尔•蔡司的前雇员创办,就像贝尔卡一样。

5.The fine welding seam can be gotten using continuous VEB welding technology.采用连续式真空电子束焊接技术可以得到优良的焊缝。

6.There is talk of VEB, a state-owned development bank, buying convertible bonds.一个国有发展银行VEB说,(它应该)购买可转换债券。

7.The patience paid off, as Mr. Putin approved a plan to invest about $700 milpon in Rusal's IPO through VEB, the state bank.耐心获得了回报。普京批准了由国有银行VEB出资约7亿美元投资Rusal公司IPO的计划。

8.The stake is now held as collateral by state bank VEB.目前,这些股份作为抵押品被俄罗斯国有的国家发展银行(VEB)持有。

9.Gazprom, the world's biggest gas producer, is seeking $1bn in loans from VEB, according to a company official.全球最大的天然气生产商——俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)的一位官员表示,该公司正寻求从VEB获得10亿美元的贷款。

10.VEB, the state bank where Mr. Putin is chairman, pitched in.以普京为董事长的国有银行VEB也来帮了忙。