

parity:[英 [ˈpærəti] 美 [ˈpærɪti] ]



parity 基本解释


名词奇偶性; 平价,价值对等; 同等,平等

parity 相关词组


1. by parity of reasoning : 由此类推;

2. be on a parity with : 和...平等;

parity 相关例句


1. The two currencies have now reached parity.


parity 网络解释

1. 奇偶性:德国科学家在研究原子奇偶性(parity)对置於铁磁表面的反铁磁(antiferromagnetic)奈米线(nanowire)的影响时发现,仅仅加入或移除一个原子,就能完全改变奈米线(nanowire)的磁性.

2. 奇偶:(1)A.奇偶(Parity) B.海明(Hamming)●IEEE802.5令牌环(Tokenm Ring)网中,时延是由__(1)__决定. 要保证环网的正常运行,环的时延必须有一个最低限度,即__(2)__. 如果达不到这个要求,可以采用的一种办法是通过增加电缆长度,

parity 双语例句

1. parity的近义词

1. Based on calving records(1984-1995)of Holstein-Friesian maintained at one of dairy cattle places in XiNing, used the method of statistieal analysis sex of calf of different breeding age, parity and breeding month.


2. Tip 2546: Large memory modules should be ECC/Parity.

提示致电2546 :大记忆体模组应ECC的/均等。

3. We further analyzed the interaction of age, menarche age, and parity.


4. parity是什么意思

4. In addition, her endorsement of the United Kingdom Make-up brand Rimmel parity two perfume ADM naturally to play by her.


5. We believe that this partnership will be an important element in our drive to provide PV cells and modules with'grid parity'capability - producing electricity at comparable cost to fossil fuels - into more areas of the world.



6. We believe this acquisition will not only help us secure high quality polysilicon to meet our customers'demands for top quality PV products but will also help control and stabilize our polysilicon costs to improve our margins as well as further increase visibility to achieving grid parity, ''Mr.


7. parity的意思

7. We are excited to expand our role in Italy - which has the geographic potential to realize early grid parity - from supplying crystalline silicon equipment through our Baccini business to producing the world's largest thin film modules with our SunFab line.


8. Put-call parity can be derived in a manner that is largely model independent.


9. Furthermore, put-call parity formulae and close-form pricing formulae of put quanto option are provided for these products.


10. We derive the put-call parity equation by the concept of profit and

本文以损益概念,重新推导Put-Call Parity公式,发现新的平衡

11. Results European call option pricing formula and put-call parity were obtained considering the price of stock dividends-payment and a jump-diffusion process.


12. parity的近义词

12. To derive the put-call parity relationship, the assumption is that the options are not exercised before expiration day, which necessarily applies to European options.


13. Finally under the assumptions that stocks price process driven by renewal jump-diffusion process, and the expected rate, volatility and risk-less rate are function of time, we obtain the accurate pricing formula and put-call parity Of European Option.


14. In financial mathematics, put-call parity defines a relationship between the price of a call option and a put option—both with the identical strike price and expiry.


15. Be on a parity with


16. parity的近义词

16. Servilia his wife must be placed on a parity with the wife of Antistius already mentioned, for by swallowing live coals she compensated for her untimely death by the lasting memory of her name.


17. A provision that claims resulting from rejection of an unexpired lease should be treated as on a parity with provable debts, but limited to an amount equal to three years rent, was held not to amount to a taking of property without due process of law, since it provided a new and more certain remedy for a limited amount, in lieu of an existing remedy inefficient and uncertain in result.


18. Yet physical indicators (such as electricity consumption) and the results of income comparisons based on purchasing-power parity suggest that the GDP picture may not be entirely misleading.



19. Although the exchange rate is related to the parity of a country's purchasing power, it is the value of commodities traded and the supply and demand on the exchange market that determine the exchange rate.


20. This article introduced some basic knowledge of futures and explore the development of China's foreign exchange futures, and interest rate parity theory for pricing of foreign exchange futures, and foreign exchange futures to make a preliminary analysis.


parity 词典解释

1. 平等;同等;相等

If there is parity between two things, they are equal.

e.g. Women have yet to achieve wage or occupational parity in many fields...


e.g. Italy wanted naval parity with France.


2. (两国货币汇率之间的)平价

If there is parity between the units of currency of two countries, the exchange rate is such that the units are equal to each other.

e.g. The government was ready to let the pound sink to parity with the dollar if necessary.


parity 单语例句

1. The Canadian dollar shot past parity with the US dollar on September 20 and has not backed down since.

2. But the Canadian dollar has hit parity with the greenback for the first time in three decades.

3. The rate is set by the central bank each day as the central parity for foreign exchange trade.

4. The strong central parity rate was in line with a weaker US currency.

5. That rate is the central parity rate, which is set daily.

6. The yuan is allowed to rise or fall by 1 percent from the central parity rate each trading day.

7. Monday's central parity rate of the RMB was 57 points lower than that for Friday.

8. Based on Monday's central parity rate, the yuan weakened against the euro but strengthened against the Japanese yen.

9. The yuan is allowed to rise or fall by 1 percent from the central parity rate each trading day in the spot market.

10. The central parity rate has risen against the dollar for a three consecutive trading days.

parity是什么意思parity 英英释义


1. functional equality

2. (physics) parity is conserved in a universe in which the laws of physics are the same in a right-handed system of coordinates as in a left-handed system

Synonym: conservation of parityspace-reflection symmetrymirror symmetry

3. (computer science) a bit that is used in an error detection procedure in which a 0 or 1 is added to each group of bits so that it will have either an odd number of 1's or an even number of 1's

e.g., if the parity is odd then any group of bits that arrives with an even number of 1's must contain an error

Synonym: parity bitcheck bit

4. (mathematics) a relation between a pair of integers: if both integers are odd or both are even they have the same parity

if one is odd and the other is even they have different parity

e.g. parity is often used to check the integrity of transmitted data

5. (obstetrics) the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered

e.g. the parity of the mother must be considered

a bipara is a woman who has given birth to two children

Synonym: para