

nine:[英 [naɪn] 美 [naɪn] ]



nine 基本解释

数词九; 九个; 第九



nine 相关词组


1. nine tenths : 几乎全部;

2. nine times out of ten : 十之八九, 十有八九;

nine 情景对话



A:What is the correct time, please?



B:It’s exactly twelve minutes past seven.


A:When will the lecture begin?


B:It’ll begin at nine o’clock sharp.




A:What time is it, Tom?



B:Just a minute. It’s ten to nine by my watch.


A:Is it? I had no idea it was so late. I must be off now.



B:What’s the hurry?


A:I must catch the nine-thirty train.



C:May I help you?


A:Could I have a look at those pens?


C:Certainly. These are thirty yuan each and these are twenty-five.


A:Have you got anything a bit cheaper?



C:How about these? They are nine yuan each.


A:(after looking them over) No, they’re not quite what I want. Sorry to trouble you.


C:Not at all.


nine 网络解释


1. 華麗年代:不久前,一场精彩的电影首映会-(Nine)首映也在伦敦热闹举办,现场红毯更是「星」光熠熠,像是时尚大明星欧森姊妹(Mary-Kate and ...... 派瑞丝沦第5名 欧森姊妹身价约四十五亿元台币,

2. 九城关贸:RRF) 九城关贸(NINE) 侨兴移动(QXM) 新东方(EDU) 如家快捷(HMIN) 巨人网络(GA) 华视传媒(VISN) 易居中国(EJ) 航美传媒(AMCN) 中国铝业(ACH) 中海油(CEO) 玉柴国际(CYD) 广深铁路(GSH) 中移动(CHL) 中国人寿(LFC) 瑞立集团(SORL) 中国电信(CHA) 深圳迈瑞(MR) 中石化(SNP) 上石化(SHI) 兖州煤业(YZC) 东方航空(CEA) 富基旋风(


3. 九岁:在短篇小说(Nine)中,凯尔就以这种独特的方式描写了女孩苔丝的童年生活. 该作品的译者王紫苑,16岁留学美国,大学期间主修金融,辅修英国文学. 大学毕业后曾在纽约华尔街工作,业余时间专注于翻译以及写作工作. 现居香港.

nine 双语例句

1. The group included nine studies, consisting of 19569 patients between 65 and 82 years of age.


2. In this system, nine function modules such as safety management, supervision of law enforcement, etc.


3. The first nine commandments prohibited acts, and a criminal act can be followed by prosecution and legal process.



4. Nine pin bowling spread to the UK and America where it took off in a big way.


5. Fresh beans must be ground and tamped just so, before exposing.25 ounces'worth to one ounce of water at 194 degrees Fahrenheit and nine bars of pressure for 30 seconds -- in a clean machine, per favore!

鲜豆必须与地面夯实公正,所以才暴露了0.25盎司'值得一盎司的水在194华氏度和九个酒吧压力为30秒-在一个清洁机,每f avore !

6. nine

6. You remove the picture card and place it face-up on the palm of the audience hand. Then you remove the nine of clubs and place it facedown on top of the picture card.



7. Methods Nine male Huanan dogs were wounded by super high velocity aluminium bullet shot from an explosive gun with the energy of 15360, 12643 and 8144 J respectively, the degree of injury of local tissues and the pathological changes of main organs were observed.

采用雄性华南犬9只,通过某型爆炸枪分别以15 360、12 643和8 144 J能量的超高速破片致伤动物,观察动物局部伤情特点和全身主要脏器改变。

8. nine什么意思

8. Methods Nine Hunan male dogs were wounded by super high velocity aluminium bullet shot by the explosive gun with energies of 15360J, 12643J and 8144J respectively while other three dogs were wounded by steel ball with energy of 843J, then the injured degree of local tissues and the pathological changes of main organs were observed.

方法采用雄性华南犬12只,通过某型爆炸枪分别以15 360J、12 643J和8 144J能量的超高速弹丸致伤动物,并用常规武器以843J能量的钢珠作致伤对照,观察动物局部伤情特点和全身主要脏器改变。

9. A cat has nine lives.


10. I was nine when my father first sent me flowers.


11. In 221 BC, the Qin to the original nine counties.


12. Fight your way through bandits, discover nine native creatures, and help the few settlers on the planet in your search for a Vault rumored to contain a great prize - if it even exists!


13. Of the nine original studs used to establish the breed, six bloodlines are used solely for breeding at the Spanish Riding School and Lipizzaners of South Africa at Kyalami.

该九原钉用于建立品种,6血统是纯粹用于育种在西班牙骑术学校和lipizzaners ,南非在卡拉米赛道。

14. nine在线翻译

14. Possession of extraordinary power, feng xian word, the five original nine-gun (that is now north-west of Inner Mongolia Baotou City) people.


15. Assisted Shin-gang Elementary School in Changhua County to participate in Nine-Year Consecutive Curriculum -One Hundred Indictator to receive the excellence award of English teaching growing team.


16. 2007 Each year in the nine companies for a net cash flow positive.


17. nine的近义词

17. Step drum festival every seven years, nine years, thirteen years held only once, it had the honor to Qiandongnan Miao village to participate in the drum section of this step are not many tourists.


18. HSBC`s network in the Mainland has been further increased to comprise 12 branches – in Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou and Tianjin, Wuhan, and Xiamen, - nine sub-branches in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Tianjin.


19. Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus is a fungus belonging to the family Strobilomycetaceae. Nine compounds were isolated from the ethanol extract of the fresh fruit bodies of the fungus. They were 3β-hydroxy-8α, 9α-oxido-8, 9-secoergosta-7, 9 (11), 22-triene (tylopiol A, 1), 3β-hydroxy-8α, 9α-oxido-8, 9-secoergosta-7, 22-diene-12-one (tylopiol B, 2), ergosta-7, 22-diene-3β-ol (3), 3β-hydroxy-5α, 8α-epidioxyergosta-6, 22-diene (4), tylopilide (5), uridine (6), adenosine (7), allitol (8), stearic acid (9), in which compounds 1 and 2 are two new secoergosterols and compound 5 is a new alkaloid.



20. Besides this world is short a woman is poor wretch's Qi yards accounted for nine-tenths of a woman, so there are a part of the women could become nuns, monks and nuns are nuns also another Bacheng was short and ugly, indeed, the fact is speak louder than words The!


nine 词典解释

1. (数字)9

Nine is the number 9.

e.g. We still sighted nine yachts.


e.g. ...nine hundred pounds.

900 磅

2. 打扮得绝顶漂亮;着装非常优雅

If you say that someone is dressed up to the nines or dressed to the nines, you mean that they are wearing very smart or elegant clothes.

3. nine times out of ten -> see time

nine 单语例句

1. Indeed, its pharmacy business last year witnessed its most profitable year in nine years.

2. The Ministry of Education is busy playing down public expectations that the country will soon extend compulsory education from nine to 12 years.

3. Butler keyed the rally with nine points, and Sasha Vujacic had eight as Los Angeles cut into the Memphis lead.

4. It takes about nine hours by car to drive to Tengchong from Kunming.

5. There are some skills and abilities he has learned by chance, like counting floors from one to nine during his daily elevator rides.

6. By comparison there are nine cores on the sophisticated chips that power the Sony PlayStation 3 games console.

7. The recommendations by the Review Committee on the Regulation of Pharmaceutical Products in Hong Kong, comes after nine months of study.

8. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said yesterday the rating and outlook on Nine Dragons Paper are not affected by the company's tender offer.

9. It's close to nine by the time he steps into his apartment and begins to relax.

10. Beijing has been plagued by water shortages partly because of its geography, with nine years of consecutive drought starting in 1999.

nine的意思nine 英英释义



1. one of four playing cards in a deck with nine pips on the face

Synonym: nine-spot

2. a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together

e.g. each club played six home games with teams in its own division

Synonym: baseball clubball clubclub

3. the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one

Synonym: 9IXninerNina from Carolinaennead



1. denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten

Synonym: 9ix