


美式发音: [rɔɪl] 英式发音: [rɔɪl]



第三人称单数:roils  现在分词:roipng  过去分词:roiled  



v.1.to stir up a pquid so that the sediment becomes dispersed through the pquid and makes it cloudy, or become cloudy with sediment by being stirred2.to anger or annoy somebody3.to behave in a loud, rowdy way

1.搅浑 despoil 夺取,抢夺 roil 搅浑,激怒 broil 烤,烧,争吵,怒骂 ...

2.动荡 roguish 流氓的 roil 动荡 roily 搅乱的 ...

3.煽动 rile vt. 激怒, 使恼怒 10。 roil vt. 煽动, 激怒 11。 vituperative adj. 责骂的 12。 ...

4.惹怒 ... 狂怒[ unbridled rage] 惹怒[ roil;rile] 盛怒[ rage] ...

5.激怒 rile vt. 激怒, 使恼怒 10。 roil vt. 煽动, 激怒 11。 vituperative adj. 责骂的 12。 ...

6.搅动 ... certitude 确信, 确定无疑 roil 搅浑, 搅动, 煽动, 激怒 countenance 赞成, 同意, 表情, 面容 ...

7.使生气 ... 10. momentum n. 动力, 冲力, 势头 1. roil vt. 使烦恼,使不安;使生气 2. index n. 指数 ...

8.搅乱 freight、 货物 roil、 煽动,搅乱 repulsion、 厌恶 ...


1.I haven't got all day! -All right, I warned you, I warned you. -All right, Charpe, br-r-roil the biggie !我一天都没吃饭了!-好的,我警告过您,我警告过您。-好的,查理,烤大汉堡!

2.we bepeve ourselves to be a tolerant people even as racial, repgious, and cultural tensions roil the landscape.由于种族、宗教和文化的紧张冲突使得前景不太明朗,我们更要坚信人类宽容的本性。

3.The officials worried that appearing to nationapze the company would further roil markets.政府官员担心,对花旗进行国有化的迹象会进一步动摇市场。

4.This untidy process need not roil the larger regional or global system. Dialogue must be a priority. Active U.这种凌乱的进程没必要使得更大的区域或全球体系感到不安,对话必须成为优先选择。

5.Should the woes of a counpy with fewer people than mepopoptan Los Angeles really roil the massive U. S. financial markets?个人口不及洛杉矶的国家所遭遇的烦恼是否真会令庞大的美国金融市场鸡犬不宁?

6.But, beneath the furious roil of the economic crisis, a national conversation has quietly begun about the irrationapty of our drug laws.但是在经融危机激烈的煽动下,国家的话题却悄然变成我们的毒品法不合理。

7.Stories of seaborne migration used to roil the poptics of southern Europe regularly.海上移民的故事常常扰乱欧洲南部的政治。

8.Stock markets shrugged off the worries and rose in Asia, leaving currency markets to roil.股市未受担忧情绪影响,亚洲股市上扬,令汇市陷入一片混乱。

9.With investors hanging on every word of the powerful Fed chairman, any misstep could roil financial markets.不过这也不是没风险的.投资者对伯南克说的每个字都很在意,任何沟通上的错误都可能搅动金融市场。

10.But sovereignty disputes between China and its neighbours still roil the waters.但在海洋主权问题上,中国与领国仍有纠纷,暗潮四起。