

host:[英 [həʊst] 美 [hoʊst] ]


过去式:hosted;   过去分词:hosted;   现在分词:hosting;   复数形式:hosts;

host 基本解释

名词[计算机]主机; 主人,东道主; 节目主持人; 酒店业主

及物动词当主人; 主办宴会,主持节目; 款待,做东


host 同义词




host 反义词



host 相关词组


1. play host to : 招待;

host 相关例句


1. We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.


2. It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis tournament.



1. Mr Brown was our host at the party.


2. A whole host of difficulties has / have arisen.


3. Yesterday we were hosts to a few friends.


host 网络解释

1. 主计算机:1.主计算机 主计算机(Host)简称主机,是计算机网络中承担数据处理的计算机系统,可以是单机系统,也可以是多机系统. 主计算机应具有完成批处理(实时或交互分时)能力..

2. host:low hypo-osmotic swelling test; 低渗膨胀试验

3. host:hypotonic swelling treatment; 低渗膨胀

host 双语例句

1. Although the term potluck suggests a random assortment of dishes, it s likely to turn out better when the host does some kind organization by discussing with and assigning your guests a specific course or beverage to bring along.

尽管 potluck 一词含有随意携带食物之意,倘若主人与客人商议并分配下各自应带食品或饮料,效果可能会好得多,不然就有可能出现客人都只带餐后甜点的情况

2. The controller 218 communicates with the host in order to receive commands and data from the host, and provide data and status information to the host.


3. host

3. I've read a novel, in which the host tell about the bluebeard. today I dawn on it.


4. The mycelia of the ectotrophic types can be cultured in absence of the host, and inoculants are commercially available for use on container-grown pine seedlings for the North American and Australian forestry industries.


5. host

5. First, click Browse and select the image on your computer that you would like to host with us.



6. Valet processing can also be polished, brushed, sprayed Oil, such as aluminum, stainless steel (lighting, cell phone case, digital camera case, the host shell, bathroom hanging) and other metal products, wire drawing spray varnished surface polishing treatment, and has advanced automatic


7. The challenge for bar interior designer Matsunaka was to create a look for the luxurious third floor lounge that complemented the host building.


8. And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and discomfited all the host.

8:12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑。基甸追赶他们、捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿、惊散全军。

9. host的解释

9. And when Zebah and Zalmua fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmua, and discomfited all the host.

8:12 西巴和撒慕拿逃跑。基甸追赶他们,捉住米甸的二王西巴和撒慕拿,惊散全军。

10. And when Zebah and Zalmunna fled, he pursued after them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and humiliated all the host.


11. The artificial imitates the process of the enzyme is to regards certain organism numerator as the live center of its enzyme to imitate to suffer, the modifier produces the live catalyst group regiment with the tiny environment in special space, and we study its host and guest for identifying matching with function, further quested a process for biological phenomenon.



12. Beijing, you are the host of the present and the gateway of the future.


13. host在线翻译

13. Beijing, you are a host to the present and a gateway to the future.



14. With a co-host arrangement with South Korea for the 2002 World Cup. Soccer interest has reached fever pitch in Japan.


15. host的翻译

15. With a co-host arrangement with south korea for the 2002 world cupsoccer interest has reachead fever pitch in japan.


16. The male host of the farm is Professor Yang Songheng of 70 years old, goodwife is Ning Shuyun of 71 years old, they are born in the farmer family of county of Hunan Shao Dong.


17. On-site host for the issues raised by the Chinese network, Zhang Mei-zhi, deputy editor-in-chief said: to attract Internet users, the site is the work of all the starting point and destination point.


18. Absrtact: It does not doubt that Chinese women's volleyball establishes as champion - defended the title and the host of Beijing Olympic G ames to capture the g oal of champion again, the tactical analysis for major competitor prepares for war in a very important work.

摘 要:中国女排作为北京奥运会的东道主和卫冕冠军,确立再次夺取冠军的目标是毋庸置疑的,对于主要对手的战术分析是备战中一项非常重要的工作。

19. One way to increase the heterologous production is to increase the pool of precursors in the host.


20. The host could be the target machine itself, if it is directly connected to the net, or it might be a terminal server which in turn has a serial line to the target.


host 词典解释

1. (举办聚会等的)主人,东道主

The host at a party is the person who has invited the guests and provides the food, drink, or entertainment.

e.g. Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person there...


e.g. Tommy Sopwith was always the perfect host.


2. 作为主人组织,做东举办(聚会等)

If someone hosts a party, dinner, or other function, they have invited the guests and provide the food, drink, or entertainment.


e.g. Tonight she hosts a ball for 300 guests.


e.g. ...a banquet hosted by the president of Kazakhstan.


3. (某项活动的)主办国(或城市、机构)

A country, city, or organization that is the host of an event provides the facilities for that event to take place.


e.g. Barcelona was chosen to be host of the 1992 Olympic games.


e.g. ...a preliminary qualifying tournament in Andorra involving the host country.


4. (国家、城市或机构)主办(活动)

If a country, city, or organization hosts an event, they provide the facilities for the event to take place.


e.g. Cannes hosts the annual film festival.


5. 主办(活动);接待(贵客)

If a person or country plays host to an event or an important visitor, they host the event or the visit.

e.g. In 1987 Canada played host to the Commonwealth Conference...


e.g. The Prime Minister played host to French Premier Jacques Chirac.


6. (广播、电视的)节目主持人

The host of a radio or television show is the person who introduces it and talks to the people who appear in it.

e.g. I am host of a live radio programme.


7. 主持(广播、电视节目)

The person who hosts a radio or television show introduces it and talks to the people who appear in it.

e.g. She also hosts a show on St Petersburg Radio.


8. 大量;许多

A host of things is a lot of them.

e.g. A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel...


e.g. Today we have radios, TVs, and a whole host of gadgets powered by electricity.


9. (生物的)生长地,栖息地

If an area is host to living things, those creatures live and feed in that area.

e.g. Uganda's beautiful highlands are host to a wide range of wildlife.


10. (计算机)主机

A host or a host computer is the main computer in a network of computers, which controls the most important files and programs.


11. (寄生物的)寄主,宿主

The host of a parasite is the plant or animal which it lives on or inside and from which it gets its food.

e.g. When the eggs hatch the larvae eat the living flesh of the host animal.


12. 圣体(基督教圣餐礼等宗教仪式中代表耶稣躯体的面饼)

The Host is the bread which is used to represent the body of Christ in Christian church services such as Holy Communion.

host 单语例句host的反义词

1. The TV host and businesswoman known as China's Oprah Winfrey has been a notable charity figure ever since.

2. The Riviera resort is bustling as final preparations are made to host the global invasion of stars and celluloid opening 16 May 2007.

3. The Obamas were joined by a host of Olympic athletes and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

4. Being " honorable guests " from China, we were of course more than well received by our host.

5. It was a symbol of closeness and a gesture of friendship demonstrated by the host.

6. Putting a camping mattress on the floor of the living room is something a good host wants to avoid.

7. It can take years between the first bid to host an Expo and final confirmation.

8. Koi Japanese Restaurant prepares a candlelight set dinner, while the Habana Club plays host to their own live band.

9. It is the only venue in the country qualified to host world canoeing competitions.

10. He saw it as the pioneer city of the opening up and reform, and was certain it will be a capable host of the 2010 Asian Games.

host 英英释义


1. an animal or plant that nourishes and supports a parasite

it does not benefit and is often harmed by the association

2. (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network

Synonym: server

3. a vast multitude

Synonym: hordelegion

4. archaic terms for army

Synonym: legion

5. any organization that provides resources and facilities for a function or event

e.g. Atlanta was chosen to be host for the Olympic Games

6. the owner or manager of an inn

Synonym: innkeeperboniface

7. a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there

8. (medicine) recipient of transplanted tissue or organ from a donor

9. a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)

Synonym: master of ceremoniesemcee



1. be the host of or for

e.g. We hosted 4 couples last night