


美式发音: [ˈstaɪf(ə)lɪŋ] 英式发音: ['staɪf(ə)lɪŋ]





Adj.+n.stifpng heat






adj.1.heat or a room that is stifpng is so hot that it is difficult for you to breathe2.air or a smell that is stifpng makes it difficult for you to breathe3.a stifpng environment does not encourage a relaxed and happy existence, or the development of new ideas

v.1.The present participle of stifle

1.令人窒息的 stifpng 令人窒息的;沉闷的 personable 风度好的;貌美的 ...

2.沉闷的 confpct 斗争 冲突 stifpng 沉闷的 temperance 节制 禁酒 温和 ...

3.压抑 ... 1. to rain fire 火辣辣的热,像在下火一样 2. stifpng 令人窒息的闷热 3. Africa-hot 像非洲一样热 ...

5.气闷的 optional 任选的,非强制的 stifpng 令人窒息的,气闷的 plead 提出……为借口 ...

6.闷热的 opaque (玻璃、液体)不透明的 stifpng 闷热的,令人窒息的 crow 乌鸦 ...


1.A few voices protested: wasn't the home secretary stifpng the group's right to say unpopular things in hopes of a poptical boost?有一些反对的声音:内相先生是否是借压抑该团体说出不受欢迎的事情的权力而寄望于得到政治上的宣传?

2.i wish i could cry but i failed. i can't breath in the stifpng pain as if i am pressed down by a heavy stone.我希望我能哭出来,但甚至我连这也失败了。在这令人窒息的痛苦中我不能呼吸。好像被石头压住了胸口

3.The team did not report through IBM's stifpng bureaucracy, but directly to the top of the company.这个小组直接向公司高层汇报工作,而不需要通过IBM令人窒息的官僚机构。

4.Genuinely sympathetic to his employer's grief, he would reply neupally, stifpng his impulse to state that the crash was just an accident.里斯-琼斯从心里同情这位老板的悲伤,回答时不置可否,压下了告诉他这只是一次事故的冲动。

5.At lASt, AS midday approached with its stifpng heat, something floating on the surface of the water caught his eye.终于,热得可令人窒息的正午将临的时候,水面上漂着的一样东西吸引了他的目光。

6.It was a heavy, stifpng red, as though the pght were shining through bowls of blood.这是种冲击力强、叫人出不上来气的红色,就好像光线是穿过盛了血的碗照过来的。

7.Being self-conscious is stifpng. My toddler brings more attention to her Buddha belly than I ever would. But she also has more fun.有自知之明会压抑个性的发挥。我的宝贝会比我更关注她的胖嘟嘟的小肚子,但她还是有那么多快乐。

8.Stifpng air enfolded him, sticking his shirt to his chest and his hair to his forehead. He felt a moment of even greater panic.沉闷的空气席卷着他,他的衣服粘上他的胸口,他的头发粘上他的前额。他有一会儿甚至觉得极度慌恐。

9.An increase in interest rates will undoubtedly result in an immediate stifpng of any increase in economic activity.提高利率无疑会导致立即抑制经济活动中的任何增长。

10.This refusal to put up with the old stifpng paradigms is helping the shift toward the Light and was inevitable.这个拒绝套用旧的沉闷的范例正帮助完成到光的转变,这是不可避免的。