

greenhouse:[英 [ˈgri:nhaʊs] 美 [ˈɡrinˌhaʊs] ]



greenhouse 基本解释

名词温室,花房; [军]周围有玻璃的座舱,轰炸员舱

greenhouse 相关例句


1. Behind the house is a greenhouse.


greenhouse 网络解释


1. 绿屋:为响应消费者对高速大容量储存卡的需求,绿屋(greenhouse)计划在9月中旬发布一系列传输速度高达65MB/秒的大容量CF卡,具体如下:

2. 花房:晚餐在新开的花房(GreenHouse)狂吃啊,可惜肚子被飞机餐占了不少,可惜可惜,决心接下来几天留够肚子~

3. 温室大棚:温室大棚(greenhouse) 又称暖房. 能透光、保温(或加温),用来栽培植物的设施. 在不适宜植物生长的季节,能提供生育期和增加产量,多用于低温季节喜温蔬菜、花卉、林木等植物栽培或育苗等. 温室的种类多,依不同的屋架材料、采光材料、外形及加温条件等又可分为很多种类,

greenhouse 双语例句

1. greenhouse什么意思

1. A field study with greenhouse celery Apium graveolens L.


2. EACH and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our...



3. This experiment optimized the heat-insulating property ofgreenhouse partial structure, designed the new greenhouse on a basis of Dongnong series and incombination with optimizing result, in addition, did productbility research about the newgreenhouse in the practice manufacture.


4. With all due respect to Al Gore and his Antarctic ice core samples, I think Game 1 of this year's NBA Finals disproved his theory about the dangers of greenhouse gases and their effect on the world's climate.


5. Table 1 Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in China, 1994

t(表1)。表1 1994年中国温室气体排放清单

6. This paper dealt with the effect of continuous cropping year on physiological characteristics of cucumber in sunlight greenhouse.



7. Range of application: Polycarbonate is able to be used in decorations of roof, clapboard and panel wall, greenhouse, telephone booth, advertising board, lamp house, etc


8. During the year 6000 new solar energy greenhouse tung, tung animal use Nuanpeng 2000, 5690 Block, a methane-generating pit.


9. greenhouse在线翻译

9. Mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum hypocotyls were cultivated in sand and treated with 10‰seawater for 90 days in a greenhouse.


10. Cupola furnaces account for 70% of cast iron production and generate significant greenhouse gas emissions.

冲天炉占70 %的铸铁生产,并产生显著的温室气体排放。

11. greenhouse在线翻译

11. Take sulphur hexafluoride, a greenhouse gas used—among other things—as an insulator in some sorts of high-voltage equipment.


12. Greenhouse Gas or GHG means any of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride, and any other substance recognised as a greenhouse gas under the International Rules.


13. greenhouse什么意思

13. It is a mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol leading to cooperation between the developed and developing countries in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.


14. The sword was lack of being in the greenhouse, for it must fight.


15. Our emissions trading concept has become the centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, eight of the world's la rgest corporations have joined with Environmental Defense in making commitmen ts to reduce their own emissions of greenhouse gases. We also persuaded McDon ald's to replace bulky foam-plastic hamburger boxes, helped curb antibiotic u se in animals for food production, and helped FedEx develop a delivery truck that is 50% more fuel-efficient.

Environmental Defense提出的排污权交易概念成为《京都议定书》的核心思想;世界最大企业中的8个与Environmental D efense合作,自愿削减他们的温室气体排放;Environmental Defense 成功地说服了麦当劳停止使用泡沫塑料汉堡包盒子;减少动物食品中抗生素的使用;以及帮助联邦快递公司引入燃料利用率提高了50%以上的新型递送卡车。

16. Agriculture is one of the important greenhouse gas emission sources.


17. This is the new major contributor to greenhouse gas.


18. The most recent X Prize aims to develop a car that can make a real dent in automotive greenhouse-gas emissions.


19. Our emphasis on meat not only leads to heart attack, stroke, and cancer but also reduces our food production (16 pounds of grain are needed to make one pound of beef) and adds to global warming (due to clearing woods to make pasture and to raise animal feed and also due to the animals'production of methane, a greenhouse gas).

我们的重点放在肉不仅导致心脏病,中风和癌症,但还降低了我们的粮食生产( 16公斤粮食需要,使一磅牛肉),并增加了对全球变暖(由于清理树林,使草场并且提高动物性饲料,也由于动物生产的甲烷,温室气体)。

20. It is estimated that the livestock sector alone accounts for 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, while deforestation is responsible for 18 percent of carbon dioxide emissions.


greenhouse 词典解释

1. 温室;暖房

A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather.


2. 温室效应的;引起温室效应的

Greenhouse means relating to or causing the greenhouse effect.


greenhouse 单语例句greenhouse

1. Transport by plane forms 177 times more greenhouse gases than shipping does.

2. Bush whose administration has declined to take coordinated action with other nations to limit greenhouse gases.

3. Trucks lined up near Yin's greenhouse early Monday, waiting to carry the cabbage to faraway cities for sale.

4. With detailed explanations of the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, the guidelines help managers of buildings understand how to quantify gas emissions.

5. The slogan refers to a Green Peace campaign for more drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong.

6. With economic development and improvement in people's living standards, it will take active measures to control greenhouse gas emissions.

7. US President Barack Obama is pushing Congress to develop a system that would cap carbon emissions and have companies purchase permits to release greenhouse gases.

8. Energy overuse and excessive discharge of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are both main causes of global warming.

9. There is currently no regulatory mechanism on greenhouse gases from the shipping industry, which experts suggest accounts for 3 percent of the world's total carbon dioxide emissions.

10. The United States has not joined the Kyoto Protocol, saying its requirements to cap the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide would hurt the US economy.

greenhouse的近义词greenhouse 英英释义


1. a building with glass walls and roof

for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions

Synonym: nurseryglasshouse


1. of or relating to or caused by the greenhouse effect

e.g. greenhouse gases