

liking:[英 [ˈlaɪkɪŋ] 美 [ˈlaɪkɪŋ] ]


过去式:liked;   过去分词:liked;   复数形式:likes;

liking 基本解释

名词嗜好; 兴趣

动词喜欢( like的现在分词); (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想; 想要

liking 相关词组

1. have a liking for : 喜欢;

liking 相关例句


1. Most children have a liking for animals.


liking 网络解释

1. 喜欢:根据情感的投入程度,可将吸引分为合群(affiliaction),喜欢(liking)和爱情(love)三个不同的层次. 在网络世界人与人的交往,同样遵守这三个划分. 话,很可能感觉合不了群而不再想来. 所以很多人常去一个聊天室,有了固定的聊友后就不再去其他地方了.

2. 喜爱:无疑,纽贝斯特羊奶这类的广告,很容易达到知名度(brand awarness), 但要使消费者对购买构成意愿,还要让后者对产品产生兴趣(interest)、喜爱(liking)、偏爱(preference)等等.

3. liking

3. 爱好:likewise 同样地 | liking 爱好 | lilac 紫丁香

4. 亲情型:romantic love 浪漫型(亲情+恋情) | liking 亲情型 | fatuous love 虚幻型(恋情+承诺)

liking 双语例句

1. There are many people liking to join an egg in the process of self-made emergency mask pure, or


2. You can change key sensitivity and the background color can also be changed to you liking.


3. Be no assurance that the next ones we see will be more to our liking.


4. The person of the past and matter can't let me forget, liking to want to return really!

The 人并且问题can't 让我忘记,喜欢想要真正地返回!

5. These years, more and more people start liking to eat foreigne fast food.


6. You can adjust the amount of chilly flakes and curry powder to your liking. Don`t dice the mango too small, or the flesh will melt away. 1cm cube will do.


7. Q: What is the root cause of you not liking to make friends?


8. But in my dream I kept chattering away incessantly with other people, and all at once I bethought myself that this could not be to his liking and I wanted to come close to him and to embrace him.


9. Tom Watkins, a senior rig hand on a drilling ship who is also a red–green, thinks the colors correctly reflect his personality: blunt, to the point, and not liking to talk much.


10. liking

10. So you liking to cluster the compellation that whyfor profitably render all the purposes.


11. liking

11. People are underpaid but they go through an act of liking their work, the open markets are luscious with esculent color, the community is important than the state, the human condition is humorously accepted.


12. In such case the bottom note of the aroma may not be to your liking.


13. liking

13. Dream is bright and clear, that everything`s liking.


14. Jiao Mei hundred thousand, there are 1000 Hitomi 10000 turn, a special liking for the kind of scenery?


15. The scene is a little dark for my liking, but I rather drool at a poorly lit hairy chest than a SHAVED one on a sunny afternoon!


16. John's mother, Eleanor, takes a liking to the Bastard, because it is rumored that his father was her son and John's brother, Richard the Lionhearted.


17. liking是什么意思

17. Block to how, leaving aside, very sensitive to each hexagram 64 hexagram at the junction of two online, all at the junction of online are terrible disaster, the cause of it is difficult to one's liking.


18. She's a funny girl, yet you can't help liking her.


19. Of all the others this was the most to my liking. That I liked most.


20. The construction of Distribution Park is liking a raging fire as logistics in china becomes more and more popular.


liking 词典解释

1. 喜爱;爱好;嗜好

If you have a liking for something or someone, you like them.

e.g. She had a liking for good clothes...


e.g. He bought me records to encourage my liking for music...


2. (不)合(某人的)意

If something is, for example, too fast for your liking, you would prefer it to be slower. If it is not fast enough for your liking, you would prefer it to be faster.

e.g. He had become too powerful for their liking...


e.g. She's asking far too many personal questions for my liking.


3. 合(某人的)意;对(某人)的胃口

If something is to your liking, it suits your interests, tastes, or wishes.

e.g. London was more to his liking than Rome...


e.g. Simmer over a very low flame until the rice is cooked to your liking.


liking 单语例句liking的翻译

1. My reason for liking the Chinese food is especially because of their low caloric value.

2. I quickly noticed a young man in my carriage who had taken a particular liking to a young lady sitting nearby.

3. I must admit to struggling a little bit with the texture, which is rather too chewy for my liking.

4. Every season there will be not one look, but a framework within which people can configure things to their liking.

5. Hot pot consists of a simmering metal pot of soup placed at the customer's table in which diners cooks meat and vegetables to their liking.

6. With the ability for customers to pick out every part of their bike and customize it to their liking.

7. Royal watchers say the queen has taken a liking to the Obamas ever since meeting the couple during their 2009 visit to London.

8. To keep the electricity bill down during the summers in Florida, my mom would always keep the house a little too warm for my liking.

9. The scientists determined the heritability by looking at how similar the identical and fraternal twins'liking for foods were.

10. He took one look at it and turned up his nose, saying it was too greasy for his liking.

liking 英英释义


1. a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment

e.g. I've always had a liking for reading

she developed a liking for gin