

explosive:[英 [ɪkˈspləʊsɪv] 美 [ɪkˈsploʊsɪv] ]



explosive 基本解释


形容词爆炸的; 易爆炸的; 突增的; 暴躁的

名词爆炸物,炸药; [语言学] 爆破音

explosive 相关例句


1. Gasoline fumes are highly explosive.


2. Unemployment became an explosive issue.


3. explosive

3. The question of race today is an explosive one.




1. Dynamite is a powerful explosive.


2. The miners put some explosives in the mine, to loosen the coal.


explosive 网络解释

1. 炸药:先到左边,看到企鹅,还有就是可以得到指示牌(sign),拔掉后地上有个洞,将炸药(explosive)塞进去,它自己会爆炸. 走到崩溃处(creva e),检查尸体,发现护身符 (amulet)、打火机(lighter)、日记(diary). 来到左边,检查夹克可以发现小酒瓶(hip flask).

explosive 双语例句

1. He is also one of the most explosive players in the league.



2. This will give partners access to advice and resources to help them make the most of this explosive market growth.


3. The full moon of January 30 was explosive for most people, but perhaps less so for you.


4. During the years of its most explosive growth in the late 1970s and mid-1980s


5. Loose Change: Final Cut is the most explosive, and most important, political film of the decade.


6. explosive

6. Because Explosive is our most damaging shot, these are fine talents.


7. Presumably the most significant and potentially explosive issues, however, are those related to methods of human manipulation and control.


8. Methods Nine male Huanan dogs were wounded by super high velocity aluminium bullet shot from an explosive gun with the energy of 15360, 12643 and 8144 J respectively, the degree of injury of local tissues and the pathological changes of main organs were observed.

采用雄性华南犬9只,通过某型爆炸枪分别以15 360、12 643和8 144 J能量的超高速破片致伤动物,观察动物局部伤情特点和全身主要脏器改变。

9. Methods Nine Hunan male dogs were wounded by super high velocity aluminium bullet shot by the explosive gun with energies of 15360J, 12643J and 8144J respectively while other three dogs were wounded by steel ball with energy of 843J, then the injured degree of local tissues and the pathological changes of main organs were observed.

方法采用雄性华南犬12只,通过某型爆炸枪分别以15 360J、12 643J和8 144J能量的超高速弹丸致伤动物,并用常规武器以843J能量的钢珠作致伤对照,观察动物局部伤情特点和全身主要脏器改变。

10. Using diameter ratio and loss rate of AP and Al as standards, dry cyclone is comparatively smashed method at present. The diameter of smached materials was about 1 mm, 8# detonator could be ignited by the commercial explosive prepared with the materials.

结果表明:以粉碎比(即进料直径与出料直径之比)和AP、Al的损失率为评价标准,干式旋风切削法粉碎后的物料直径最小约为1 mm,有效成分损失率低于1.4%,由其制备的工业炸药可被8#雷管引爆,验证了该方式粉碎HTPB较为理想。

11. Using the PSU/NCAR MM5, control and dry experiment for the explosive cyclone process of 19th to 21st December in 1981 over the Western Pacific are performed. The results show that the tropopause and isothermal surfaces were raised by latent heat release in the upper level, and the disturbance trough was formed at the upper level: due to the adiabetic cooling of the ascending flow. Its adaption process resulted in the inertial instability in the upper level.

利用PSU/NCAR MM5模式对1981年12月19日20时-21日20时一次太平洋西部气旋强烈爆发过程进行干过程和控制过程对比数值模拟试验,得出:潜热释放使对流层顶和等温面抬高,气流在高层上升冷却形成扰动槽,其适应过程使高层出现惯性不稳定。

12. In this paper, the explosive forming technique of the quadrate tube mould is fartherstudied in experiments on base of previously experiments.


13. Based on the experimental study of HFZ powdered explosive, a new mathematical model is presented which can finely estimate the detonation velocity of industrial explosive in the charge of Φ 32mm paper tube infected with wax.


14. The new second-generation high-performance high-quality quartz glass water tube with the traditional process of production compared to quartz glass tube has the following advantages: 1, a molding is no need of secondary processing, coupled with the working hours to avoid internal heating caused by uneven stress explosive phenomenon. 2, endoplasmic crystal clear without any bubble impurities, is a traditional glass unparalleled. 3, the geometric dimensions and high precision, to meet or exceed national quality system standards. 4, heat-resistant high-pressure, after the test than the traditional technique to suppress the production of quartz glass tube 1-1.5 times higher voltage. 5, as a result of advanced technology, eliminating secondary processing such as process and greatly reduce production costs.


15. This kind of demulsifier didn`t use infammable and explosive gases, and is cheap and easy to get.


16. explosive

16. The most thrilling vertical scrolling shooter on the market! DemonStar takes shooters to the extreme with Multiplayer/Network capabilities, Force Feedback joystick support, 3-D rendered graphics, explosive sound effects, and a brilliant soundtrack.

DemonStar是一款纵版滚动式射击游戏,游戏全程节奏紧凑,采用了细腻的 3D 贴图、逼真的爆炸性音效,并支持动力回馈摇杆以及网络联战功能。

17. Gasfired heaters should not be used in corrosive or explosive atmosphere.


18. explosive的反义词

18. Destruction, damage, injury or loss of life caused by the explosion or impact, whenever and wherever occurring, of any mine, bomb, shell, grenade, or other projectile, missile, munitions or explosive of war, shall be deemed to be consequences of the said special risks.


19. Destruction, damage, injury or loss of life caused by the explosion or impact whenever and wherever occurring of any mine, bomb, shell, grenade, or other projectile, missile, munitions, or explosive of war, shall be deemed to be a consequence of the said special risks.

65.3 因地雷、炸弹、炮弹、手榴弹、或其他射弹、导弹、弹药、或军用炸药的爆炸或冲击所导致的毁坏、损害、受伤或死亡应被视为是上述特定风险的结果。

20. His explosive power and jumping ability are amaing. Everytime he dunks, his eyes have already reached the height of the ring.


explosive 词典解释

1. 炸药;爆炸物

An explosive is a substance or device that can cause an explosion.

e.g. ...one-hundred-and-fifty pounds of Semtex explosive...


e.g. There were traces of explosives in the bedroom.


2. 会爆炸的;能引起爆炸的

Something that is explosive is capable of causing an explosion.

e.g. The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour...


e.g. Highly explosive gas is naturally found in coal mines.



Hydrogen is explosively flammable when mixed with oxygen.


3. (增长)爆炸性的,迅猛的

An explosive growth is a sudden, rapid increase in the size or quantity of something.

e.g. The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernisation.



These transactions grew explosively in the early 1980s.


4. (局面等)一触即发的,千钧一发的

An explosive situation is likely to have difficult, serious, or dangerous effects.

e.g. He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity...


e.g. Nobody knows what explosive arguments the future of Europe will bring.



A referendum next year would coincide explosively with the election campaign.


5. 易怒的;暴躁的

If you describe someone as explosive, you mean that they tend to express sudden violent anger.

e.g. She was unpredictable, explosive, impulsive and easily distracted...


e.g. He's inherited his father's explosive temper.



'Are you mad?' David asked explosively.


6. (声响突然)爆发的

A sudden loud noise can be described as explosive.


e.g. He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.


e.g. ...an explosive drumbeat.



The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.

她自己嚼咽食物的声音非常大。explosive 单语例句explosive什么意思

1. By definition, intermittent explosive disorder involves multiple outbursts that are way out of proportion to the situation.

2. A cache of remote control bombs, time bombs and several other explosive devices and radios was also seized.

3. Just days before, coalition forces there found a cache of explosive material drying in the sun.

4. The source said the soldiers opened fire at Palestinians trying to plant or activate an explosive and hit two people.

5. The final installment in the trilogy and eulogy to the art of calligraphy is liberating in its explosive freedom and unlimited possibilities.

6. Police say the man walked up to the security desk inside the casino and showed a security guard what he said was an explosive device.

7. Other reports said the man detonated the explosive device after police officers became suspicious and asked him to stop for a passport check.

8. Local authorities evacuated more than 400 villagers and blocked the highway, because cinnamene is explosive.

9. The media expos of a possibly explosive scandal has forced upon " competent authorities " the duty of clarifying this mess.

10. It was a dramatic end to an explosive clash which began with police making 14 arrests after fans clashed outside St Andrew's.

explosive的解释explosive 英英释义


1. a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck


1. serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst

e.g. an explosive device

explosive gas

explosive force

explosive violence

an explosive temper

2. sudden and loud

e.g. an explosive laugh

3. liable to lead to sudden change or violence

e.g. an explosive issue

a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation

Synonym: volatile