

sheaf:[英 [ʃi:f] 美 [ʃif] ]



sheaf 基本解释



sheaf 相关例句


1. sheaf的解释

1. He drew a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket.


sheaf 网络解释

1. 束:墙边斜靠着一个长矛(shaft),还有一个笨重的盾牌(shield),床上还仍着一条破烂(shabby)的披肩(shawl),窗旁一个架子(shelf),上搁置(shelve)着一个瓶,可是里面的一束(sheaf)花早就凋谢(sere/shrivel)拉.这到底是什么地方,

2. sheaf什么意思

2. 捆:self自身 | sheaf捆 | shelf架子

3. 禾捆:shock 禾捆堆 | sheaf 禾捆 | plantation 栽植

sheaf 双语例句

1. In profile all that showed was the end of the nose projecting from beyond a sheaf of shiny black hair.


2. For detail, we studied the Incidence Algebra I defined by finite Partially Ordered Set X, and sheaf F based on the topology T_x defined by the partial order; By studying the relation between finite module category mod I and the sheaf category Sh_x A, we proved that they are equivalent.


3. By utilizing the concepts and methods developed in Algebra Topology, Algebra Geometry and Algebra Representations, we first depicted the concepts and results of Incidence Algebra which reflects the linear structure of underlying posets and Sheaf theory which reflects the topological structure of underlying poset in the framework of Category Theory.


4. sheaf的解释

4. He lifts a sheaf of papers from the folder in front of him.


5. I say infamous due to a certain rape scene featuring what I believe to be a tanto sheaf but is often referred to as a flute amongst the yuri community. This title isn`t for younger readers at times it can be pretty graphic.


6. sheaf的翻译

6. And all your sheaves came around it and bowed down to my sheaf.


7. Elliot Perlman's first novel, Three Dollars, was a smash hit in his native Australia, winning the 1998 Melbourne Age Book of the Year Award and collecting a sheaf of prizes when it was published in London.

艾略特珀尔曼的第一部小说《三美元》在澳大利亚是十分畅销。该书获得1998年 Melbourne Age Book 年度奖。在英国出版后获得可了大笔奖赏。

8. The possibility of the application of strong base type anion exchange resins in anion ic surfactant recovery in colloidal sheaf-increasing pollution solution is studied, at the same time research results are discussed, in order to promote the development of surfactant enhanced remediation technology.


9. But as soon as I had it opened, I was greatly shocked at the discovery that the thing contained therein was not in the form of books, but, rather, and surely it was, a sheaf of manuscript, together with two letters one of which was apparently from my friend, while the other, being produced by a strange hand, seemed to have been under his care for save delivery.


10. sheaf什么意思

10. Butassoon as I had it opened, I was greatly shocked at the discoverythatthe thing contained therein was not in the form of books, but, rather, and surely it was, a sheaf of manut, together withtwoletters one of which was apparently from my friend, whiletheother, being produced by a strange hand, seemed to have beenunderhis care forsavedelivery.


11. sheaf的反义词

11. And he shall wave the sheaf before Jehovah for your acceptance; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.

23:11 他要把这一捆在耶和华面前摇一摇,使你们蒙悦纳;祭司要在安息日的次日把这捆摇一摇。

12. sheaf的翻译

12. Beginning with the day after the sabbath, the day on which you bring the wave-offering sheaf, you shall count seven full weeks


13. sheaf的近义词

13. Then, how can you be a sheaf on the earth like that?


14. And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, so that you may be accepted.


15. Purchase of merchandise, be it a carload of wheat or a sheaf of T reasury


16. A straplike structure, such as the corolla of a ray flower or a membranous or hairy appendage between the sheaf and blade of a grass leaf.



17. Centripetal Converter Blading Theory of sheaf flow of one dimension Entrance and exit Angle difference

七一一研究所;传动技术,,编辑部邮箱 1997年 01期向心式变矩器;叶栅;束流理论;进出口;角度差

18. As I sat there I leafed through a sheaf of documents I'd been handed that day by a Malawian man who was disgusted by the free spending that had gone on in a DFID funded project that he had worked for.


19. We believe it is a new point of view to study visual perceptual invariance through the structure information of images by sheaf theory. In addition, it is also available of plenty of resources in modern mathematics.


20. sheaf

20. I`ll pass the sheaf to one or two of my fellow members on the panel to read.


sheaf 词典解释

1. 一叠,一沓,一扎(纸)

A sheaf of papers is a number of them held or fastened together.

e.g. He took out a sheaf of papers and leafed through them.


2. 一束,一捆(收割的谷物)

A sheaf of corn or wheat is a number of corn or wheat plants that have been cut down and tied together.

sheaf 英英释义


1. a package of several things tied together for carrying or storing

Synonym: bundle