

polar:[英 [ˈpəʊlə(r)] 美 [ˈpoʊlə(r)] ]


polar 基本解释

形容词极地的,两极的; 正好相反的; [化,物]磁极的,有磁性的


polar 相关例句


1. The two systems of government are polar opposites.


2. polar

2. Love and hatred are polar feelings.


polar 网络解释

1. 极坐标图:上一期简单介绍中讲到,JViews Charts可以显示种类繁多的图表格式,包括二维点图(2D point),折线图(line),条形图(bar),堆叠图(stacked),气泡图(bubble),区域图(area),高低点连线图(high/low),柱状图(candle),雷达图(radar),极坐标图(polar)和饼状图(pie)

2. 极性:即只有从父本接受了Collipyge基因(C),从母本接受了野生型等位基因(N)的杂合绵羊(CN)才具有C表型,而反交杂种绵羊(NC)表型正常:也就是说.正反交杂种的表型不同,此为极性(Polar),而2种纯合基因型(CC和NN)个体表型相似,

3. polar在线翻译

3. 极性的:逻辑是直线的,生命是极性的;(polar)逻辑以直线进行,生命绕着圆圈走. 所以一个一直在放松的人到了晚上一定不能够放松,而一个整天辛苦工作的人到了晚上就能够放松. 或者,从另外一个角度来看一个一直在爱,而从来不生气的人无法真正地爱.

4. 极坐标:而在EDGE手机的应用上,除了可以利用到极化调制适用各种调制技术的优点之外, 也因为其极坐标(Polar)的架构, 使EDGE的高峰值平均比在功率放大器端得到最佳化的表现, 不象GSM功率放大器一样不能工作在这样程度的饱和区.

polar 双语例句


1. The site, 150 miles into the ice cap from Thule air base, was selected 50 years ago by the US Army Polar Research and Development Center.


2. polar

2. The polar bodies, in general, were considered as a kind of cellules with no functions completely.



3. The air picks up moisture from the polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


4. Preliminary research on lunar probe orbit control technology based on planar two bodies model and planar polar three bodies model is introduced in this paper.



5. The air picks up moisture from e polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


6. The chromosomes within these polar bodies have the same genetic and reproductive poten cials as those left in the oocytes and can be used for production of fertile off spring.


7. polar的翻译

7. The first polar bodies did not extroded completely but formed a semi-sphere pattern above the surface of the oocytes.


8. Because the three polar bodies are seldom found in the same focal plane, a recording showing all three polar bodies at the same time is hardly possible.


9. A series of bis (2-ethylhexyl polyoxyethylene) sulfosuccinates and bis (2-ethylhexyl polyoxypropylene) sulfosuccinates based on isooctanol were synthesized through alkoxylation, esterification and sulfonation. Their molecular structures are similar to AOT bis (2-ethylhexyl sulfosuccinate, which was mostly used in the field of reversed micelles, except there exist a polyoxyalkylene chain between the polar head and hydrophobic tail.



10. An average of 35.6±37.0 flying birds per aggregation was observed, almost all of them associated to chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica groups. The most common species were kelp gulls Larus dominicanus, South Polar skuas Catharacta maccormicki, pintado petrels Daption capensis and southern giant petrels Macronectes giganteus.


11. polar的解释

11. The application results from fluorination showed microwave heating could accelerate chemical reactions markedly. The reaction time could be shortened 50% at least than that of conventional heating. The relationship between fluorinating agents'structure and their activity was studied systematically. In addition, an anhydrous KF with higher activity was prepared by using expansion effect of microwave heating. As we known, solvents were very important to reaction. The comprehensive study showed some less polar aromatic solvents could be used as dipolar solvents. In addition, they had better effect than dipolar solvents in some occasions, such as fluorination of chlorobenzaldehydes and chlorinated diphenyl ketones etc. The primary applications of ionic liquids were also studied which indicated reactions with ionic liquids as solvents were more efficient and simple.


12. polar的解释

12. Poly alkyl ether C_(18)E_(20) was in combination with each of three n-fatty alcohols(1-octanol, n-dodecanol and n-octadecanol) respectively as a model of non-ionic surfactant and polar organic substance composites, which was spreaded onto air-water interface and formed a mixed monolayer on a Langmuir trough.


13. polar的意思

13. Available features: Auto-Trim, Crop, Deskew, Flip, Mirror, Resample, Resize, Rotate, Shear, Add Noise, Anti-Alias, Average, Bending, Border Remove, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Resolution, Colored Gray, Contour, Contrast, Cylindrical, Despeckle, Dilate, Dot Remove, DPI Resolution, Edge Detector, Emboss, Erode, Etch, Gamma Correct, Gaussian Blur, Glow, Gradient, Grayscale, Half-Tone, HistoContrast, Hole Punch Remove, Hue, Impressionist, Intensity Detect, Invert, Invert Text, Laplacian, Line Remove, Line Segment, Max Filter, Median, Min Filter, Mosaic, Motion Blur, Multiply, Oilify, Old Photo, Pixelate, Polar, Posterize, Prewitt, Punch, Radial Wave, Ripple, Saturation, Sharpen, Smooth, Sobel, Solarize, Swirl, Unsharp, Wave, and more!

可用的功能:自动修剪,作物,deskew ,倒装,是一面镜子,重新取样,大小,旋转,剪切,添加噪音,抗混叠,平均而言,弯曲,边界消除,亮度,buttonize ,色彩解析度,色灰,轮廓,对比度,圆筒形,despeckle ,扩张,点删除,dpi解析度,边缘检测,emboss ,侵蚀,腐蚀,Gamma修正,高斯模糊,辉光,梯度,灰阶,半色调,histocontrast ,孔冲床删除,色调,印象派,强度检测,反转,反转文本,拉普拉斯,删除线,线段,最高过滤器,中位数,闵过滤器,马赛克,运动模糊,乘,oilify ,旧照片,pixelate ,极地,posterize ,prewitt ,冲床,径向波,涟漪,饱和度,锐化,平滑,索贝尔,曝光,漩涡,锐化,波浪,及其他更多功能!


14. In fact, it is the polar opposite of that slippery, disgusting, ever manipulable entity called History.


15. A binding mode of inositol monophosphate as a polar head group of the putative membrane phospholipid ligand to Cyt2Ca1 was presented using molecular docking. The residues of Leu9, Glu21, Tyr23 and Gln110 of the Cyt2Ca1 toxin are responsible for the interactions with inositol monophosphate via eight hydrogen bonds.


16. In 1851 it was well known that Earth rotated: observational evidence included Earth's measured polar flattening and equatorial bulge.


17. Instead of assuming the Earth to be a perfect sphere, this function takes into account the actual polar flattening of the earth and the equatorial bulge, which gives a much more accurate computation between the given coordinates.



18. According to this method of multi-polar set dynamic balancing valve design concept is wrong.


19. In combination with sequencing data, these results show that insertional MinD mutant could cause polar effect on MinE expression.

从以上的结果与序列比对结果推测,本实验构筑的minD突变株可能发生polar effect而影响MinE的表现。

20. polar的翻译

20. Driven by the need for improved efficiency and support for multiple complex standards, polar-modulation solutions for cellular radios are emerging as the de facto standard modulation technique in the GSM/Edge market.


polar 词典解释

1. 近地极的;极地的

Polar means near the North and South Poles.


e.g. ...the rigours of life in the polar regions...


e.g. Warmth melted some of the polar ice.


2. (在性质、类型等方面)完全相反的,截然对立的

Polar is used to describe things which are completely opposite in character, quality, or type.


e.g. In many ways, Brett and Bernard are polar opposites.


e.g. ...economists at polar ends of the politico-economic spectrum.


polar 单语例句

1. People at the shelter dined on American chop suey and shepherd's pie and watched " The Polar Express " in the cafeteria.

2. Observation satellites'remote sensors will tell researchers in September whether the polar cap diminished this summer to its smallest size on record.

3. Visitors are flocking to the Harbin Polar Land to see the first artificially bred penguin chick raised in inland China.

4. The penguin chick was in good condition, according to the polar exploration department of China's National Bureau of Oceanography.

5. Harbin Polar Land recently welcomed its first artificially bred penguin chick to the fold.

6. Li advises those looking to test the waters to take daily cold showers for months prior to taking their first polar plunge.

7. The foundation was designed to promote the establishment of China's polar museum and development of an information network and data bank for polar environmental protection.

8. Having only one icebreaker has always been a disadvantage in conducting the country's polar expeditions, especially when it comes to exploring the Arctic.

9. A reexamination of images of the surface of Mars taken after the Polar Lander's disappearance show a white patch that could be a parachute.

10. Polar bears are powerful swimmers and have been recorded on swims of 100 miles but the ordeal can leave them exhausted and susceptible to drowning.
