

forward:[英 [ˈfɔ:wəd] 美 [ˈfɔ:rwərd] ]


过去式:forwarded;   过去分词:forwarded;   现在分词:forwarding;   复数形式:forwards;

forward 基本解释

副词向前; 前进地; 至将来; 提前地

形容词向前方的; 迅速的; (社会、政治)进步的; 早熟的

及物动词促进,助长; (按新地址)转寄; 发送



forward 同义词





forward 反义词



forward 相关例句


1. forward

1. He put forward a new view.



2. They moved the meeting forward from the 20th to the 18th.



1. forward的解释

1. She made a forward remark.


2. The child is very forward at walking.



1. He tried to forward his father's plan.


forward 情景对话


A:I have a letter of introduction here.


B:Your name, please?



A:It‘s David Chou.


B:Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We‘ve been looking forward to this.



A:The tour should last about an hour and a half .



B:I‘m really looking forward to this.



A:We can start over here.


B:I‘ll just follow you.




A:You mast be Mrs. Wang. I am delighted to meet you at last.


B:Likewise. I have been looking forward to this moment or months!


A:You must be exhausted. Would you like to sit down and rest for a few minutes?


B:Oh, no, I’d rather get to College as quickly as possible.


forward 网络解释

1. 前锋:分别系后卫(guard), 前锋(forward)和中锋(center),而后卫(guard)和前锋(forward)又会细分为控球后卫(point guard),得分后卫(shooting guard),在区域联防下,是防守篮底最后一幅屏障,封盖(blocked shots)能力亦要良好,

2. 转送:今天登上 MSN 发现邮箱里又有三封邮件,进 Hotmail 一看果然还是垃圾. 一气之下想起邮箱不都是有个转送(Forward)功能吗?为啥不转到我 GMail 邮箱里呢?

3. forward:fwd.; 前锋

4. forward:f.; 前锋

forward 双语例句

1. We are truly looking forward to your visit and inquiry any time.


2. The results obtained from the forward modeling are in good accordance with the structural geometry observed from the seismic profile, which show that Dachigan structure is a typical trishear structure.


3. forward

3. The elaborate loop-the-loop plot structure cooked up by screenwriter Danny Rubin is crystal-clear every step of the way, but it's Murray's world-class reactive timing that makes the jokes explode, and we end up looking forward to each new variation.


4. Muriel, Benjamin, and all the sheep, with Snowball at the head of them, rushed forward and prodded and butted the men from every side, while Benjamin turned around and lashed at them with his small hoofs.


5. According to the new subject idea and its special circumstances, the article which combines the new evaluation idea of senior history with the teaching method in the western mountains area in Shijiazhuang, puts forward a new idea about the school work evaluation devolepment of senior history, and offers a refrence for the teachers who are working in the local areas and those who are working in the less developed areas.


6. And then a ship generator excitation compound control method with rough neural network inverse system feed forward compensation was presented, and the stability and reliability of compound system was analyzed.


7. Aiming at the characteristics of ship power system, two hybrid intelligent rough control methods were presented for the first time. The one is an adaptive neural PID control strategy based on RS-RBF neural networks identification; another one is excitation compound control method with rough neural inverse system feed forward compensation. The simulation results prove the validity of these methods.


8. According to the conditions of our fact production and full requirement analyzing, the research of this system was brought forward.


9. Endeavor in the Qian Heng people look forward to working with your co-operation to create a better future.


10. forward的解释

10. In the course of an ordinary stride, we use muscle energy both to accelerate the leg forward in an arc and then to brake its downward motion.


11. Furthermore, a method is put forward in this paper for determining belief factor.


12. forward什么意思

12. Men armed and be moving forward to erase the rebellion, besides we the majority of the population had no choice to defend the border from barbarian invasion of outsides and gain supporting of insides.


13. If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger.


14. Reasonable planning, step by step forward, the evolving character of the green path of development


15. Asks people to come forward to show that they want to give themselves to the Lord Jesus.


16. But the pH value is too small, fountain solution will put forward and driers react postponent ink drying.


17. The horse is raising its head, neighing and galloping forward with one foot treading on a flying swallow.


18. At first, the basic requirements of numerical control cutting of plate material in manufacturing enterprises are analyzed, on the basis of which, the total design plan of integrated optimized cutting system was put forward. Meanwhile, the structure and function of the system were designed in the plan, and design thoughts and processes of each function model were analyzed.



19. Today can absorb one of the most important element is that we continue to move forward.


20. Today can absorb one of the most important element is that we constantly move forward.


forward 词典解释In addition to the uses shown below, forward is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘bring forward’ and ‘look forward to’. In British English, forwards is often used as an adverb instead of forward in senses 1, 4, and 7.

除下列用法外,forward 还可用于bring forward,look forward to等短语动词中。英国英语中,义项1,4,7用作副词时常写作forwards。

1. 朝前;向前

If you move or look forward, you move or look in a direction that is in front of you. In British English, you can also move or look forwards .

e.g. He came forward with his hand out. 'Mr and Mrs Selby?' he enquired...


e.g. She fell forwards on to her face...


2. 靠近前面;在前面

Forward means in a position near the front of something such as a building or a vehicle.

e.g. The best seats are in the aisle and as far forward as possible...


e.g. The other car had a 3-inch lower driving seat and had its engine mounted further forward.


3. (尤指在轮船或飞机上)靠近…前面的,在…前面的

If one thing is forward of another, especially on a ship or aircraft, the first thing is in front of the second thing or further ahead.

e.g. Forward of the main cabin are the guest cabins...


e.g. Sixty-one small parachute symbols were painted on the left side just forward of the wing.

61 个小降落伞的标志被绘在左翼的正前面。

4. 向前(看);向将来(看)

If you say that someone looks forward, you approve of them because they think about what will happen in the future and plan for it. In British English, you can also say that someone looks forwards .

e.g. Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century...


e.g. People should forget and look forwards...


5. (把钟表)调前地,拨快地

If you put a clock or watch forward, you change the time shown on it so that it shows a later time, for example when the time changes to summer time or daylight saving time.

e.g. When we put the clocks forward in March we go into British Summer Time.


6. 自从…;从…起;自…以来

When you are referring to a particular time, if you say that something was true from that time forward, you mean that it became true at that time, and continued to be true afterwards.

e.g. Velazquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.


7. 向前地;前进地;有进展地

You use forward to indicate that something progresses or improves. In British English, you can also use forwards .


e.g. And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us...


e.g. They just couldn't see any way forward...


8. 推进;促进

If you forward something, you cause it to progress or improve.

e.g. The music is used to forward the plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping.


e.g. ...the scientist who has done the most to forward the cause of public understanding over the year.


9. (提)出;(推)出;(现)出

If something or someone is put forward, or comes forward, they are suggested or offered as suitable for a particular purpose.

e.g. Over the years several similar theories have been put forward...


e.g. Next month the Commission is to bring forward its first proposals for action...


10. 转交;转发;转接

If a letter or message is forwarded to someone, it is sent to the place where they are, after having been sent to a different place earlier.

e.g. When he's out on the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in his truck...


e.g. We will forward your letters to him.


11. 鲁莽的;冒失的;自负的

If you describe someone as forward, you mean that they speak very confidently and honestly but they do not always show enough respect for the person they are talking to.

e.g. He's very forward and confident and chats happily to other people.



Rather taken aback by such forwardness, I slammed down the phone.


12. (足球、篮球或曲棍球等运动的)前锋

In football, basketball, or hockey, a forward is a player whose usual position is in the opponents' half of the field, and whose usual job is to attack or score goals.

13. backwards and forwards -> see backwards

forward 单语例句forward的翻译

1. The travel manager's role is to put forward recommendations they feel best suits their organization's culture and business needs.

2. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday encouraged business communities of both China and the United States to work more closely to push forward bilateral relations.

3. And it was thanks to a month of training at a world class business school that showed Lin the way forward.

4. He noted that the government is looking forward to working with the business sector.

5. " But the strong political will of leaders from the two parties push them forward, " Xu told China Business Weekly.

6. The visiting businessman said Dell is willing to further advance investment in China and is also committed to push forward bilateral economic and trade relations.

7. Police said the bust of the criminal network was important to push forward the national crackdown on similar cases.

8. Lakers forward Caron Butler partially tore the tendon in his right pinky in the second quarter.

9. Dallas Mavericks forward Caron Butler has been ruled out for the rest of the season after undergoing knee surgery on Tuesday.

10. Some Chinese entrepreneurs who want to buy foreign companies just go forward to make a proposal.

forward 英英释义


1. a position on a basketball, soccer, or hockey team

2. the person who plays the position of forward in certain games, such as basketball, soccer, or hockey



1. send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit

e.g. forward my mail

Synonym: send on


1. at or near or directed toward the front

e.g. the forward section of the aircraft

a forward plunge down the stairs

forward motion

2. of the transmission gear causing forward movement in a motor vehicle

e.g. in a forward gear

3. used of temperament or behavior

lacking restraint or modesty

e.g. a forward child badly in need of discipline

4. moving forward

Synonym: advancingforward-moving



1. in a forward direction

e.g. go ahead

the train moved ahead slowly

the boat lurched ahead

moved onward into the forest

they went slowly forward in the mud

Synonym: aheadonwardonwardsforwardsforrader

2. at or to or toward the front

(`forrad' and `forrard' are dialectal variations)

e.g. he faced forward

step forward

she practiced sewing backward as well as frontward on her new sewing machine

Synonym: forwardsfrontwardfrontwardsforradforrard

3. toward the future

forward in time

e.g. I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring

I look forward to seeing you

Synonym: ahead

4. forward in time or order or degree

e.g. from that time forth

from the sixth century onward

Synonym: forthonward

5. near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane

e.g. the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments

Synonym: fore