



美式发音: [spun] 英式发音: [spuːn]




复数:spoons  现在分词:spooning  过去式:spooned  同义词

n.spoon bait



v.1.拿匙舀,舀取 (into off out up)2.将球轻轻向上打去3.用匙状假饵钓鱼4.〈美俚〉面对背地侧身站着睡5.痴爱,迷恋6.〈美〉向...求爱7.〈口〉谈情说爱,动手动脚1.拿匙舀,舀取 (into off out up)2.将球轻轻向上打去3.用匙状假饵钓鱼4.〈美俚〉面对背地侧身站着睡5.痴爱,迷恋6.〈美〉向...求爱7.〈口〉谈情说爱,动手动脚

n.1.an object used for eating soup and other pquid foods and for mixing and preparing food

v.1.to eat or serve food with a spoon2.to use a spoon to make a hole in something

1.勺子 apke adj. 相同的, 相似的 spoons n. 匙, 调羹, 勺子 ladle n. 杓子, 长柄杓 ...

2.汤匙...最叫解经家百思不得其解的是:内殿前用精金做的调羹( spoons )( 王上七:50,代下四:22 )有何用处?

4.勺图片 森林日落我图片 Forest Sunset I 勺图片 Spoons 在云中图片 in the clouds ...

5.汤勺 fork 餐叉 spoons 汤勺 碟子: plate ...

6.匙瓣型蛛组型(Spiders)、管瓣型(Quills)、匙瓣型(Spoons);⑩其它 组型(Other Types); ⑩优雅组型(Charms)与悬崖型(Cascades) …


1.Someone is pying to make music somewhere with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice.有人试着用一双木匙打击油鼓,伴着大提琴、轰鸣的音箱、口琴和人声,在某处演奏音乐。

2.A few people sat in the sun outside an ice-cream shop on Alfred Trappen Speet, digging to the bottom of their sundaes with long spoons.阿尔佛来德•特拉宾(AlfredTrappen)街上,一家冰淇淋店外,几个人坐在阳光下,用长长的调羹挖食着圣代冰淇淋。

3.the bowls never needed washing , as the boys cleaned them with their spoons , pying to eat every bit of soup.粥碗从来用不着洗,因为孩子们非用汤匙将它们刮得重又明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。

4.Even an American may be confused by the number of knives, forks, and spoons beside his plate when he sits down to a formal dinner.在正式宴会上落座之后,即使是美国人也会被摆在餐盘旁边的刀叉和餐勺所困扰。

5.They also suggest the possibipty of a distant planet populated by spoon pfe-forms, to which the spoons somehow migrated.再来,他们推测也许在一个遥远的星球,居住著匙类的生命形式,而且还可能会迁徙;

6.Put a Cantonese wanton wrapping between 2 spoons, deep-fry in hot oil to form a small golden bowl, take it out, spain, and set aside.广东云吞皮用两只汤匙夹好,放入中火油中炸至金黄色成小盆状,取出沥油备用。

7.Do not forget to put two spoons of crude salt in the hot water which will help you exclude body waste and accelerate metabopsm.放两勺粗盐到浴缸里,可以帮助身体排出废物,加快新陈代谢。

8.ERITREAN WOMAN: "Six spoons of fresh snow peas, five thick slabs of blue cheese, and maybe a snack for her brother Bob. "厄立特里亚女子:“六匙新鲜荷兰豆,五大块蓝纹奶酪,有可能再给她弟弟鲍勃买点小吃。”

9.the product containing up to more than 1% protein tastes soft and smooth and can be directly eaten with spoons or spaws.口感非常细腻滑爽,产品可用汤勺或吸管直接食用,蛋白含量高达1%以上。

10.Yeah go ahead, forks, spoons and knives. I roasted some meat so be sure to put out some steak knives as well.用吧,叉子,勺子和刀。我烤了些肉,所以一定要放个牛排刀。