

serum:[英 [ˈsɪərəm] 美 [ˈsɪrəm] ]



serum 基本解释

名词血清,血浆; 浆液,树液; 乳清

serum 网络解释

1. serum

1. 血清:另外,微阵列分析并不适合监测最复杂的人类蛋白质组, 血清(serum)/血浆(plasma)蛋白质组. 因为细胞把蛋白质释放到血液流中, 血清/血浆蛋白质组提供了一个监测流经人体变化发生的 、唯一和容易可用的资源. 然而,

2. 精华液:[泰晤士报] 英国头版头条报道:泰国葛根奇迹丰胸......各大传媒争相直击报道后,立即在全球女性中引起强烈反响,Puerarian丰胸激素丸(Capsules)+ 丰胸精华液(Serum)丰胸胶囊套装一上市,凭籍其近乎完美的丰胸效果,

3. 精华素:想进一步加强修护效果,还可考虑配合相同品牌的高浓度精华素(Serum)同用. 不过,购买前记得详细阅读使用指南,因为有些眼膜敷后必须抹走残余精华,才可进行下一步的润肤程序;而有些成份则润而不腻,只须直接涂上薄薄眼霜即可.

4. 血液:除了在癌细胞实验外,MILAGEN已在血液(SERUM)中寻找致病的蛋白质,一般而言这是一件非常困难的工作,MILAGEN运用相同的平台,在摄护腺癌的病患血液中,成功的发现好多种异常蛋白质,这种成就可以提早从血液检验中找到了癌细胞初期形成的指标(MARKER) ,

serum 双语例句


1. Aim: In order to investigate the relationship between the level of STNFR in serum and antiviral action of IFN-α.


2. The serum levels of soluble interleukin 2 receptor(sIL-2R)were determined in 176 serum specimens from patients suffering from different diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, various types of tumour kidney transplantation, nephrotic syndrome, and lobular pneumonia.


3. IgE levels in serum were measured at various time-points. Lung specimens were fixed in 10% neutrally buffered formalin and paraffin embedded. Deparaffinized sections (5um thick)were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and analyzed under a light microscope.


4. Results Lung injury was markedly reduced in tetramethylpyrazine-treated group and tetramethylpyrazine significantly attenuated NF-κB activation of BAL macrophages. PLA 2, TNFα, IL-1, IL-6levels of serum and lung tissue were decreased significantly; 24hour-mortality was reduced obviously by tetramˉethylpyrazine.

结果 川芎嗪能明显降低AHNP大鼠24h死亡率;减轻肺组织及胰腺的病理性损伤;降低血中、肺组织中及腹水中PLA 2 活性;减少腹水生成量;降低血中、肺组织中TNFα、IL-1、IL-6水平;显著降低肺泡灌洗液巨噬细胞NF-κB活性。

5. serum的解释

5. The fluorescence quenching mechanism of human serum albumin by medicines and the difference of binding of nalidixic acid and norfloxacin to HSA was discussed.


6. serum的近义词

6. METHODS: Serum levels of FABP and BNP were determined using ELISA in 36 children with pneumonia complicated by CHF and 28 healthy children.


7. The serum of some human beings caused agglutination of the red blood corpuscles of other human beings.


8. serum

8. Objective To study the relationship between levels of serum erythropoietin and haemoglobin in patients with anemia of cancer.

目的 研究癌性贫血患者血清促红细胞生成素水平及其与血红蛋白含量之间的关系。

9. GTW-containing serum sign ificantly suppr essed pro liferation of spleno cytes. serum of GTW fed for more day s suppressed

细胞增殖反应有明显的抑制作用,且IC50分别为0.26μg/ml 和0.16μg/ml,雷公藤多苷含药血清对细胞增殖反应也有明显的抑

10. Pro R. Mack Harrell: I currently recommend 1000-2000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily for all adults who don`t have elevated serum calciums, calcium containing kidney stones or renal failure.


11. serum

11. Serum proteins of 139 water-buffaloes in West Sichuan were classified by the cellulose acetate film eleetrophoresis.


12. Vitamin C can interrupt the process of melanin production could have been generated to prevent further oxidation of DOPA ammonia was reduced to dopa, and can reduce serum levels of copper oxide, affecting the activity of tyrosine plum, thereby interfering with the biosynthesis of melanin, if the want to make the skin and fair complexion, we might eat more foods rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes, oranges, lemons, hawthorn, citrus and so on.


13. Methods:Serum anti-sperm antibody, anti-endometrial antibody, anti-ovarian antibody and anti-cardiolipin antibody in 2906 female patients with primary or secondary infertility were tested.


14. The serum cys c has important diagnostic value in early stage of diabetic nephropathy group.

血清cys c在早期糖尿病肾病中有较高的检出率,对早期糖尿病肾病的诊断具有重要价值。

15. Objective To study the relationship between the serum Cys C level and the prognosis of patients admitted to intensive care unit.

目的 探讨急诊危重病患者血清胱抑素C浓度的改变与预后的关系。

16. We used embedding medium to cover lipid of pumpkin seed, emulsifier and stabilizer to settle delamination of pumpkin seed serum, the effect of powder was fairly good.



17. In total 281 cases, liver fanction index was detected by 7170 A biochemical analizer, and serum hepatitis virus markers were checked by SPECTRA enezy-labeled machine.


18. Methods According to EP9-A file of NCCLS, different biochemical detecting systems, detecting system 1~4 and detecting system 5 (target system, comparison method, which includes Hitachi 7170 biochemical analyzer, reagent of Roche, c. f. a. s calibrator and controller of Roche, and has accredited by ISO/IEC 17025)were used to detect serum LDH to obtain the correlation coefficient and the linear equation, respectively.

参考NCCLS的EP9-A文件,以日立7170生化分析仪、罗氏原装试剂、c.f.a.s校准品和质控品组成的检测系统已通过ISO/IEC 17025实验室认可)为比较方法,检测系统1~4为实验方法,用患者新鲜血清对LDH进行检测,计算试验方法(Y和比较方法之间的相对偏差,以CLIA`88规定的室间质量评价允许误差范围的1/2为标准,判断不同检测系统的可比性。

19. Methods According to EP9-A file of NCCLS, different biochemical detecting systems, detecting system 1~4 and detecting system 5 (target system, comparison method, which includes Hitachi 7170 biochemical analyzer, reagent of Roche, c. f. a. s calibrator and controller of Roche, and has accredited by ISO/IEC 17025)were used to detect serum LDH to obtain the correlation coefficient and the linear equation, respectively. The n the coefficient and equation were used to evaluate the system bias between laboratory method and comparison method.

参考 NCCLS的EP9-A文件,以日立7170生化分析仪、罗氏原装试剂、c.f.a.s校准品和质控品组成的检测系统已通过ISO/IEC 17025实验室认可)为比较方法,检测系统1~4为实验方法,用患者新鲜血清对LDH进行检测,计算试验方法(Y和比较方法之间的相对偏差,以CLIA`88规定的室间质量评价允许误差范围的1/2为标准,判断不同检测系统的可比性。

20. MethodsDif-ferent extract was extracted from Buxus Microphylla leaf by systematic solvents (petroleum benzin, ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-butyl alcohol and water respectively), the antihypeflipidemia effects of different extract were observed in the serum levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride on the hyperlipaemia models, which were established through celiac injection of 75% egg-yolk emulsion.


serum 词典解释

1. 免疫血清

A serum is a liquid that is injected into someone's blood to protect them against a poison or disease.

2. 血清

Serum is the watery, pale yellow part of blood.


serum 单语例句serum

1. Mads Melbye, professor of epidemiology at the State Serum Institute in Copenhagen.

2. A scene in which she's high on truth serum allows her trademark vibrancy to shine through.

3. His serum and sputum were tested for bird flu within days of his being admitted to hospital but the first tests proved negative.

4. The plane arrived in Beijing at about 11 pm that night, and the serum was administered by 1 am the following morning.

5. He suggested that serum farms could be established where charmers could sell venom for medical use.

6. Bharti provided no details on interrogation techniques, but said " truth serum " would probably be used next week.

7. Some of the injured were taken by train to Kerman where bandaged and crying children clutching bags of serum stood at the railway station.

8. The provincial disease center still has Wen's blood serum sample which tested HIV positive in 2003.

9. Jiang conducted bold SARS treatment experiments on himself, injecting the blood serum of recovered SARS patients into his own body.

serumserum 英英释义


1. an amber, watery fluid, rich in proteins, that separates out when blood coagulates

Synonym: blood serum