




1.夏威夷海藻 Lipkoi-- 西番莲果 Limu-- 夏威夷海藻 Lomi lomi salmon-- 加西红柿片、威尔士洋葱片搅拌的辣味咸鲑鱼凉菜 ...

2.求间柴京花 iang 想 4-16 pmu 倾城 OK0kok 没心情 ...

4.希拉尔 ... sanbao200505 阿甩是谁 pmu_3 希拉尔 huxiyan2013 王1145137946 ...

5.利物浦约翰墨尔大学 Kingston University 金斯顿大学 LIMU 利物浦约翰墨尔大学 The University of Surrey 萨瑞大学 ...


1.Before two months, had its blocked Lowes to Mexican telecommunication magnate? Si Limu seeks capital to help.两个月之前,其已经向墨西哥电信大亨卡洛斯?斯利姆寻求资金帮助。

2.I'm sitting in the third row of a classroom at the Libyan International Medical University (LIMU) in Benghazi.此刻,我正坐在班加西的利比亚国际医疗大学的教室里。我坐在第三排的位置。

3.Yesterday, classic furniture brand yuan henry fizzles out 3 pieces finally Hua Limu mat has not left factory be bought.昨天,古典家具品牌元亨利最后3张黄花梨木凉席还未出厂就被人买走。

4.First developed in Oman(thus pmu Omani), dried pmes are essential ingredients in the cooking of Iran, Iraqand the Gulf States.首先在阿曼使用,干莱姆成了伊朗、伊拉克和墨西哥湾延岸各州一道必备的配料。

5.It is in Xin Jiang, near the Ta Limu Lake.这是在新疆塔里木,附近的湖。

6.Randa is dean of LIMU'S faculty of health sciences.Randa是利比亚国际医疗大学健康科学学院的院长。

7.Experience and Thoughts on Japanese Limu Agricultural Association and Economic Company日本枥木农协、经济连考察见闻与思考

8.Fractal Dimension Analysis of Gongcheng-Limu Fault Zone in Guangxi广西恭城-栗木断裂带的分形分析

9.Buddhism's Spread and Thriving in Ta-Limu Basin in Ancienpy古代塔里木盆地佛教的传播及盛兴