

cull:[英 [kʌl] 美 [kʌl] ]


过去式:culled;   过去分词:culled;   现在分词:culling;   复数形式:culls;

cull 基本解释

及物动词精选; 挑选,剔除; 采,摘(花)

名词剔除; 拣出的东西

cull 相关例句


1. cull

1. The facts were culled from various sources.


cull 网络解释

1. 精选:每年大约有5000项案件呈交到最高法院,这些案件都必须阅读(read),精选(cull),详审(sift). 每个星期四下午和每个星期五早晨九位最高法官会聚在一起召开会议. 在会议室中还有二十五辆手拉车,其中都装满了诉状(petition),

2. 挑选:那六个大门在航行(navigate),投资大门为调查(investigate)前面唱歌的是海鸥(gull),海鸥喝水用硬壳(hull),拉住海鸥快安静(lull),飞到山后去思考(mull),海鸥不同意变公牛(bull),打它一下变白痴(dull),只好重新去挑选(cull)不简洁(brief),

3. 残料废品:copolymer 共聚合体 | cull 残料废品 | cure 凝固化

cull 双语例句

1. We compare the regular grid terrain LOD methods and triangulated irregular network LOD methods, discuss the use of view frustum cull and occlusion cull, analysis the efficiency of different data layou, and take environment influences into account.


2. But I also understand that sometimes you have to cull the weak from the herd.


3. cull的意思

3. Search engines help you find things, but everything they cull from is public.


4. The information is cull ed from various reference books.


5. Note this board was a cull from a previous project.

注意 :此局是从以前的项目扑杀。

6. The facts were cull ed from various sources.


7. I had learned to read the face of the water as one could cull the news from the morning paper.


8. It is quite a feat to cull designer crafts from fresh bones bought from the butchery.


9. Scientists argued that such a cull was the only way to bring the koala introduced to the island in the 1920s under control, as it was defoliating large areas of riverine habitat.



10. It is usually good practice to cull the poorest prior to field pling.


11. This algorithm uses HSV colour space which is more compatible with human`s visual sense feature and takes advantage of human`s perception feature on colour to quantise colour components in non equal interval and to form the eigenvector. Then it uses histogram intersection distance algorithm to match pieces` feature, and according to the characteristic of stitching pieces of image its own, the image segmentation technique is adopted to cull the background of the piece, and simultaneously the approach to match the pieces by direction is implemented.


12. Select passages and choose phrases; load one's writing with hackneyed phrases without originality; look for quotes (in order to embellish one's writing seek remarkable passages and cull model sentences


13. In England, 164 grammar schools survived the 1970s cull and still use the 11-plus for admissions.

在英格兰,共有164所文法学校在70年代的改革中幸存下来,而且仍然采用11 plus考试选择录取。

14. CANADA`s annual seal cull sees animals killed on an almost industrial scale, and attracts controversy to match.


15. Minister of Agriculture Anton Apriyantono, who witnessed the cull at a pig farm in Legok, Tangerang, Banten province, said the government lacked the money to live up to its promise, although he was aware of the possibility of a major outbreak.


16. cull的意思

16. In Egypt the health minister, Hatem al-Gabali, bizarrely ordered the cull of 350, 000 pigs.

埃及卫生部长Hatem al-Gabali及其怪诞的下令屠杀了350,000头猪。

17. cull

17. Aggressively cull and update their online initiative, recognizing that they must strongly manage for value.


18. As a means of keeping in mind during the day the uppermost thought or motive of the meditation we are advised to cull a spiritual nosegay, as it is quaintly called, with which to refresh the memory from time to time.

作为一种手段,同时牢记在白天至上的思想或动机,冥想,我们呼吁宰杀的精神nosegay ,因为它是所谓的quaintly ,其中以刷新记忆会不时作出修订。

19. A management cull is both inevitable and desirable—only a handful of telecoms bosses clung on and prospered, Ivan Seidenberg of Verizon being one example.


20. We pledge for your attention on the massive dog cull in Beijing and save them from this pitiful lot!


cull 词典解释

1. 选出;挑选;采集

If items or ideas are culled from a particular source or number of sources, they are taken and gathered together.

e.g. All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports...


e.g. Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home.


2. 部分捕杀,选择性宰杀(为减少动物种群数量而杀掉其中较弱者)

To cull animals means to kill the weaker animals in a group in order to reduce their numbers.


e.g. To save remaining herds and habitat, the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants.



The culling of seal cubs has led to an outcry from environmental groups.

选择性宰杀小海豹已经招来环保组织的强烈抗议。cull 单语例句

1. South African's Robben Island museum will be closed while authorities cull a colony of rabbits that has invaded the site where Nelson Mandela was jailed.

2. Eriksson also refused to contemplate a cull of underperforming big names such as Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard.

3. Some legal experts say the cull breaches international laws such as the Antarctic Treaty System.

4. Bird flu began ravaging poultry farms across Vietnam in late 2003, killing or forcing the cull of more than 45 million birds.

5. South Africa yesterday unveiled a new policy to manage its swelling elephant population, including resuming a controversial cull of the animals if needed.

6. But wolf advocates say the states could systematically cull the population right down to that minimum unless a court intervenes.

7. He was also forced to invoke executive privilege to avoid telling Congress what his role had been in a cull of federal prosecutors.

8. Local governments have made emergency moves to cull and quarantine birds in the regions probably tainted by the deadly virus.

9. Although workers moved in quickly to cull other birds in the Shatin park, chickens were found sick with the virus within days.

10. DFO officials explained that the decision was taken because the number of observers outweighed the number of hunters in the early stages of the cull.

cull 英英释义


1. the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality

Synonym: reject



1. look for and gather

e.g. pick mushrooms

pick flowers

Synonym: pickpluck

2. remove something that has been rejected

e.g. cull the sick members of the herd