

fatten:[英 [ˈfætn] 美 [ˈfætn:] ]


过去式:fattened;   过去分词:fattened;   现在分词:fattening;

fatten 基本解释


及物动词喂肥; 养肥(牲畜); 使(钱)增多; 使(公司)升值


fatten 相关例句


1. You need fattening up a bit.


2. fatten的反义词

2. Soya is excellent for fattening pigs.



1. Have some more cake! You need fattening up a bit.


fatten 网络解释

1. 长肥:fatten up 使肥胖 | fatten 长肥 | fattener 养肥禽畜者

2. 使肥胖:fatplump 胖 | fatten 使肥胖 | fattening 肥育

3. 发胖 长肥:skin and bone 瘦得皮包骨的 | fatten 发胖 长肥 | fatten up 饲养使肥

4. 催肥:fatsoluble vitamin ==> 脂溶性维生素 | fatten ==> 催肥 | fattening ==> 肥育

fatten 双语例句


1. To eat more bananas will not be able to lose weight but most fatten up.


2. Some companies are actually out to help you, while others are simply looking to fatten their pockets.


3. Trying to fatten him up as fast as i can.


4. I'm trying to fatten him up as fast as I can.



5. The child is underweight. I'm trying to fatten him up as fast as I can


6. Cut expenses to fatten your wallet so you`ll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.


7. If I am a hyena I am a lean and hungry one: I go forth to fatten myself.


8. Knock over special Dollar Pins, collect bonus coins, and wager on matches against local pros to fatten your wallet and buy more advanced bowling balls!


9. Using brick, tile, cement, reinforce bar and plastic film or sunshade net construct double row fatten pigsty and single row breeding pigsty which are low costly and can keep warm in winter, prevent heatstroke and fly in summer.


10. Of livestock kept and fed in a stall in order to fatten for the market.


11. These pigs are fatten ing up well.


12. fatten的翻译

12. Now, I`m in contradiction, we kept up raising organic native chickens, I don`t know whether I can make it to sale the chicken only use pigwash to fatten them. Now I am still hesitating about that.



13. We fatten other creatures so that they can feed us, and we fatten ourselves to ultimately feed maggots. The worms eat the king and the beggar alike; they are simply two dishes but the same meal for the worm.


14. fatten什么意思

14. Jumping out only court breed aquatics, undertake science plans, will breed an organization to rise jointly, integrated and limited fund, enlarge scale of production, implantation able person is managed, enter the market to take shelter from the wind danger, ability lets go work energetically, get rich becomes rich. On May 16, 2007, the author changes prefectural pasturage bureau with abide brainpower is walked into together build a village, the fatten of 9 flocks and herds that already built to this village contracts door undertook survey, report as follows now: 1Building village demonstrative dot to build fundamental condition to build a village is pure scatter pull a group of things with common features the natural administrative village of inhabit a region, be located in abide to change a county to accumulate Shi Zhen, be apart from county 5km, in bank of Yellow River north, belong to river valley region, 1880m of height above sea level, year all air temperature 8.6 ℃, year all fall 280mm, frost-free period 220d, whole village shares 92590 people, agrarian region accumulates 84hm2, area inland situation is even, traffic news report is convenience, land area is vaster, climate environment is superior, bring in the village have from...

只有在跳出庭院养殖,进行科学规划,将养殖户组织联合起来,整合有限资金,扩大生产规模,培植能人经营,闯市场避风险,才能放手大干、发家致富。2007年5月16日,笔者同循化县畜牧局科技人员一道走进新建村,对该村已建成的9户牛羊育肥承包户进行了调研,现报道如下:1新建村示范点建设基本情况新建村是一个纯撒拉族聚居的自然行政村,位于循化县积石镇,距县城5km,在黄河北岸,属河谷地带,海拔高度1 880m,年均气温8.6℃,年均降水量280mm,无霜期220d,全村共有92户590人,耕地面积84hm2,区内地势平坦,交通通讯便利,土地面积较广,气候环境优越,村中引有自。。。

15. In the summer it is harder to catch seals, so before summer arrives, the bears eat as much as they can to fatten up, then live off the fat in their bodies.


16. Some mole rats lead an easy life. They reap the benefits of constant protection, a steady supply of food to fatten them up and plenty of sleep, since they rarely have to lift a paw.


17. The father tried fatten the lean cattle for market.


18. With due But deference to so excellent a friend, and so deserving a Patriot, I cannot be altogether in his Sentiments, for as to the Males, my American acquaintance assured me from frequent Experience, that their flesh was generally Tough and Lean, like that of our School-boys, by continual exercise, and their Taste disagreeable, and to Fatten them would not answer the Charge.

一个这么优秀的朋友,这么值得褒奖的爱国者,我本应当听从他的意见,可我不能完全站在他的立场,因为我的美国朋友告诉我,根据他丰富的经验,男性由于经常活动,肉一般又硬又瘦,像我们的小学生一样,Then as to the Females,而且味道也很糟,养肥之后卖出去也抵不回这期间的费用。

19. When the grass they like best is available in midsummer, they fatten up on it till their fur is a rich dark-brown, and they waddle so slowly on their short paws, their bellies touching the ground, that you can easily catch any number of them.


20. fatten

20. Fatten up your pigs so they're worth more money...


fatten 词典解释

1. (动物)长膘,变肥;催肥,养肥

If an animal is fattened, or if it fattens, it becomes fatter as a result of eating more.

e.g. The cattle are being fattened for slaughter...


e.g. The creature continued to grow and fatten.


2. 使(企业)发财;使(利润)增长;为…牟利

If you say that someone is fattening something such as a business or its profits, you mean that they are increasing the value of the business or its profits, in a way that you disapprove of.

e.g. They have kept the price of sugar artificially high and so fattened the company's profits.


相关词组:fatten up

fatten 单语例句

1. Additional State investment in rural areas will surely help fatten farmers'purses.

2. The trademark umbrella can help agricultural products establish good credit in the market and thus promote sales and further help fatten farmers'wallets.

3. Now the spreading threat of bird flu cases imposes another challenge on the country - especially to the government's promise to fatten farmers'income.

4. But after stern words - and strict instructions - from her husband David, she is now understood to be on a mission to'fatten up'.

5. In its early stages, the CFA and players saw their pockets fatten while fans got access to better matches.

6. When they are appointees of the government, how can they have the authority to fatten their pocket like that?

7. Japan's longest postwar expansion did little to fatten the paychecks of average households.

8. Local authorities are not following State policies when they collect money to fatten their purse.

9. That hike was the result of the central government's moves to fatten farmers'incomes.

10. Undoubtedly, the current rise in grain prices will more or less fatten their wallets.

fatten在线翻译fatten 英英释义


1. make fat or plump

e.g. We will plump out that poor starving child

Synonym: fatflesh outfill outplumpplump outfatten outfatten up