

morphology:[英 [mɔ:ˈfɒlədʒi] 美 [mɔ:rˈfɑ:lədʒi] ]


morphology 基本解释



morphology 网络解释

1. morphology什么意思

1. 词法:1)词法(morphology)词法研究的对象是各种词的形式及其用法. 英语词类的形式变化有:名词和代词的数,格和性的形式变化;动词的人称、时态、语态、语气等形式变化;以及形容词和副词比较等级的形式变化. 2)句法(syntax)句法研究的对象是句子各个组成部分及其安排的规律.

2. 构词学:构词学(morphology)是语言学中的一门比较简单的学问,主要研究的是词的构成. 最近几年,电脑领域的某些词汇有了一些改变,某些词汇渐渐不被人们使用,新的词汇取而代之. 例如说,以前我们说「执行」一个程式,现在则说「跑」一个程式.

morphology 双语例句

1. Nano MoS 2 thin films were successfully fabricated on glass substrate by dip coating thermolysis technique. The microstructure, morphology and tribological properties of MoS 2 thin films were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, X ray photoelectron spectrometry, atomic force microscopy, and dynamic static friction and wear testing.

用浸涂 -热解法在玻璃基底表面制备了纳米 Mo S2 薄膜,利用 X射线光电子能谱仪、X射线粉末衍射仪、原子力显微镜、静-动摩擦系数测量仪和扫描电子显微镜等仪器研究了薄膜的微观结构、表面形貌和摩擦学性能,初步探讨了薄膜的摩擦磨损机制。

2. The Burgers vector of it is [11 –1]β/2([2 –1 –1 –3]α/6). Based on the observation, a 3D model of morphology and dislocation structures of α plate was constructed. The observed OR and dislocation structure on the habit plane was explained by an analytical O-line model.

惯习面的位错与侧面上大间距位错和小间距位错在端面上发生位错反应形成位错的Burgers矢量分别为[1 1 –1]β/2([2 –1 –1 –3]α/6)和[0 1 0]β([0 1 –1 –1]α/2)。

3. The morphology, structure and ultrastructure of cells were also examined.



4. Results The reconstructed condyle, articular disc and glenoid fossa had good morphology, similar to that of the ana...



5. Trypan-blue and alizarin red vital staining refer to lens epithelial cells, which was a practical methord to observe the morphology, density, area and the cellula vis vitalis.


6. It is the journal of the Palaeontological Association. The journal publishes a wide variety of papers on palaenotological topics covering: palaeozoology, palaeobotany, systematic studies, palaeoecology, micropalaeontology, palaeobiogeography, functional morphology, stratigraphy, taxonomy, taphonomy, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, palaeoclimate analysis and biomineralization studies.


7. morphology

7. The ocular surfaces of the animals in both groups were analyzed before and 3, 7, 14, 28, and 42 days after the experiment for aqueous tear production, corneal barrier function, conjunctival morphology, and goblet cell density.


8. The sprouts from endplate and a few contact sites of NCAM with AChR can be seen. C: Untreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of NCAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of NCAM staining is increased. D: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by NCAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some NCAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.

随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,NCAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,NCAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅NCAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

9. There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of N-CAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of N-CAM staining is increased. D: Yiqi Huayu Recipe-treated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by N-CAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some N-CAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipe-treated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.

随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,N-CAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,N-CAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅N-CAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。

10. There are some AChR plaques of morphological abnormality, and no contact sites of NCAM with AChR although the intensity and scope of NCAM staining is increased. D: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 20th day after L5 nerve root compression. All the AChR sites are reoccupied by NCAM and the morphology of AChR are restored. E: Untreated group on the 30th day after lumbar nerve root compression. AChR plaques display irregularity in shape, with a few round or spindle shaped cupulae. Meanwhile, some NCAM stainings are still shown to be around the AChR. F: Yiqi Huayu Recipetreated group on the 30th day after L5 nerve root compression.

随着时间的推移,AChR斑的形态渐趋规则,NCAM反应也逐步增强,至造模后20 d达到最高峰,但益气化瘀方组仍然明显优于模型组,其不仅在数值上超过了胚胎期大鼠,且与AChR全部重叠;而模型组仍可见到不少重叠不全且形态异常的AChR斑。L5神经根受压后30 d,NCAM的表达水平开始下降,基本局限于终板区内,其下降速度和范围在益气化瘀方组明显大于模型组;模型组不仅NCAM的表达明显高于益气化瘀方组,且仍能见到一些成熟不全的AChR斑;而益气化瘀方组AChR斑形态已接近于正常。


11. Crystals with rectangle-like, cube-like and discus-like morphology were obtained in addition to microspheres by adjusting the experimental parameters.


12. For polypyrrole/carbon nanotube composites, the morphology of fabricated composites can be found not only particle-type of polypyrrole but also tube-type of core-shell structure of polypyrrole/carbon nanotube composites which has been further confirmed by TEM image analysis.


13. The major phases of magnetite (Fe3O4), wollastonite (CaSiO3) and hematite (Fe2O3) were identified in the heat-treated samples by XRD patterns. Room temperature magnetic property was measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer. The morphology of the sample was observed by SEM.


14. Both the changes of Ti content and morphology of TiO2 had two kinds of features with temperature increasing.


15. In basic properties of silver grass, the basic biology construction, fiber morphology, buffering capacity, surface wet ability and longitudinal tensile strength was mainly studied; in manufacturing process of SPB, the effect of board density and UF addition on physical and mechanical properties of SPB was mainly discussed, and By means of test of orthogonal experimental design and searching test, the relationship between moisture content, hot-pressing temperature, water-proofing agent addition and the TS of SPB was studied in detail. Through the study of the test production process of SPB, the best technological conditions were determined.


16. The morphology and structure of the products were characterized by fourier transfor infrared spectrometer, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope.


17. This work studied the fluxless reflow soldering of eutectic solder ball on copper pad utilizing pulse YAG laser. The effects of soldering conditions including laser power density, pulse width (i. e., the irradiation time) and reflow times on the morphology, microstructure and shear strength of solder joint were investigated.


18. Two lines, 181 and 197, were selected to investigate the root morphology further. It was found that both the lateral and axile roots of 197 decreased drastically with P stress, while those of 181 were not.


19. The results indicated that in the FNAC smears of mediastinal tumor, neutropilic myelocyte, neutropilic metamyelocyte, neutropilic stab granulocyte and neutropilic segmented granulocyte were observed in granulocytic series; early normoblast, polychromatic normoblast and orthochromatic normoblast were observed in erythrocytic series; and granular megakaryocyte, thromocytogenic megakaryocyte, scattered platelet and matured lymphocyte also were observed. Cell morphology and distribution in different stages were are similar to that in bone marrow smear, and these cells belong to the extra-medullary hemopoietic tissue.


20. The crystalline structure and morphology were studied by XRD and SEM, respectively.


morphology 词典解释

1. 形态学;词法

The morphology of something is its form and structure. In linguistics, morphology refers to the way words are constructed with stems, prefixes, and suffixes.

morphology 单语例句morphology

1. My research on low carbon urban planning is mainly from an urban morphology.

morphology 英英释义


1. the branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and plants

2. the branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms

Synonym: geomorphology

3. the admissible arrangement of sounds in words

Synonym: sound structuresyllable structureword structure

4. studies of the rules for forming admissible words