

fertilizer:[英 [ˈfɜ:təlaɪzə(r)] 美 [ˈfɜ:rtəlaɪzə(r)] ]



fertilizer 基本解释

名词肥料,化肥; 受精媒介物; 促进发展者

fertilizer 相关例句


1. fertilizer的意思

1. He was not only a distinguished writer but a fertilizer of other talents.


fertilizer 网络解释

1. 化学肥料:石油中的16%是用来制成其他物质,很多化学工业上的产物,像:药剂(pharmaceutical)、溶剂(solvent)、化学肥料(fertilizer)、杀虫剂(pesticide)和塑胶(plastic)等均是由石油制造产生,石油已成为重要的化工原料来源.

2. 化肥:从上世纪80年代初到目前,被炒作的商品达二十几种,平均每隔两、三年就有一种,如80年代的化肥(Fertilizer)、胶合板(Plywood/Veneer Board)、冻鸭(Frozen Ducks)、万宝路香烟(Marlboro Cigarette

3. 施肥:首先要有地( field ) ,要施肥( fertilizer ),使之变成肥沃的( fecund ). 庄稼会变得根深叶( foliar 叶的)茂,开花( flower )结果( fruit ).

fertilizer 双语例句

1. In recent years, according to market demand enterprises have developed the 5-50 million tons/year of compound fertilizer for high-temperature exhaust fan and fan, HTD series furnace fan, SGGSGY series of circulating fluidized bed boiler, and other special fan, a high market share, Praised by users, including high-temperature fan shell liner technology, transmission oil spill prevention technology group won the national patent.


2. The equivalent standard pollution loadings were compared among different rigions, the results indicated that the water pollution threaten caused by agricultural non-point source pollution was more serious in the south of Jiangsu province and in Nantong than in the other rigions; The equivalentStandard pollution loading rates of different agricultural non-point source pollution in different regions were analysised by clustering analysis method, and the results indicated that Nanjing、Wuxi、Zhenjiang and Changzhou were polluted mainly by domestic living pollution; Xuzhou、Suqian、Taizhou、Yancheng、Lianyungang、Huaian and Nantong were polluted mainly by chemical fertilizer pollution; Suzhou and Yangzhou were polluted corresponsively by animals feces pollution、domestic living pollution、chemical fertilizer pollution and fish breeding pond pollution.


3. As a leading manufacturer of organic liquid fertilizers organic powder fertilizer for many years in Taiwan, we have won a good reputation among our customers.



4. To meet the challenge of feeding about 22% of the world`s population on 7% of the world`s land, China had only one avenue open to embark on a most ambitious program of chemical fertilizer production and use.


5. Wastewater is neutralized with lime cream, and is concentrated by multiple-effect evaporation, and then directly dried to powder, or dried to bagasse powder after being mixed with bagasse, or is directly used as compound fertilizer.


6. fertilizer什么意思

6. Analysis about value flow in China's phosphorous fertilizer industry


7. According to the scientific research data, this article analyzed the environmental pollution caused by pesticide, fertilizer and agricultural films in Benxi county.


8. Ecological organic fertilizer blended with sand and slag can increase the Vitamin C content of hot pepper fruit.


9. In the first crop, the yield was increased with the amount of fertilizer.



10. Rice; utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer; nitrogen efficiency in producing grain yield


11. Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Factors on Nitrate and Nitrite Accumlation in CarrotDaucus carota L.

中文名称:不同氮肥因素对胡萝卜(Daucus carota L。)硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的影响

12. Held Tianjin ethylene, Shandong Lunan fertilizer plant researchers pressurized gasification and Phase II expansion project, Beijing Dongfang chemical acrylic acid and esters, Jinxi Chemical Plant ethylene propane series, 40 engineering and engineering technology to national, provincial and municipal incentives to the industry.


13. Increased fertilizer use is required to increase individual plant size and thus increased fruit and vegetable size.


14. 5 The three coated fertilizer all show the disadvantages that the differential release rate is too high.

2.5 三种包膜肥料均表现出微分溶解率过高的缺点。

15. Chengdu Lippo Wo Biofertilizer limited liability company based on Soil and Fertilizer Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Zhongnong Xinke biotechnology company's technology and product advantages, is committed to sound agricultural waste treatment, resource utilization projects of technological development and products.


16. Based on a field experiment, this article discussed the impact of AMMS biofertilizer on outputs, quality and soil environment of crop, etc, which chosed some kind of crops and vegetables as the subjects. On this basis, according to the position-theory of industrialized development and depth-submarketing theory, it studied the regional industrial distribution and marketing strategy of AMMS to offer theoretical foundation and development model for the fastly industrialized development of our domestic microbial fertilizer industry.


17. The results showed that the germination indexes of alfalfa seed cultured in 60 hours were higher than 80%, so it could be beneficial to alfalfa seed development but no phytotoxicity. Finally, Pot culture discovered that there was no significant difference between SMS biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer.


18. The quadratics rotary orthogonal combination design was used to conduct field experiment of integrated balanced of yard manure, urea, calcium superphosphate, potassium chloride and potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer in order to increase the yield of Chinese chestnut.


19. fertilizer的意思

19. Before the autumn harvestthe best, at this time, leaf photosynthetic performance are still high, sunny, autumn, the larger temperature difference between day and night, is conducive to the accumulation of organic nutrients to meet the following year, budding, flower bud differentiation, flowering fruit setting needs. autumn should be, earth-based organic fertilizers such as manure, and at the same time with the appropriate number of available fertilizer applied


20. fertilizer

20. A retrospective search on the coated controlled release fertilizer in 1967~2000 have been done.


fertilizer 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 fertiliser

1. 肥料;化肥

Fertilizer is a substance such as solid animal waste or a chemical mixture that you spread on the ground in order to make plants grow more successfully.

e.g. ...farming without any purchased chemical, fertilizer or pesticide...


e.g. Work in a balanced fertiliser before planting.


fertilizer 单语例句fertilizer的翻译

1. An intensive industrial layout that focuses on business conglomerates will form and waste water, gas and solid discharges by chemical fertilizer enterprises will be controlled and recycled.

2. A nearby agriculture office crowded with farmers who had come to buy fertilizer was also completely destroyed and power to the area was cut off.

3. A chemical fertilizer company was found to be the source of the pollutant.

4. We shall exercise strict control over the construction of chemical fertilizer projects.

5. If the chemical fertilizer enterprise fails to reach the standards after improvement, the favorable power rate policy for small chemical fertilizer enterprises shall be cancelled.

6. The provincial government also called on farmers to use organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer in order to avoid polluting the soil and groundwater.

7. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer has caused serious soil pollution in China.

8. Shao adds that no chemical fertilizer is used, only the organic residue from rapeseeds after the oil is pressed.

9. If the construction of chemical fertilizer projects departs from this rule, the related units and personnel shall be severely punished.

10. They changed from using insecticides to solar pest killing lamps, and from chemical fertilizer to methane fertilizer.

fertilizer 英英释义


1. any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile

Synonym: fertiliserplant food