

levee:[英 [ˈlevi] 美 [ˈlɛvi] ]


levee 基本解释

名词堤; 早朝; 总统或其它高级官员所举行的招待会; 专为某人举行的招待会


levee 相关例句


1. Reporters were often invited to levees.


levee 网络解释

1. 堤:天然堤(Levee): 位于平均高潮面之上30CM左右,发育纹层状球粒,常见鸟 Levee): Levee 眼构造.塘(Pond): 被天然堤包围,其内发育盐水和细粒沉积物. Pond): Pond 沙滩脊(Beach ridges): 沿天然堤外侧分布,沉积纹层状球粒和交错层理 Beach ridges): 沙屑.

2. 河堤:leisure complex 休憩活动综合大楼 | levee 河堤 | level 水平;水平线;层

3. 天然堤:leucoxene 白钛石 | levee 天然堤 | level 水准

4. 堤防:levee drain valve 防火堤排水阀 | levee 堤防 | leveed channel 堤成谷

levee 双语例句


1. The Iowa River broke through a levee yesterday completely flooding the town of Oakville and the surrounding farmland.


2. levee的意思

2. The technical research and practice of the construction of sea levee and platforms for the oil fields in the shoal area on the mouth of Liaohe River are briefly introduced.


3. Residents want the government to build levees, but when the levees are built, then a lot of farmers will start growing within the levees, so although building a levee is to protect what we have, it tempts people to farm or live here.


4. This town was built on muddy stilts By the lunatic parade It rains like Revelations Gonna wash these freaks away Some girls wanna hold your hand And some girls like to pray Well my girl takes her drinks With dust and rusty razor blades As I Live between these covers I wanna tell her that I have it When she chokes me in the Backseat of her riverboat'cause She's My Man And we got all the balls we need When you taste that pavement You're amazed She smells your sympathy So bye bye ladies May the best queen hold the crown For the most bush sold on the levee My my, how word gets around She strangles for a good time And she kills my self-control She's my man, don't be too sad sonny'Cause she'll never be your woman no more Someday soon, this dank lagoon's Gonna sink right into hell They'll hide you from Big Ida At the Sho'Enough Hotel The Ladies od the evening's just A tombstone in your bed Well my girl eats a wounded preacher'tween two loaves of bread I know she's up to something, But how can I run when she's just Keel-hauled twenty-one to nothing I'll stay next to the steel coal oven'cause All you need's just a fist of a tear-stained bunny When the good ship comes to town Who said love's a bitch'll sit next to me honey Because this old boat's gonna run aground I don't want to be the burden Or your jealous bastard I don't wanna be the Tarzan of your next epic disaster She's my man, can't you feel her comin'She's my man, she's gonna keep you runnin'She's my man, she's gonna teach you something She's my, She's my man

这个镇是建立在泥泞的高跷游行的疯子喜欢下雨的启示要去洗远离这些怪胎有些女孩想握住你的手有些女孩要祈祷以及我的女儿需要她的饮料灰尘和锈刀片我还活着这些涵盖我想告诉她,我这当她扼流圈我在后座她河船'事业她是我的男人我们看到所有的球,我们需要当您品尝的路面你会惊叹你的同情,她的气味因此,拜拜各位 5月举行的最佳女王王冠布什的大部分出售的堤防我的我,如何得到字左右她扼杀一个好时机她杀死我的自我控制她是我的人,不要太伤心了桑尼事业她永远是你的女人没有更多总有一天很快,这潮湿泻湖的要去沉右入地狱他们会隐藏您从大伊达在翔'够大酒店女子外径晚上的公正 CRT技术在你的床以及我的姑娘吃一个受伤的布道者'吐温两个面包我知道她的行动的东西,但我怎样才能运行时,她只是龙骨抓21落空我将在明年的钢煤微波炉事业所有你需要的只是一个拳头的泪染兔当良好的船舶来镇谁爱说是一个bitch'll坐在我旁边蜂蜜因为这个老船要去搁浅我不想成为负担或您的嫉妒私生子我不想成为泰山您下次史诗灾害她是我的男人,你不能认为她comin '她是我的人,她要去让你runnin '她是我的人,她要去教你的东西她是我的,她是我的男人

5. The primary loop creates a physical connection between the neighborhood and the bayou by extending over the levee and around Bayou Bienvenue.


6. Ayou Bienvenue, disconnected from the city by a secondary levee and train tracks, is a necropolis of cypress due to the intrusion of salt water flowing in from the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet.


7. In case of levee-breach, the flood may induce serious losses of lives and properties. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the routing characteristics of flood caused by levee breach.


8. levee

8. On the basis of verification and calculation, this paper conductedpredictive analyses on the water-flow erosion at the section between Shangpu Gate and the river mouth and on the possible critical levee section at the embankment.



9. Scoyenia ichnofacies widely occurs in flood plains and the transitional belts of rivers and lakes, Termitichnus ichnofacies owns features of continental environment, Rusophycus ichnofacies made its appearance in river channel and levee sub-environments of relative high energy, Arenicolites ichnofacies colonized on the surface of hummocky sandstones of storm deposits.


10. Dynamic planning of polder region levee and flood preventing buildings, statistics of planning work, the output of design results can be partially done automatically so as to meet to the requirements of polder region planning. The GIS technique is applied to this system for the first time.


11. levee什么意思

11. At present, the town has been equipped with 10 cubic meters of wood, woven 100, 000, sacks 20, 000, submersible pumps, 38 sets of wire 200 kg, 100 life jackets and set up a flood commandos, to achieve the levee was protecting, sluice pipe was the objective of laying a foundation for security flood season.


12. A makeshift levee failed in Winfield, Missouri allowing the Mississippi River to inundate the town.


13. The main projects completed in recent years are: residence areas including Yinshi Yayuan, Huanan Mingyu, Rongtai Heting, Xuriwan, Wuzhou Huacheng, Sanhao Mingyuan; Plant Lab Building and Dormitory Building of Guanglian Communications Company, Phase I and Phase II of Xu Relay, Jinding Primary School, Senior High School Branch of Doumen No.1 Middle School, Law Service Building, Reconstruction Project of S. Yingbin Road, Dongxing Road, Cuiqian Road, Bitumen Road Surface of Liandao Levee, and Phase Drainage Project of Baijiao Industrial Park; Southern Flood-draining dyke of Baijiao Industry Park, No.1 Bridge of Baijiao Road, Sanban Bridge of Xiaolin, Decoration Project of Shijing Hill Hotel, Decoration Project of Headquarter Building of Lizhu Company, Decoration Project of Comprehensive Building of Yide Plaza, No.1 Plant of Guanglian Communications Company, and Wanzai Duty-free Mall.


14. levee的意思

14. The developed 2D model was then applied to describe possible flooding events due to levee breach in Harbin city. The results show that the model can simulate the levee-breach flood well.


15. Rising waters breach a levee flooding a neighborhood just north of downtown Des Moines, Iowa.

不断涨高雨水冲破了爱荷华州 Des Moines 城区北部的一处堤坝。


16. The highest point and southern boundary is the natural levee of the Mississippi River.


17. This paper presents the mechanism of erosion scour around groynes of levee projects and a probability method of the reliability analysis for groyne erosion under random factors.



18. From serious to weak, the mirofacies are in turn distributary interchannel, levee, far bar distributary river course and debouch bar.


19. According to the variation of wind speed direction and levee overflow character of Hongze Lake at high water, the overflow probabilities of seven different direction of wing which threaten the levee at four high water level have been analyzed and computed.

同时 ,根据洪泽湖大堤在行洪期间风向变化和大堤漫溢的特点,分析计算了对大堤造成威胁的7种风向时大堤在 4种高水位下的漫溢概率。

20. levee的解释

20. Based on the comprehensive survey of the dangerous piping condition in Hongzehu Lake levee at 52K+315, Jiangsu Province, the detailed surveying work was done to find the water inlet of piping with the flow field fitting method and its corresponding instrument (DB-3 detector of the dam piping and leakage).

在综合考察江苏省洪泽湖大堤 5 2K +3 1 5附近管涌险情的基础上,用流场拟合法和相应的仪器(DB-3普及型堤坝管涌渗漏检测仪)对该管涌渗漏的入水口进行了较详细探测。

levee 单语例句

1. The society issued a report last year that blamed the levee failures on poor design and the Corps'use of incorrect engineering data.

2. EST about levee failures that would ultimately lead to massive flooding of the city and its surrounding parishes.

3. Garner counters that Lafayette and other insurers could have clarified policy language to specifically exclude water from levee breaches from coverage.

4. Cities and counties in the Rio Grande valley were preparing Tuesday night as officials feared heavy rains could cause massive flooding and levee breaks.

5. A levee in the southeast part of the state was on the verge of collapse, and officials scrambled to fortify it.

6. Officials later said the levee was expected to hold, despite water pouring through it at several points.

7. One suspected illegal immigrant was detained on the levee on the US side, the FBI said in a statement.

8. One community in southeast Louisiana was fearful their levee wouldn't hold.

9. But rain from Rita drenched parts of New Orleans on Saturday, straining an already fragile levee system that failed in places on Friday.

10. The damage included the flood control levee shifting 5 m from its original location and cracks in workshop walls.

leveelevee 英英释义


1. an embankment that is built in order to prevent a river from overflowing

2. a pier that provides a landing place on a river

3. a formal reception of visitors or guests (as at a royal court)