

fuss:[英 [fʌs] 美 [fʌs] ]


过去式:fussed;   过去分词:fussed;   现在分词:fussing;   复数形式:fusses;

fuss 基本解释


名词大惊小怪; 忙乱; 大惊小怪的人; 争吵

不及物动词大惊小怪; 忙乱; 抱怨

及物动词使烦恼,使烦忧; 使急躁


fuss 同义词





fuss 反义词


fuss 相关词组

1. fuss up and down : 忙得团团转;

2. kick up a fuss : 大吵大闹;

fuss 相关例句


1. And you needn't fuss; there is no disgrace.


2. fuss的翻译

2. She fussed over her dog.



1. What's all this fuss about?


2. fuss的翻译

2. There was a fuss when the bus broke down again.



3. No fuss was made in my day if a new writer took from an old one whatever material he found congenial.


fuss 网络解释

1. 乏 事............琐碎小事:bad............笨 蛋............笨拙的 | fuss...........乏 事............琐碎小事 | give...........给 吾............给

2. 忙乱:fuss with 过分讲究 | fuss 忙乱 | fussbudget 大惊小怪的人

3. 大惊小怪:fusion 熔解 | fuss 大惊小怪 | futile 徒劳的

4. 忙乱;吹捧 vi.忙乱:furthermore 而且,此外 | fuss 忙乱;吹捧 vi.忙乱 | fussy 大惊小怪的

fuss 双语例句

1. fuss在线翻译

1. This feature can be a big fuss in order to increase the visibility of this floor, and can appreciate nature, to attract the majority of travel enthusiasts, and construction experts to tour, and inspections.


2. It is a trivial thing, do not make a fuss about it and take it too seriously.


3. All this fuss about elections and for what?


4. fuss的解释

4. You want to see clear instructions, step-by-step rules so you can spend as little time and fuss messing about with complicated techniques and wasting your time.


5. The formation of such effects than the traditional pay close attention to internal management and make a fuss about much better from the sale.


6. And why such a particular fuss about Nazis, now that most of them are dead?


7. Many of your own students tell you about children entering the world desiring to be vegetarian, and putting up a fuss about eating meat.


8. fuss的翻译

8. More satisfied and less greed; more tolerant and less fuss about; more fun and less trouble.


9. Appears in the ancient Miss, and now real estate sales decline, she should think of ways to make a fuss about the publicity, but now people心慌慌, everyone at home what has been done by no one publicity also.


10. If I were you, I wouldn't kick up a fuss over that decision.


11. Bridge Everybody's trippin'on me Oh lord come help me please I did some bad things in my life Why can't you rescue me'cause you've got all I need I know I got to pay the price Lonely (2x) Cheepin'thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight Tears in my eyes I'm a man lookin'for the light Dark is the path I know he will rescue me The lord is my shephard I'm cool despite emergency Whom shall I fear exept the god Thank you for the blessin'and the skils on the mic Five years we know there's no diggity Free at last see the light in me What goes up must come down I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown Always look forward hardly never look back So many tears and the snakes on my jock Now I'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel so leave me alone Lonely (3x) Knock on my door whom you lookin'for A dream or reality enemies at my door Eyes I realize it's fantasize I must be high So let me live before I die Once again grab the bottle twist the cap To survive your life is yours my life is mine No emotions in this world full of lies Step my step and be versatile Love peace and crash that's what it's all about Alone by yourself than you lack there's no doubt about I'm always into something making moves to improve What would you do if you where in my shoes Boom a letter oops another suicide Meet me for a ride at the boulevard Nana's in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel and damn I'm alone

大桥 每个人都trippin '我噢上帝来帮助我,请我没有一些不好的东西在我的生活为什么你不能救我的事业你有我需要的所有我知道我必须付出代价孤独( 2 ) Cheepin '的街道后,在晚上和大惊小怪斗争泪在我的眼睛我一个人来查找'的轻黑暗的道路是我知道他会救我上帝是我的谢泼德我很冷静,尽管紧急状态谁应我担心exept神谢谢你的blessin '和技能的麦克风五年来,我们知道,没有diggity 免费上看到光明,我什么上升必须下降我会在你走向deathtown 总是期待着几乎从未回头如此多的眼泪和蛇在我的运动员现在我骑在我的大脂肪骑你的屁股已晚,以便寻找路线娜娜在家里,让您知道我看到的是如何使我觉得我独自离开寂寞( 3 )敲我的门人你来查找'的梦或现实的敌人在我的门看我意识到这是幻想,我必须高让我活在我死再次抓住瓶子瓶盖扭为了生存你的生活是你我的生活是我的没有感情在这个世界上充满谎言一步一步,我是多面手热爱和平和系统崩溃这就是所有有关独自一人比你自己缺乏毫无疑问我总是把一些决策措施,改善请问您这样做,如果你在哪儿我在鞋繁荣的信哎呀另一个自杀满足我的车在林荫大道娜娜的家中,让您知道我看到的是我的感觉和该死的我在孤军奋战

12. fuss

12. Everybody's tripppin'on me Oh lord come help me please I did some bad things in my life Why can't you rescue me'cause you've got all i need I know i got to pay the price Cheppin'thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight Tears in my eyes i'm a man lookin'for the light Dark is the path i know he will rescue me The lord is my shepard i'm cool despite emergency Whom shall i fear exept the god Thank you for the blessin'a nd the skils on the mic Five years we know there's no diggity Free at last see the light in me What goes up must come down I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown Allways look forward hardly never look back So many tears and the snakes on my jock Now i'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What i see is how i feel so leave me alone I am lonely lonely lonely I am lonely lonely in my life I am lonely lonely lonely God help me help me to survive!


13. fuss是什么意思

13. To let go is not to nag scold fuss or argue, but to scarch out my own disadvantages and correct them.


14. Don't fuss up for the party, it's very informal.



15. I don't want to make a fuss about this little case.


16. fuss的解释

16. When you want fuh swim river yuh gat fuh plunge inside fuss. For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings.


17. Here's how to check the pressure in your tires with the least amount of muss and fuss.



18. He said: We don't want to create a big fuss, but we will use whatever recourse is available.


19. This is not an incident, not a crisis, why are they making a big fuss about it?


20. Chepping thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight, Tears in my eyes, i'm a man looking for the light, Dark is the path, i know he will rescue me, The lord is my shepard, i'm cool despite emergency, Whom shall i fear exept the god, Thank you for the blessin, and the skils on the mic, Five years we know there's no diggity, Free at last see the light in me, What goes up must come down, I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown, Allways look forward hardly never look back.


fuss 词典解释

1. 紧张不安;大惊小怪;忙乱

Fuss is anxious or excited behaviour which serves no useful purpose.

e.g. I don't know what all the fuss is about...


e.g. He just gets down to work without any fuss.


2. 紧张不安;大惊小怪;瞎忙活

If you fuss, you worry or behave in a nervous, anxious way about unimportant matters or rush around doing unnecessary things.

e.g. Carol fussed about getting me a drink...


e.g. My wife was fussing over the food and clothing we were going to take...


3. (对…)关爱备至,过分体贴

If you fuss over someone, you pay them a lot of attention and do things to make them happy or comfortable.

e.g. Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn't fuss over them enough.


4. 引起骚动;大吵大闹;大发牢骚

If you make a fuss or kick up a fuss about something, you become angry or excited about it and complain.

e.g. I don't know why everybody makes such a fuss about a few mosquitoes...


e.g. I kick up a fuss if my wife wants to spend time alone.


5. 对…关爱备至;对…过分体贴

If you make a fuss of someone, you pay them a lot of attention and do things to make them happy or comfortable.

e.g. When I arrived my nephews made a big fuss of me.


fuss 单语例句fuss在线翻译

1. The former Manchester United player said the fuss since his move had taken even him by surprise but said he had no regrets.

2. A woman customer inside the shop said she noticed the roll call but did not consider it a " fuss ".

3. Her last wedding - with all her celeb pals and a huge fuss - ended in disaster.

4. " The nature of war doesn't change just because some feminists kick up a fuss, " spokesman Neil James told ABC radio.

5. The execution of Shaikh is in accordance with Chinese law so there is absolutely no need for Brown to raise too much fuss over it.

6. Critics of my column may deride me for " making a fuss over a trivial incident ", for such cases are still rare on China's campuses.

7. About 70 reporters from across the country have interviewed Xiong, who hardly anticipated her simple complaint would cause such a fuss.

8. That mild endorsement of identity politics provoked a fuss on the right that continued through her confirmation hearings in the Senate.

9. To a Western eye, all the fuss about seagoing officials may appear to be much ado about nothing.

10. The eminent curator also points out that although he is famous in Venice now, no one made a fuss of anyone called Marco Polo at the time.

fuss 英英释义


1. a rapid active commotion

Synonym: bustlehustleflurryadostir

2. a quarrel about petty points

Synonym: bickerbickeringspattiffsquabblepettifoggery

3. an angry disturbance

e.g. he didn't want to make a fuss

they had labor trouble

a spot of bother

Synonym: troublebotherhassle

4. an excited state of agitation

e.g. he was in a dither

there was a terrible flap about the theft

Synonym: ditherpothertizzyflap



1. worry unnecessarily or excessively

e.g. don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now

Synonym: nigglefret

2. care for like a mother

e.g. She fusses over her husband

Synonym: motheroverprotect