

finesse:[英 [fɪˈnes] 美 [fəˈnɛs] ]


过去式:finessed;   过去分词:finessed;   现在分词:finessing;

finesse 基本解释

名词手腕,手段; 技巧,策略; 纤细; 偷牌

及物动词巧妙处理; 以偷牌方式先出; 施巧计; [牌]偷牌

不及物动词施展巧计; 偷牌

finesse 相关例句


1. Paul played the sonata with great finesse.


finesse 网络解释

1. 战略大师:注:战略大师(Finesse)由于降低普通攻击伤害,所以不值得选,何况致命一击率可以由狙击手(Sniper)特技来落实.

2. 精美的:酵母味 ferment | 精美的finesse | 玖瑰花 rose

3. finesse

3. 细致,技术:fine 细致的,美好的,卓越的,罚金 | finesse 细致,技术 | finish 完成,结束,完美

finesse 双语例句

1. And finesse. A blend of 61% Cabernet Sauvignon and


2. Thinking about the specialties of the disposition, four finesse mechanisms are designed: a mechanism with which two DOFs driven by one generator、easy-to-disassemble mechanism、a blinking mechanism and a mechanism that can regulate the joint dimension. 3. Building a nine-link movement model for humanoid robot based on the seven-link movement model of biped robot. Neglecting some coupling factors, the explicit lateral and sagittal dynamics equation is deduced: A〓+B〓+C=F+KU, transforming the equation, the joint moment expression can be get easily.


3. finesse的解释

3. Social finesse, willingness to relocate and language capacity are also determin ant factora in assessing job qualifications.


4. To cement FINESSE all-ceramic crown with Calibra ERC is superior to that with FUJI PLUS RRGIC.

Calibra ERC对全瓷冠粘结效果优于FUJI PLUS RRGIC。


5. When you're one-on-one with the keeper, try using a finesse shot instead of a normal one to curl the ball past the keeper.


6. Hold the finesse shot button (the default is R1/RB) and press shoot.

按住飞杆按钮(预设是R1/RB )和新闻拍摄。

7. A direct shot is hit with the boot laces, whereas the finesse shot is usually taken with the side of the foot. This is a placement shot versus a driven shot.


8. Split Shot Bass Sneak Attack The Split shot rig is a finesse version of a fish finding rig along the lines of but not quite the Carolina Rig.


9. Then came a finesse of the spade jack, and when East showed out, South paused to take stock.


10. The straw-yellow color, the amber hues and the specific taste complete the harmony of its components which gives smoothness and finesse, making it a strong competitor for wines from Tokay and Sautermes.


11. I am an icon of style, a staple of urban finesse.


12. A country that once was known for stonefaced spokesmen spouting slogans has displayed a remarkable finesse in forging new relationships and revivifying old ones.


13. finesse什么意思

13. This actually is a tragicomedy's finesse.


14. finesse的近义词

14. If you lead a club or a diamond at trick three, South will cash his minor suit winners and throw you in by means of a first-round trump finesse. Whatever you return will give him the extra entry he needs to set up the clubs, and he will make his contract.


15. Social finesse, willingness to relocate and language capacity are also determinant factora in assessing job qualifications.



16. His vocals are as quavery as ever but also quite endearing, and best of all, they're over soon enough as the fabulous musicians use his themes as launching pads to more great solos and rhythmic finesse.

他的Sitar实在太优美了,所以我不停地在找寻他其他的碟,发现了这张,当东方的Sitar遇到了西方的小提琴。很好听。喜欢民族乐器的同学不要错过。而且八卦一下,他是Norah Jones的原装老爸。

17. The sparkle of white gold and diamonds. The shimmer of the guilloché night blue dial. The interplay of iridescence and transparency. The harmony of proportions. The finesse in every detail. These are some of the attributes of Patek Philippe`s new ultra-thin mechanical wristwatch for ladies.

白金与钻石的光泽交相呼应、镌刻着精致 Guilloché饰纹的夜蓝色表盘黯光淡雅、绚烂的彩虹色与光洁的透明相得益彰、精确入微的平衡比例铸就完美和谐、精工细致自然流露,百达翡丽最新女装超薄机械腕表的美艳雍容略见一斑。

18. Instead of viewing bad service at a restaurant as a problem seize it as an opportunity to impress your business associate with your ability to remain calm, take charge, and handle a situation with finesse.



19. He never smiled, he never frowned, he never changed his voice from the gentle-flowing key to which he tuned his initial sentence, he never betrayed the slightest suspicion of enthusiasm; but all through the interminable narrative there ran a vein of impressive earnestness and sincerity, which showed me plainly that, so far from his imagining that there was anything ridiculous or funny about his story, he regarded it as a really important matter, and admired its two heroes as men of transcendent genius in finesse.


20. Clamping the pages together, I drove two holes with an electric hand drill, which turns out not to be as easy as I thought - it takes a lot of finesse to make a clean cut.


finesse 词典解释

1. 手腕;策略;技巧

If you do something with finesse, you do it with great skill and style.

e.g. ...handling momentous diplomatic challenges with tact and finesse.


finesse 单语例句

1. Zhang and Zhang also showed spectacular tricks, but they lacked the choreographic finesse and presentation of the top couple.

2. He's such a vocalist, he's so diverse and has so much finesse.

3. US officials are also looking for a way to finesse their demand that Israel cancel the construction.

4. But it isn't the first time Letterman has shown finesse in managing a firestorm.

5. I also think I lack basic finesse when it comes to women.

6. This wine was more feminine and silky, and showed much finesse.

7. Poachers'takes full advantage of the transient population, handling it with finesse.

8. The old lady in her traditional garb used to be a symbol of backwardness, and is now one of classical finesse.

finesse 英英释义


1. subtly skillful handling of a situation

Synonym: delicacydiplomacydiscreetness