

underlying:[英 [ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ] 美 [ˌʌndərˈlaɪɪŋ] ]


过去式:underlay;   过去分词:underlain;

underlying 基本解释

形容词潜在的,含蓄的; 基础的; 表面下的,下层的; [法]优先的

动词优先于(underlie的ing形式); 构成…的基础(或起因),引起

underlying 相关例句


1. underlying

1. The story has an underlying theme.


2. The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown.


underlying 网络解释

1. underlying的近义词

1. 基础:比如,通过使用更客观的人员和(或)通过对基础(underlying)控制的定期直接测试增大证实的程度,管理层可以增加通过持续监督活动获取的证据. 管理层还可以通过调整直接测试涵盖的期间来改变所获取的证据. 如果财务报告内部控制风险评估为高,


2. 基本的:Black-Scholes公式的基本思想在于:派生证券的价格和股票的价格都受同一种基本的(Underlying)不确定因素的影响,二者遵循相同的维纳过程. 如果建立一个包含恰当的派生证券头寸和股票头寸的证券组合,可以消除维纳过程,股票头寸与派生证券

3. 标的:若买方在未来有权以合约规定的价格从卖方处买入标的(Underlying)资产,则该期权被称为看涨(Call)期权. 若买方在未来有权以合约规定的价格向卖方卖出标的资产,则该期权被称为看跌(Put)期权. 若买方只能在期权到期日当天行使权力,

underlying 双语例句

1. Survey of principles underlying the structure and function of the nervous system, integrating molecular, cellular, and systems approaches.


2. This process has been one of the key factors underlying the remarkable safety record of commercial air travel.


3. underlying的解释

3. To injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of without breaking the skin, as by a blow.


4. underlying的解释

4. But the business of science is to discover the underlying causes of things.



5. This is higher than long-term housing prices in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and other cities of the underlying causes.


6. underlying的近义词

6. My book is the only one to deal with the underlying causes of disease, which also underlie obesity.


7. This seems to be the beginning of 2001, the index of the collapse of the real underlying causes.


8. If we can understand the underlying causes of what is happening then we can turn this information into forecasts.


9. Similarly, new OBDs can easily be added to the pool of underlying storage associated with any OST.

同样的,OBD 可以方便的添加到任何 OST 相关的潜在的存储的缓冲池。

10. The four day long SACOSAN III has been mainly focused on topics such as sanitation and sustainability, sanitation and community and ecological sanitation while also highlighting the underlying theme of sanitation for dignity and health.


11. The underlying problem is that workless households get caught in the benefits trap.


12. underlying

12. So, its very important in zootechny to elucidate the function of factors secretion by adipose tissue, and molecular mechanism underlying these roles in control of fat accumulation and meat quality improved.


13. Emphasizes the neural mechanisms underlying different aspects of movement and movement planning.


14. You can compensate for these subtle changes in the underlying dynamics of market movement and still maintain a consistent approach by trading in sample sizes.


15. The clearest is the stock cycle which first magnifies and then damps the underlying output movement.


16. Kane and his colleagues recently discovered that the mobility of DNA molecules is closely coupled to the movement of the underlying lipid bilayer.


17. underlying

17. Finally, this thesis expounds these characteristics and explores the underlying reasons for the emergence of these characteristics, and proposes some feasible suggestions to standardize the loanword use, which will contribute to the healthy development of Chinese language.


18. Dr. Spritz postulates that NALP1 could be involved in initiating the inflammatory response and/or cell apoptosis following exposure to some environmental trigger, and research is under way to elucidate the underlying cellular mechanisms.


19. I know it is an attack within christendom, but if you feature Bahaism, at least show that the goal of Masonry has always been the unity of the world, under the enlightened brotherhood of man in the restored word that was lost at the fall, the supposedly underlying principles of all religion.


20. For the first year (1997), a pilot study was undertaken by inputting the repertoires in the currently available nanguan songbooks and manuscripts into searchable database in order to sort out the problems underlying this system.


underlying 词典解释

1. 潜在的;隐藏的;深层的;根本的

The underlying features of an object, event, or situation are not obvious, and it may be difficult to discover or reveal them.

e.g. To stop a problem you have to understand its underlying causes...


e.g. I think that the underlying problem is education, unemployment and bad housing.


2. 表面下的;下层的

You describe something as underlying when it is below the surface of something else.


e.g. ...hills with the hard underlying rock poking through the turf...


e.g. Cars were covered with clear-coat finish at the factory to protect the underlying paint from fading.


underlying 单语例句

1. The underlying reason is largely decided by the nature of the economic crisis caused by overproduction.

2. If an investor is bullish about the underlying and wants to buy a call option, he needs to pay a premium up front.

3. The cash flows generated from the underlying assets are used to pay principal and interest on the securities as well as transaction expenses.

4. The buyers will receive future cash flows generated by the underlying assets.

5. The underlying profit prospects have not changed a bit, so many stocks are a good buy.

6. The underlying logic to putting a ceiling on the number of hours worked is the need for balance.

7. She layers her vocals with a loop machine, singing underlying motifs before adding the melody and then a harmony line.

8. He also noted that additional overseas sales help Geely's return on investment, underlying the importance of economies of scale in the auto industry.

9. Identifying their underlying root causes and then taking genuine collective efforts and practical steps to address them could guarantee success in offsetting these challenges.

10. Heads of the related departments would normally come away unscathed although poor management was often the underlying reason for specific accidents.

underlying 英英释义


1. in the nature of something though not readily apparent

e.g. shortcomings inherent in our approach

an underlying meaning

Synonym: implicit in(p)inherent

2. being or involving basic facts or principles

e.g. the fundamental laws of the universe

a fundamental incomatibility between them

these rudimentary truths

underlying principles

Synonym: fundamentalrudimentary

3. located beneath or below