

extremist:[英 [ɪkˈstri:mɪst] 美 [ɪkˈstrimɪst] ]



extremist 基本解释




extremist 相关例句


1. The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists.


extremist 网络解释

1. extremist的翻译

1. 极端主义者:7.cruel 残忍的 | 8.extremist 极端主义者 | 9.medical research 医学研究

2. extremist的解释

2. 过激分子,极端主义分子:10. motivate 作为......的动机,激发 | 11. extremist 过激分子,极端主义分子 | 12. sprout 萌发迅速发展

3. 过激分子:decisive 决定性的 | extremist 过激分子 | ideology 思维方式

extremist 双语例句

1. extremist

1. Because of this, you may be seen as an extremist who is sometimes the zealot in expressing likes and dislikes.


2. The issue for CEE leaders may not be the size of the extremist vote.


3. It is unlikely that such an extremist organization will remain quiescent for long.


4. In this June 2003 photo provided by Matthew Bogdanos, U. S. Marine Reserve Col. Bogdanos holds part of the 5, 000-year-old sacred Vase of Warka, one of the most valuable artifacts of the Iraqi National Museum that was stolen during looting and later returned. Speaking Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at a UNESCO-organized international conference on returning antiquities to their country of origin, Bogdanos said that Iraqi extremist groups are now tapping into vast antiquity smuggling networks to help finance their attacks.

在这张Matthew Bogdanos提供的2003年6月的照片中,美国海军陆战队军需官Bogdanos中校拿着具有5000年历史的神圣的 Warka花瓶的一部分,这个花瓶是伊拉克国家博物馆最有价值的史前文物,在战乱的时候被劫掠后来又被归还。3月19日在联合国教科文组织兴办的关于将文物归还给它们祖国的国际会议上,Bogdanos说伊拉克极端主义者现在极力发展大量走私古物的网络,以为自己的攻击提供经费来源。

5. When the private military company Blackwater USA, a firm tied to the Bush family through marriage and to right-wing extremist and racist groups through politics and money, established its headquarters in Moyock, North Carolina in an former military reservation in the Great Dismal Swamp, just south of the Virginia border, practically no one noticed.

当私营军事公司美国黑水,坚定绑在布什家族通过婚姻和右翼极端主义和种族主义团体,通过政治和金钱,成立了总部设在moyock ,北卡罗莱纳州,在一前军事保留在伟大的令人沮丧的沼泽,只是南方的维吉尼亚州的边界,几乎没有人注意到。

6. India`s Home Minister L K Advani, a hardline Hindu extremist, has gone one step further.

印度的内务部长L K Advani,一个强硬的印度极端主义分子,步子迈得更远。

7. This is a classic case of a corrupt prosecution, and a judge who apparently chooses to look the other way. It`s no surprise at a time two-thirds of all federal judges are from or affiliated with the extremist Federalist Society.


8. Ultimate freedom, an extremist, an aesthetic voyager, whose home is the road.


9. extremist

9. Contrary to what you thought, I hold no brief for any extremist organization.


10. But his intrepid journeys into the urban tumult of Karachi, the inner sanctums of extremist mosques and the tribal areas make up for his comparatively short stay.


11. We must hope governments thwart the efforts of extremist jihadis to continue to make the news.


12. Despite the rather flimsy evidence pointing to Pakistan's involvement, Islamabad is expected to come under extremely heavy Indian and interna-tional pressure once again to get tough with the extremist organiza-tions that still operate rather openly inside the country.


13. extremist什么意思

13. US military says fighting started when soldiers raided the area looking for an extremist suspected of running torture cells.


14. extremist

14. He destoryed xian-xian's disgust for the smell of classiness, however the extremist thought was then immediately entrenched and unwilling to crawl out.



15. Those areas had been the most fertile and accessible places for AQI, which is composed of extremist Sunnis, to attack Shiite civilians, security forces and government officials.


16. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a young Hindu extremist while walking to his prayer meeting in the lawn of Birla House, New Delhi, yesterday.


17. Prime Minister Maliki is Shi'ite. But he has taken action against religious extremist military groups.


18. It's wrong to bracket him with the extremist s in his party his views are very moderate.


19. extremist的意思

19. Politically motivated sabotage is on the increase; political extremist groups have sprouted on every continent.


20. extremist什么意思

20. Most have joined the Islamic extremist militia called al Shabaab, which in Somalia's latest chapter of misery is locked in a ferocious power struggle with the Transitional Federal Government, a shaky alliance backed by the United Nations.


extremist 词典解释

1. 极端分子;极端主义者

If you describe someone as an extremist, you disapprove of them because they try to bring about political change by using violent or extreme methods.

e.g. The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists...


e.g. A previously unknown extremist group has said it carried out Friday's bomb attack.


2. 极端主义的;过激的

If you say that someone has extremist views, you disapprove of them because they believe in bringing about change by using violent or extreme methods.


extremist 单语例句

1. It said one extremist was arrested and a cache of weapons, explosives and money was found.

2. Local media reported that the gunmen were of the Boko Haram extremist group, which claimed responsibility for the recent Christmas Day attacks that killed more than 40 people.

3. Sources said that the slain men belonged to the Shia Muslim community, who had been came under attacks by banned extremist groups in Balochistan province.

4. The detainees are accused of using the Facebook and YouTube Web sites to try to connect with extremist groups in Pakistan.

5. The most reliable studies and surveys prove again and again that there is no correlation between devoutness of practice and extremist views in Muslim societies.

6. Prisoners at the Cuban base include those captured in Afghanistan and Iraq and suspected of association with or membership in extremist organizations.

7. A nighttime curfew also was in place, apparently to block extremist groups that plant roadside bombs under cover of darkness.

8. The exercises served as a deterrent to the terrorist, separatist and extremist elements and helped safeguard regional peace and stability.

9. The very next ad calls Obama an extremist on abortion who supports leaving babies " out to die ".

10. It is also possible that extremist movements would start to drive other ethnic groups out of Tibet.

extremist 英英释义



1. a person who holds extreme views


1. (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm

e.g. extremist political views

radical opinions on education

an ultra conservative

Synonym: radicalultra