

patronage:[英 [ˈpætrənɪdʒ] 美 [ˈpetrənɪdʒ,ˈpætrə-] ]


patronage 基本解释


名词资助,赞助; 光顾,惠顾; 任免权; 支援,保护


patronage 相关例句


1. patronage什么意思

1. He has a great deal of patronage in his hands.


patronage 网络解释

1. 恩惠:慈善作为一种恩惠(patronage)形式,赞助人绝不会被迫参与,除非是出於他内在的推动和公众的非正式期待. 它更多地针对公民而非穷人,没有经济或政治功能. 它既不是救济(charity),也不是财富的、去政治化的或税收的再分配. 有时,

2. 赞助:举一个最简单的例子,拉了文pater如果保留其在古罗马时代的字形传至现代,可以用来表达的意思(也许还要并以别的字)可包括父亲、爱国主义(patriotism),父系血统(paternity)、(基督教)教父神学研究(patritics)、祖传财产(partrimony)、赞助(patronage)等等.

3. patronage在线翻译

3. 资助:早就有学者研究指出,在国际科学界,作为惯例的科学共同体的自治的形成得益于两个不可或缺的社会文化条件:其一,学术自由不仅是研究机构的既定方针,而且成为广泛的社会共识;其二,外界(包括民间机构和国家)对科学的资助(patronage)必须通过基于同行评


4. 光顾:另外一种研究购买者行为的方法是区别老客户光顾(patronage)动机和购买新产品动机(product buying). 老客户光顾动机是指使潜在的消费者购买某一企业的产品而不是其他企业的产品的考虑因素. 这些因素包括优质的服务,

patronage 双语例句

1. In the case of the arts, and within anything at all like the present social order, the principle can be strongly supported on the grounds, first, that it is impossible for the arts to be adequately supported by the ordinary operations of the market or by occasional private patronage (as the banks and industrial companies would soon discover and indeed know already; their prestige advertising support is only practicable at all on the basis of substantial long-term public funding and, secondly, that while public finance, from the general revenue, is essential, it is undesirable that any governmental body, subject to changes of political emphasis, should have direct control over artistic policies and practices.


2. Lula wants Mr Sarney to swing the weight of the PMDB, and its patronage machine, behind Dilma Rousseff, the probable candidate of the ruling Workers` Party in the presidential election next year.

卢拉想让José Sarney发挥巴西民主运动党和资助其的团体的决定性作用来支持Dilma Rousseff,明年总统选举中有希望获胜的执政党工人党的候选人。

3. Full of vitality growing Kam Wing Enterprises look forward to your attention and patronage.



4. Your patronage is our expectation; your praise is our honor, and a warm welcome from all walks of life advice


5. Relying, then, on the patronage of your good will, I advance with obedience to the work, ready to retire from it whenever you become sensible how much better choice it is in your power to make.


6. Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted.


7. A customer having a loan outstanding with the bank tends to increase the probability of his continued patronage.


8. Sorrow Thank you for your patronage heart!


9. All are welcome to Kwong-shing, the Quartet customer patronage, business, and create a better tomorrow!


10. Under the patronage of the Organisation Internationale des Vins (International Organization of Vine and Wine), VITeff 2007 offers a varied and full program of conferences, workshops and competitions, including

在国际葡萄酒组织的大力赞助之下,2007 年的 VITeff 展提出了多种多样、完整的计划安排,包括报告会,专题研讨会和比赛

11. Bumiputra perks yield a stream of uncontested, negotiated contracts and other forms of patronage to UMNO politicians.


12. My mind however is now made up on the subject, for having received ordination at Easter, I have been so fortunate as to be distinguished by the patronage of the Right Honourable Lady Catherine de Bourgh, widow of Sir Lewis de Bourgh, whose bounty and beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of this parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards her Ladyship, and be ever ready to perform those rites and ceremonies which are instituted by the Church of England.


13. patronage在线翻译

13. But whether Mrs. Obama`s patronage translates into higher sales for the designers she wears regularly is still in question.



14. There seems to have been some patronage of Gaelic poetry by the later Pictish kings.


15. Nor was this all, for the reformed Order of Carmelites, into which St. Teresa had infused her great devotion to the foster-father of Jesus, chose him, in 1621, for their patron, and in 1689, were allowed to celebrate the feast of his Patronage on the third Sunday after Easter.

也不是这一切,为改革秩序Carmelites ,到圣德肋撒其中注入了她伟大的献身精神,寄养的父亲耶稣,选择了他,在1621年,他们的靠山,并在1689年,被允许以庆祝节日他的声名显赫的第三个星期日复活节后。

16. patronage是什么意思

16. Following Leonardo from his illegitimate birth to the unveiling of his masterpiece. The Last Supper in Milan, we see him learning his craft at the heart of the Renaissance movement in Florence, surviving arrest and possible burning at the stake only to win the patronage of the powerful Duke of Milan.


17. patronage的反义词

17. The prime minister can deploy patronage, but this has made his administration into little more than a spoils system in which the individual parties, many with their own militias, use control of government ministries to extract resources for themselves.

总理马利基可以采取委任[4] 的策略,但这已经使得其政府蜕变为十足的政党分肥制[5]的组织:许多独立党派拥有自己的武装组织,他们利用对政府部门的控制,为自己谋取私利。

18. patronage是什么意思

18. Ah- - but did not forget, because Baidu is collected too fast, we often can use a few different methods to check the effect, , and Baidu spider is willing also you play new pattern to it every day, ah, look this secret thing also is to the dot is breathed out childishly, need person will fool, also love add trouble to-- be like such doing to still have a profit, if your station is disinclined to play trick-- ha, spider of that probable where day no longer patronage your website, why?


19. patronage的解释

19. Feeling like a frog at the bottom of a well. Some other guys came earlier and occupied good benches in the embrace of the sunshine, so I go around and look for such a seat for quite a while, and I take a seat where I receive the patronage of the sunshine.



20. Let us deserve well of our country by making her interests the end of all our plans, and not our own pomp, patronage, and irresponsibility.


patronage 词典解释

1. 资助;赞助

Patronage is the support and money given by someone to a person or a group such as a charity.

e.g. ...government patronage of the arts in Europe...


e.g. The Vevey Festival was founded 12 years ago under the patronage of Oona Chaplin.


patronage 单语例句

1. Worth's designs were preferred by the empress, whose patronage ensured his success as a popular dressmaker.

2. It is widely believed that China's eatery industry owes a large part of its boom to the patronage of official gourmets.

3. It hardly matters that Saddam hardly ever changed his ruling style when he enjoyed and then lost US patronage.

4. While admitting the effect is not measurable, hotels believe " the scent certainly has an impact on guest patronage ".

5. They demonstrate the legacy of artist patronage and art collecting in the northern industrial cities that burgeoned in the revolution.

6. The nature of corporate patronage of sports has radically changed since the time Xu came home with a gold.

7. The concert was held by the Herzliya Chamber Orchestra under the patronage of Chinese Embassy to Israel.

8. While the full report has not been made public yet, this did bring to light how criminal gangs enjoyed political patronage across all political parties.

9. To establish trust, retailers said they have spared no effort in protecting customers'rights to maintain their patronage.

10. Karzai's opponents also complain that state media and patronage give the president an unfair advantage.

patronage 英英释义


1. the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers

e.g. even before noon there was a considerable patronage

Synonym: trade

2. (politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support

3. the act of providing approval and support

e.g. his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives

Synonym: backingbackupchampionship

4. a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient

Synonym: condescensiondisdain

5. customers collectively

e.g. they have an upper class clientele

Synonym: clientelebusiness


1. be a regular customer or client of

e.g. We patronize this store

Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could

Synonym: patronizepatronisesupportkeep going

2. support by being a patron of