

endangered:[英 [ɪn'deɪndʒəd] 美 [ɪnˈdendʒɚd] ]



endangered 基本解释


快要绝种的;危及,使遭受危险( endanger的过去式和过去分词 );

endangered 网络解释

1. 濒临灭绝的:上个星期天和同学们一起去了阳光动物园,看见一些濒临灭绝的(endangered)动物. 解说员(guide)给你们讲了一些动物面临的危险和原因. 这次经历影响了你很多. 你决定写一封信给报社,呼吁人们保护动物.

2. 瀕臨絕種:伦敦(LONDON):英国多家顶尖餐馆,近日被踢爆采用濒临绝种(endangered)的鱼为食材. 英国Sunday Times环境专栏作者Charles Clover对当地25家米其林(Michelin)星级餐馆展开调查,结果发现其中7家,即多达28%供应食客濒临绝种鱼类做成的菜肴.

3. endangered的翻译

3. 濒危的:protected受保护的 | endangered濒危的 | bamboo竹子

endangered 双语例句

1. Relentlessly shot, trapped, and poisoned, even in nature reserves, gray wolves were gone from the West by the 1930s. In 1974, when Canis lupus was declared endangered in the lower 48 states, the gray wolf population was confined to a corner of northern Minnesota and Michigan's Isle Royale National Park out in Lake Superior.


2. So I will say that he is part of the endangered species of leadership that belongs to the museum.



3. This kind of animal is an endangered species.


4. I'd like to introduce some endangered animals in the zoo to you.


5. This using and abusing of an endangered species is unacceptable.


6. Irido-, herpes- and polyomavirus infections may be involved in the reduction in the numbers of endangered amphibian and reptile species.


7. Irido-, herpes- and polyomairus infections may be inoled in the reduction in the numbers of endangered amphibian and reptile species.


8. Large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered panthera tigris, tiger


9. endangered在线翻译

9. This harsh landscape, sometimes called the African Alps, is the only home of the endangered gelada baboon.


10. Establishment of national nature reserves and further strengthening of protection and administration are of great significance in the protection of resources of the endangered species in China, keeping the balance of the ecosystems and improving the ecological environment.


11. China's May 12 temblor centered in Sichuan devastated a vast area of wild habitat for endangered species, including the giant panda, Cao Qingyao, a spokesperson for the State Forestry Administration, told reporters.


12. endangered

12. Special priority should be to protect those valuable and endangered marine life in danger.


13. As a result of habitat destruction and hunt ing, all the apes are now regarded as endangered.


14. Orangutans are still being captured for pets in Indonesia, further threatening the survival of the critically endangered great apes, conservationists said Thursday, blaming poor law enforcement.


15. In this image released by the San Diego Zoo, a zoo worker cares for two of the worlds most critically endangered great apes, called bonobos, Friday, Nov. 9, 2007, at the San Diego Zoos Children Zoo nursery in San Diego.


16. This video introduces the inhabited regions, characteristics, and habitual behaviors of this endangered bird, and also introduces the other three types of bird species – resident birds, migrating birds and migratory birds.


17. In the Democratic Party's weekly radio address, retired General Wesley Clark -- who was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, and may run again in 2008 -- said the nation is endangered by what he calls the president's mistaken policies and priorities.

在民主党派的每周的电台演说中,退任将军 Wesley Clark ,曾经是2004年由总统任命的候选人,将于2008上任。他说,国家正处于危险之中在他看来,这是由总统的错误的政策及特权所造成的。

18. Key habitats. Habitats where red listed or endangered animals and plants exist or could be expected to exist.


19. Still, the provinces strenuously objected to it and rejected any Federal attempt to control local land use -- for instance, protecting the areas where endangered''.


20. No one thinks krill are yet endangered, but no one fully understands them.


endangered 单语例句

1. Instead, the endangered animals could go abroad only by means of leasing.

2. His activity that had endangered public security had therefore come to an end.

3. Poaching the wild animals breaks the forest food chain, threatening the endangered tiger species that once roamed western and central Asia and eastern Russia.

4. The procuratorate said there was clear evidence Sun endangered public safety, but he brought up the possibility that Sun might not face immediate execution.

5. Trade in the coelacanth is banned under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

6. Not long ago the ukulele was an endangered species, seen as cheap exotica or a comic prop.

7. Zhou said Beijing had started compiling its own list of intangible heritage treasures in an effort to protect endangered folk cultures.

8. The administrator said he is strongly opposed to the notions of " revamping old city " and " revamping old and endangered housing " in urban development.

9. The wild camel has been labeled " critically endangered " by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

10. They consistently rank as one of the biggest draws to any zoo and tend to attract more donations than other endangered species.

endangered 英英释义



1. (of flora or fauna) in imminent danger of extinction

e.g. an endangered species