

torture:[英 [ˈtɔ:tʃə(r)] 美 [ˈtɔ:rtʃə(r)] ]


过去式:tortured;   过去分词:tortured;   现在分词:torturing;   复数形式:tortures;

torture 基本解释


名词折磨; 拷问; 痛苦; (精神上或肉体上的)折磨

及物动词使痛苦; 使苦恼; 使焦急; 曲解

torture 相关例句


1. He was tortured with anxiety.


2. The police tortured him to confess his crime.


3. torture

3. Winds tortured the trees.



1. The sight of his sick brother was torture to him.


2. torture的意思

2. She suffered tortures from a toothache.


3. Many of the POWs died under torture.


torture 双语例句

1. After came one foot hanging, by the end Xiaohui was bound on the Tiger`s Bench, and we use a very hot electric heater to torture her soft soles!


2. That`s a revealing anecdote of the anti-democratic sophistication of the vanguard of global capital, but it`s a long way from torture chambers and electric volts.


3. You shall read, in some of the friars'books of mortification, that a man should think with himself, what the pain is, if he have but his finger's end pressed, or tortured, and thereby imagine, what the pains of death are, when the whole body is corrupted, and dissolved; when many times death passeth, with less pain than the torture of a limb; for the most vital parts, are not the quickest of sense.


4. Mankind's history up to now helps a culture by torture Jun method to often see not fresh, like the Xing of fire Fen, commit by poison of Xing, behead, cut a waist, bury alive, boil Lao, car crack, Ling2 Chi2, disorderly the stick kill, execute by shooting, exterminate whole family, five horse cent corpses, dig to the prisoner's large intestine to bind while also having Sung Dynasty Bad is at the horsetail up, whip son a ring the horse drive fast and the prisoner immediately draws last breath an etc.


5. torture

5. But, doyou know that I dont hope that you will thus torture yourself, or makeyourself an ascetic monk?


6. While Adelstein was filming a water torture scene with a female character, there was an accident where the stuntwoman's face hit the bottom of a bathtub.



7. In the torture room, Kill Bill and Sin Citys traditional games, the award-winning comic writer Ed Brubaker and stuntwoman combine, showing a distinctive character, how the bad girl of fashion changed for the better.

在刑房、杀死比尔和罪恶之城的传统游戏中,获奖漫画作家Ed Brubaker与stuntwoman组合起来,呈现出一个性格鲜明的时尚女孩如何由坏变好。

8. torture

8. At the same time, the administration of justice is also affected by social and cultural activities, such as the request of stopping torture for religious activities, the protection of education on persons with fame, which has all changed the form of judicial activities.


9. This is a excellent video for tit torture: you will see the master use a lot of clamps put on model`s breast and nipple, also use nipple chain on the nipples, then hang few heavy metal cuff on the nipple chain, flogger strike on her breast, Tongtong`s hands are tied up with ropes and hang strait up back, she can do nothing except moaning and screaming for mercy.


10. torture是什么意思

10. A touchy man just like a hedgehog who scrunches in the opposite way to use its thron to torture himself.


11. torture的近义词

11. We accumulate our value and dignity as get up from the dirty mud of life again and'll come to discover that brilliant man in the beautiful we may seem so stupid by doing so simple work, but let it just try our best to finish the calling the great God, despite any laughters, attacks and those scums and swines die and destory themsleves and torture themselves in their own hearts hell!


12. torture

12. Aimee Mann - Momentum Oh, for the sake of momentum I've allowed my fears to get larger than life And it's brought me to my current agendum Whereupon I deny fulfillment has yet to arrive And I know life is getting shorter I can't bring myself to set the scene Even whin it's approaching torture I've got my routine Oh, for the sake of momentum Even thought I agree with that stuff about seizing the day But I hate to think of effort expended All those minutes and days and hours I've have frittered away But I can't confront the doubts I have I can't admit that maybe the pas was bad And so, for the sake of momentum, I'm condemning the future to death so it can match the past

Aimee 曼-动力哦,为了动力我已经允许我的恐惧比生活大而且资讯科技被带我去我的现在议程因此我否认实现还没有到达而且我知道生活正在很比较短我不能带来我自己设定现场甚至金雀花资讯科技正在接近拷问我已经得到我的常式哦,为了动力甚至认为我同意那一种东西有关抓住那天但是我憎恨想到被花费的努力整那些数分钟和数天和数小时我已经逐渐浪费离开但是我不能面对我有的怀疑我不能承认,也许不好很坏而且如此,为了动力,我正在判刑对死亡的未来因此它能相配过去

13. At that moment, the cudgelling, multiplied by a hundred hands, became zealous, blows with the flat of the sword were mingled with it, it was a perfect storm of whips and clubs; the convicts bent before it, a hideous obedience was evoked by the torture, and all held their peace, darting glances like chained wolves.



14. I appreciate the opportunity to speak my peace as it allows me to forgive you for the abuse, neglect and unconscious torture you put me/you through.


15. The Council of Europe`s anti-torture committee said suspects should be taken to prison after 14 days as police cells were inadequate for longer detention.


16. torture的翻译

16. There are many others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse.


17. After a long-lasting period of torture, trials, and jail time, Sadik returns to his village with 7-8 years old Deniz, knowing that it will be hard to correct things with his father, Huseyin.


18. However, I am also a life ascetics, I do not see the mountains, I was labeled as experienced by the torture.



19. Succeed? You'll get someone of your own to torture.


20. torture什么意思

20. In this pandemonium, the enemy to make him do all kinds of inhuman torture, such as pressure thick stick, filling kerosene, electric shocks, whips suspended or beaten, fire acupuncture nails and so on, tortured him black and blue.


torture 词典解释

1. 拷打;拷问;虐待

If someone is tortured, another person deliberately causes them great pain over a period of time, in order to punish them or to make them reveal information.


e.g. French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed...


e.g. Three members of the group had been tortured to death…


2. 折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼

To torture someone means to cause them to suffer mental pain or anxiety.

e.g. He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her...


e.g. She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend.


3. 折磨;痛苦;苦恼;引起痛苦(或苦恼)的事物

If you say that something is torture or a torture, you mean that it causes you great mental or physical suffering.

e.g. Waiting for the result was torture...


e.g. The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture…


torture 单语例句

1. Cheney is seeking to persuade Congress to exempt the Central Intelligence Agency from the proposed torture ban if one is passed by both chambers.

2. There were penitentiaries or private jails in monasteries and aristocrats'residences, where instruments of torture were kept and clandestine tribunals held to punish serfs and slaves.

3. War crimes investigators will also head into Kosovo hunting for evidence of massacres, ethnic cleansing and torture.

4. Obama ordered the prison's closure and emphatically stated " we don't torture " just days after taking office as he sought to improve a sullied world image.

5. The documents argued that a long list of coercive techniques did not equal torture since they did not inflict severe mental or physical pain.

6. The administration is pretty much alone in believing that the methods the bill would have ruled out do not constitute " torture ".

7. Wang said no cases of forced confession by torture or other illegal measures took place during interrogations that had been videotaped.

8. The original conviction came based on a confession which She says was extracted under police torture.

9. Criminal procedures also have precise articles to guarantee basic rights of the accused, such as banning torture and a death penalty waiver for female criminals who are pregnant.

10. She also went further than others in the Bush administration to insist that Americans do not practice torture or lesser forms of cruel treatment.

torture 英英释义


1. the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason

e.g. it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession

Synonym: torturing

2. the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean

Synonym: distortionoverrefinementstrainingtwisting

3. intense feelings of suffering

acute mental or physical pain

e.g. an agony of doubt

the torments of the damned

Synonym: agonytorment

4. extreme mental distress

Synonym: anguishtorment

5. unbearable physical pain

Synonym: torment


1. subject to torture

e.g. The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible

Synonym: excruciatetorment

2. torment emotionally or mentally

Synonym: tormentexcruciaterack