

venom:[英 [ˈvenəm] 美 [ˈvɛnəm] ]


过去式:venomed;   过去分词:venomed;   现在分词:venoming;   复数形式:venoms;

venom 基本解释

名词(某些蛇、蝎子等分泌的)毒液; 恶意; 毒物


venom 相关例句


venom 网络解释

1. venom

1. 毒物:爱好有著大量的特效,认为没有蜘蛛人3来的好看,是因为第一集是述明主角的背景,及钢铁人产生的原由,所用的特效会比较少,不像蜘蛛人3,很像前期就跟沙人决斗,有三个敌人:人,被外星附身的记者变为毒物(Venom)及他自己被外星,一

2. venom的近义词

2. 死水:本站提供死水(Venom)在线观看服务,但暂不死水(Venom)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关死水(Venom)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

3. 毒牙:25%几率出现决定性打击;每击吸取 7%生命;每杀一个怪物增加2点 Mana;Str +20;活力值 +10 毒牙(Venom) 所有类型武器 3个符 塔尔(Tal)+多尔(Dol)+马尔(Mal) 25%几率使被击中怪物因恐惧而逃跑;

venom 双语例句

1. Its venom is a very potent neurotoxin, so don't let it bite you.


2. venom是什么意思

2. Morphine; bee venom test; spontaneous pain; antinociceptive; rat


3. Injection of bee venom into hindpaw of one side in rats can not only produce a persistent spontaneous nociception, primary heat and mechanical hyperalgesia and secondary heat hyperalgesia in the injected side, but also mirror-image heat hyperalgesia.

在硕士课题中,作者进一步发现皮下注入蜜蜂毒诱致的镜像热痛敏具有空间的对称性和时程上的平行性(Chen and Chen 2000),并且首先证明了脊髓对侧中枢敏化介导了实验性镜像热痛敏的发生(Chen et al。,2000)。

4. venom在线翻译

4. When compared with control spinal cord samples taken from non-injected animals, ipsilateral expressions of 5-HT〓 receptor mRNA 1 h or 4 h after bee venom injection significantly increased by 80.94% or 37.86%, respectively. There were little changes in 5-HT〓 receptor mRNA level on the contralateral side at these two time points.

本课题联合应用分子生物学方法(半定量RT-PCR、Western Blot)、药理学方法和行为学方法(皮下注射蜜蜂毒诱发炎性痛的行为学观察),研究了脊髓背角内5-HT〓受体在伤害性信息传递过程中的作用。

5. C. Administration of ketamine and MK-801 inior region symmetrical to the bee venom injection site on the contralateral hindpaw produced no change in the nociceptive behaviors, suggesting that the analgesic actions of keramme and MK-8Ol were not the result of systemic effects.


6. The aim of this paper is to review the effect of scorpion venom and Abstracts on immunity and mechanism.


7. venom

7. You, venom, and methane in 5, right?


8. venom的近义词

8. This makes the Venom II powerful and makes it easy to do new school moves.

这使毒液II 强有力和牌子它容易做新学校移动。

9. When they are directly in contact with their prey they use their fangs to bite them, and inject their venom.


10. ABSTRACT] AIM: To observe the efficacy and safety of scorpion venom injection in treating neuralgia.

摘要] 目的:观察蝎毒注射液对各种神经痛的疗效与安全性。

11. If you get bitten by a king cobra and injected with venom, you LIFE will start to decrease rapidly.



12. Evident differences were found in the HPLC chromatograms and MAIDI TOF spectrum of the venom from the two spiders.


13. And one wasp (the emerald cockroach wasp, or Ampulex compressa) attacks cockroaches with venom that blocks a neurotransmitter that allows the insect to control its own movements.

一种黄蜂(艳绿色蟑螂黄蜂,或者 Ampulex compressa )用一种含有神经传递素让昆虫可以控制它们自己行动的毒液攻击蟑螂。

14. Scorpion venom injection is a new reliable and safely antineuralgic drug with the same efficacy as that of buprenorphine injection.

蝎毒注射液对神经痛的镇痛作用和丁丙诺啡相当,不良反应少,是一种安全、可靠的止痛新药。[中图分类号] R971.1;R745

15. venom的解释

15. Using the optimized method we obtained higher biological properties and more pure venom. Methods We got the relevence of poison gland weight and length to its body using statistical method by anatoming poison gland.



16. Isolating poison gland from spider, obtained stable and maximum amount of venom, we tested titer of venom and explore the type of inhibit ion channels toxin using chicken red blood cells as a model. Results Venom gland's weight and body mass were positively correlated.


17. This thesis presents the research of the structure and function of AaHIV, a homolog from the venom of Agkistrodon acutus. AaHIV is a...


18. Objective: To investigate the effect of protein C activator from Agkistrodon halys venom on cardiac hemodynamics in septic shock rats.



19. To investigate the inhibitory effect of a small peptide from Agkistrodon acutus venom on the growth of human gastric carcinoma SGC-7901 cell line and its mechanism.

目的 探讨尖吻蝮蛇毒小肽对体外培养的人胃癌SGC-7901细胞株的增殖抑制作用及作用机制。

20. Karber s method was used to test the LD50 of Heterometreus peterii venom in mice by ip injection.


venom 词典解释

1. 怨恨;痛恨;恶意

You can use venom to refer to someone's feelings of great bitterness and anger towards someone.

e.g. He reserved particular venom for critics of his foreign policy...


e.g. There was no mistaking the venom in his voice.


2. (毒蛇、蜘蛛等生物的)毒液,毒汁

The venom of a creature such as a snake or spider is the poison that it puts into your body when it bites or stings you.

e.g. ...snake handlers who grow immune to snake venom.


venom 单语例句

1. Calls from cable network television stations poured in Tuesday, when he still had sore muscles and nerves from the venom.

2. A survey conducted by WTI found most captive snakes to be in poor health, with mouth infections from the venom removal.

3. Cobra bites can be fatal because of their deadly venom, but they only attack humans if they believe their survival is threatened.

4. Twice as deadly as cobra venom, ricin is relatively easily made.

5. And unlike other mammals, the male platypus can deliver venom from a tiny spur on each hind limb.

6. They inject their victims with venom made of poisonous chains of amino acids called peptides.

7. Health officials are warning New Yorkers to stay away from an illegal aphrodisiac made from toad venom after the product apparently killed a man.

8. Among the arsenal of weapons in the snakes'venom is one especially potent neurotoxin that works by binding to receptors on muscle cells.

9. Most reactions to insect bites depend on a reaction to the saliva or venom.

10. He suggested that serum farms could be established where charmers could sell venom for medical use.

venom 英英释义



1. feeling a need to see others suffer

Synonym: malicemaliciousnessspitespitefulness

2. toxin secreted by animals

secreted by certain snakes and poisonous insects (e.g., spiders and scorpions)