

specialty:[英 [ˈspeʃəlti] 美 [ˈspɛʃəlti] ]



specialty 基本解释

名词专业,专长; 特点,特别事项; 特性,特质; 盖印的契约

形容词特色的; 专门的; 独立的

specialty 相关例句


1. His speciality is biology, mine is physiology.


2. Her specialty is biochemistry.


3. Shell carvings are a specialty of the town.


4. Wood carving are a specialty of this village.


specialty 情景对话

Shopping Centers-(购物中心)

B:What sort of shopping is nearby, Mr. Taylor?



A:Call me John. This is a great area of the city for shopping. There’s a grocery store just around the corner.


B:What about things other than food?


A:Well, the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it, including four major department stores.


B:Are there small shops near here as well?


A:Yes, on 4th street, near the movie theater there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.


B:Well, that sounds just wonderful.


A:Yes, it’s a really nice neighborhood.



A:Good afternoon.



B:Im Tom, Zhang. We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.


A:Yes, sir. This way, please. Heres your table. Is this all right?


B:Yes, its nice, indeed. Thank you.


A:Im so glad you like it. What would you like? We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.


B:What would you like, Mike?



C:Ill try a chicken salad sandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.


A:How about you, Mr. Zhang?


B:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.


A:Anything else?


B:Whats your specialty today?


A:We have strawberries with cream today. I suggest you try them.


B:Good, I will.


specialty 网络解释

1. 专长:现任(Induct) 马偕纪念医院新竹分院小儿科主治医师学历(Diploma) 高雄医学大学医学系毕业经历(Background) 马偕纪念医院小儿肠胃科总医师专长(Specialty) 小儿胃肠消化道疾病,小儿肝胆系统疾病,婴幼儿营养问题,生长发育谘询,

2. 特长:l):广外艺校(全称 广州外语艺术职业学校) 特长(Specialty):乐器、表演、唱歌、运动 家庭成员(Family):父母、外公、外婆 嗜好(Hobby):听歌、唱歌、运动、shopping、表演 对自己的评价(Appraise):能歌善舞的人 座右铭(Motto):时间是一个贼,

3. 专业性:从特殊意义上说,中国国有企业治理结构中董事会的构建鉴于体制上和改革的现实背景,中国国有企业董事会在四个方面存在严重缺陷,即独立性(Independence),民主性(democracy),明晰性(Clarity)和专业性(Specialty).

specialty 双语例句

1. Specializes in the production of specialty construction materials, scientific research, development and sales of integrated companies.


2. Our production capabilities are therefore very versatile and we are able to cater for practically any specialty decorate needs that you have.


3. Finally, you can touch your specialty from his hometown, the event did not sell here homesick when you can eat out of.


4. Being responsible for operating organization design of sub-project in specialty.


5. At Lasso the structure of the field, SGP use of the unique construction of computer simulation technology, from the dedicated anchor and specialty construction equipment design and processing, to the entire construction program development and implementation of the completion of a number of sports facilities, convention centers, airports, stations large-span cable (including cable strand, parallel wire cable, wire rope and tensioned rod) in structural engineering.


6. Germ depends on, ability of child make a clear distinction between right and wrong is poor, lack controls oneself; Educational means is drab, learning environment is as dry as a chip and drab; Guide be short of break, grooming besides study and specialty still is these, and recreational activities of the other in the life little, and the recreational place spending of and so on of such as cinema is high, your child too far behind to catch up with, bring about the child to feel the life lacks colour very, produce repugn tired thereby, it is inimical behavior even.


7. specialty的翻译

7. Today, Zhibang has developed into a research and develop organization with specialty products, and established the perfect modern business sales mode.


8. specialty的反义词

8. At first I reflect the history of balance of payment and foreign exchange reserves, then analyze resource and specialty of accretion to Indian foreign exchange reserves from the angle of balance of payment, and comprehensively analyze the reason of increase of foreign exchange reserves. the third part is about what active influence the increase of foreign exchange reserves exert on foreign economic relation of India.


9. Sometimes, was together the knowledge importance with the human even to surmount to oneself knowledge specialty study.


10. Although I am specialty is science and engineering, but the cultural and historical context of most people and I compared to it.


11. I graduated from the ** In June 2007, and my specialty is **** in my undergraduate study.


12. Article 2 The primary candidates of high academic level overseas personnel shoaled abroad that this Municipality is to introduce are: senior engineers and technicians and senior operation and management personnel much needed for the field of high and new technology, pillar industries, major engineering, new industry and so forth; bellwethers in a certain world`s field of a certain discipline or technology; personnel possessing patent, invention or know-how of world`s leading level or being a gap science and technology of our country which is in urgent need of being filled; personnel necessary to the administrative departments and suitable to be advisers or to be engaged in consulting work; personnel having earned a doctor`s degree in the field of urgently wanting specialty.

第二条 本市引进海外高层次留学人员的重点对象是:高新技术、支柱产业、重大工程、新兴产业等领域所急需的高级工程技术人员和高级经营管理人员;在国际某一学科或技术领域内的带头人;拥有专利、发明或专有技术并属国际领先水平或填补国内急需填补的空白项目的人员;为行政管理部门所需,适宜担任顾问或从事咨询工作的人员;在紧缺专业领域取得博士学位的人员等。

13. I am a board... certified diagnostician with a double specialty of infectious disease and nephrology.


14. E-mail me or call me for more details about our product list as well as our specialty products.


15. specialty的翻译

15. Roast Suckling Pig is the most famous dish in our restaurant(the specialty of our restaurant).


16. In this paper, the principle and specialty of the spray dryer in ceramics mill were introduced, then its energy-saving method was also discussed briefly.


17. Introduce yourself and say what your specialty is and how many years of experience you have in your field.



18. These products not only won the praise of the domestic users, but also to attract foreign merchants. My company in 2005 for the European production of a certain group of companies provides two sets of width for the 2640 mm/500 m/min long net Multi-cylinder structure of specialty paper machines, products to enter the European market.

这些产品不仅赢得了广大国内用户的赞誉,还吸引了国外客商。2005年我公司为欧洲某集团公司生产提供了二台幅宽为2640 mm/500 m/min的长网多缸结构的特种纸机,产品进入了欧洲市场。

19. Secondly, taxation policy should be adjusted: regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback.


20. This program is the combination of Dynamic Mechanic, Electric Power system and Marine Automation, thus forming a specialty pattern of solid basic theory and wide knowledge of specialty.


specialty 词典解释

1. 专业;专长

Someone's specialty is a particular type of work that they do most or do best, or a subject that they know a lot about.

e.g. His specialty is international law...


e.g. Both doctors and nurses have increasingly made a specialty of the care of the aged.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 speciality

2. (某个地方的)特色食品,特产

A specialty of a particular place is a special food or product that is always very good there.

e.g. ...seafood, paella, empanadas and other specialties.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 specialityspecialty 单语例句

1. But even Winfrey was not immune to the dips in ratings that have plagued broadcasters as viewers flock to specialty programming on cable.

2. The authority said it is also studying the feasibility of providing various overnight shift allowances to doctors according to different calculation systems of each specialty.

3. Each restaurant has its own specialty dish, and a good restaurant has many.

4. The specialty chemical industry has big potential in China, analysts have said.

5. PPG recently expanded its Asia business by acquiring Crown Coating Industries of Singapore, a privately held manufacturer of specialty wood coatings.

6. Although some cataracts are congenital and occur in young children - Wilson's specialty - most of us will get them with age.

7. The most famous area to enjoy beef noodle soup is Taipei's Yongkang Street, where a collection of specialty restaurants congregate.

8. Their products usually cost much less than those of equivalent standard produced by specialty firms in Europe or Japan.

9. The two leads and positive critical reaction will help sell " Painted Veil " in adult specialty venues.

10. The crow's specialty is that it calls out the names of the family members that care for it.

specialtyspecialty 英英释义



1. the special line of work you have adopted as your career

e.g. his specialization is gastroenterology

Synonym: specializationspecialisationspecialityspecialism

2. a distinguishing trait

Synonym: peculiarityspecialnessspecialitydistinctiveness

3. an asset of special worth or utility

e.g. cooking is his forte

Synonym: fortestrong suitlong suitmetierspecialitystrong pointstrength