

prodigal:[英 [ˈprɒdɪgl] 美 [ˈprɑ:dɪgl] ]



prodigal 基本解释


形容词挥霍的; 慷慨的; 浪费的; 铺张的

丰富的,大量的; 富于 (of, with); 不吝惜的,十分慷慨的

名词浪费者,浪子; [动]军曹鱼


prodigal 同义词




prodigal 反义词



prodigal 相关词组

1. play the prodigal : 挥霍;

prodigal 相关例句


1. He is prodigal of money.


2. He has a mind prodigal of ideas.


3. prodigal

3. The country has been prodigal of its forests.


prodigal 网络解释

1. 挥霍,奢侈,浪费的:procure 取得 | prodigal 挥霍,奢侈,浪费的 | produce 产生,制造,引起

2. 浪费的 浪子:aerodynamical interference 气动干扰 | prodigal 浪费的 浪子 | air line cleaner (轧花机上的)风管式净棉器

3. 挥霍,奢侈的:interact 交互作用,相互影响 | prodigal 挥霍,奢侈的 | react 反应


4. 浪子:07 Tyrant 专制统治者 | 08 Prodigal 浪子 | 09 Wont Stop 不会停止

prodigal 双语例句

1. The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherit ed him.


2. prodigal的翻译

2. Man, in a state of revery, is generally prodigal and slack; the unstrung mind cannot hold life within close bounds.


3. And the money of the risk already in one's hand, and prodigal many, this moment, I miss partner people not be fool, pressure can bring to bear on slowly for certain to them this moment flaunts the entrepreneur that won't divulge user privacy all the time people or website advocate people, can you choose a kind to you can use user data the method of quick profit?


4. prodigal的翻译

4. Chin for their prodigal son has finally found the only one of its own harbor, but the woman was lucky not often萧蔷spread, although there萧蔷is charming and sexy, but this woman has, after all, only a universal network active television entertainment artists only, perhaps Chin is a need to bring happiness to their own home and enjoy more than the ordinary woman, but really have kept the Chin


5. Liberalism spread the notion that God's attitude to all men is one of paternal affection, not conditioned by the demands of penal law; hence interest in the sinner's justification by the divine Judge was replaced by the thought of the prodigal's forgiveness and rehabilitation by his divine Father.


6. But I like these little creatures: Mancheng the Qing Wu, non-custodial's floating, like the universe prodigal son, in the Guang-yin space searching for their destination, but also like the youthful messenger, bringing the spring of my letter.


7. O most holy God, for the passion of Your Son, I beseech You accept Your poor prodigal now prostrating himself at Your door.


8. So, this is how the prodigal son felt, I tell myself, as we enter Danish airspace.


9. prodigal的翻译

9. The story of the Prodigal Son is a very good parable.


10. prodigal什么意思

10. He is a prodigal son.



11. In fact my house is not very rich, but I am a prodigal son for be worthy of the name.


12. prodigal

12. In fact, a person is quite fragile, the strength of a prodigal son is even more limited.


13. In short, I quickly determined to be a repentance of the prodigal son, home into the arms of his father.


14. You must be prodigal of your offers of power and blankets.


15. Prodigal son will always be the return of a prodigal.


16. prodigal在线翻译

16. Be happy in doing good; always glad to give to charities; be always ready to help in a worthy cause; be prodigal of benefactions; do good naturally and happily; interested in charities; love to do philanthropic work


17. prodigal的意思

17. The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him.


18. prodigal

18. For the unrepentant prodigal son, having heart-to-one with the help he could to build their human dignity and self-confidence, perhaps before the cliff before it is too late to the after-Benz into a field and hope to become a warrior.


19. When the prodigal son returned home, his father did not have a rebuking word or a word exhorting him to repent, because the Savior had accomplished redemption for him, and the Holy Spirit had enlightened him. As a result, his sins were forgiven and washed by the blood.



20. On one hand the resource of prodigal network, waste the fund of investor on one hand, also aggravate the vicious circle of the network, because of the high cost of their itself, often raised a lot of cost to product of a few networks.


prodigal 词典解释

1. 浪子回头的

You can describe someone as a prodigal son or daughter if they leave their family or friends, often after a period of behaving badly, and then return at a later time as a better person.

e.g. ...the parable of the prodigal son.


2. 挥霍的;浪费的;奢侈的

Someone who behaves in a prodigal way spends a lot of money carelessly without thinking about what will happen when they have none left.

e.g. Prodigal habits die hard.


prodigal 单语例句

1. Rooney won't the only prodigal son returning to the fold on Wednesday.

2. Hong Kong has come a long way from being a tremulous prodigal returning to the arms of an estranged motherland.

3. Plot keywords for Snyder include " breasts ", " graphic violence " and " beheading " - commodities and acts displayed to prodigal effect on screen.

prodigal 英英释义


1. a recklessly extravagant consumer

Synonym: profligatesquanderer


1. recklessly wasteful

e.g. prodigal in their expenditures

Synonym: extravagantprofligatespendthrift