

drool:[英 [dru:l] 美 [drul] ]


过去式:drooled;   过去分词:drooled;   现在分词:drooling;

drool 基本解释

不及物动词流口水; 对某人或某物流露出痴迷的神情; 痴情地看; 迷恋地看

drool 网络解释

1. 流口水:/drink (饮) | /drool (流口水) | /duck (鸭子)

2. 你吹牛吹得口水滿地:draw 你无聊地用脚尖在地上画圈圈. | drool 你吹牛吹得口水满地. | duck 你像鸭子似的呱呱叫.

3. (口水):/Drink (喝酒) | /Drool (口水) | /Duck (闪避)

4. 流口水,说胡话(我倒,这个:Drink 喝,饮 | Drool 流口水,说胡话(我倒,这个...) | Duck 闪避(难道闪避动作像鸭子?)

drool 双语例句

1. drool的解释

1. The scene is a little dark for my liking, but I rather drool at a poorly lit hairy chest than a SHAVED one on a sunny afternoon!


2. The come-on of the delicacies need not lift, is all similar to each person, face a delicacies that let person's drool, can attain within the scope of ability of, why must overcome an oneself to go to pure tea plain rice?


3. It's all good... even shirts with drool from the dog.


4. The dog will begin to drool and then vomit. It's not serious, but certainly not something that we like to clean up!


5. drool

5. The dog will begin to drool and then vomit.


6. They cool off by panting, so an overheated dog will drool excessively.


7. drool

7. Claire: I'm not gonna drool!


8. Who in conjunction with the roadside stalls to drool, he climbed the letter should Yu Du and the Franco-Park, who along with because the greedy fried dough sticks and almost poisoning.......


9. The ancient Chinese thought it was dragon drool, and called it dragon spittle fragrance.


10. drool

10. Tall and handsome, he has the kind of Baywatch muscles that would make many of both sexes drool.


11. drool的反义词

11. Her fingers bled with anguish and the blood turned to drool.


12. And there's drool all over your shirt.


13. I didn't fall asleep in the back and drool all over you, did I?


14. I know you might drool over stats on another character. But that's not the way we balance.


15. drool的反义词

15. But still I drool over it inner screen resolution, features and the capability of a multimedia computer.



16. I know you might drool over stats on another character.


17. By doing such, the market is given a new car to drool over and to aspire for.


18. drool的反义词

18. It`s enough to make a romantic comedy film writer drool over their keyboard.


19. We`ll come back later, but this is a must, said Dad, beginning to drool.


20. drool的意思

20. I'm not gonna drool!


drool 词典解释

1. 对…过分痴迷;对…垂涎欲滴

To drool over someone or something means to look at them with great pleasure, perhaps in an exaggerated or ridiculous way.

e.g. Fashion editors drooled over every item...


e.g. Advertisers are already drooling at reports that this might bring 20 million dollars.


2. 流口水;垂涎

If a person or animal drools, saliva drops slowly from their mouth.


e.g. My dog Jacques is drooling on my shoulder.


drool 单语例句drool

1. Some fans have confessed they stock up with food before each episode is aired, lest the seductive footage of the country's fine foods make them drool.

2. Many foreigners who come to Beijing drool with admiration whenever they enter one of the old hutong neighborhoods that once dominated the city.

3. Somehow the answer " America " produces a bigger smile and even a little drool.

4. It's a chance for auto aficionados to drool over their fantasy car while putting them in direct touch with the people selling them.

5. The liverwurst was the best sausage I had eaten and the memory still activates the drool glands.

6. But recent estimates of the scope of this social change are enough to make any marketing manager drool.

7. Tall and handsome, he has the kind of Baywatch muscles that would make many of both sexes drool.

8. Men drool over them and women get envy of their beauty and curves.

9. I am not one to drool over oysters, or to salivate at the mere mention of caviar.

10. And as businesses drool over the huge " Olympic cake " Beijing is baking, hundreds of thousands of job hunters will be queuing up to enjoy a slice.

drool 英英释义


1. saliva spilling from the mouth

Synonym: dribbledrivelslobber

2. pretentious or silly talk or writing

Synonym: baloneyboloneybilgewaterboshhumbugtaradiddletarradiddletommyrottoshtwaddle


1. let saliva drivel from the mouth

e.g. The baby drooled

Synonym: drivelslabberslaverslobberdribble

2. be envious, desirous, eager for, or extremely happy about something

e.g. She was salivating over the raise she anticipated

Synonym: salivate