

entail:[英 [ɪnˈteɪl] 美 [ɛnˈtel, ɪn-] ]


过去式:entailed;   过去分词:entailed;   现在分词:entailing;

entail 基本解释

及物动词需要; 牵涉; 使必要; 限定继承

entail 相关例句


1. The castle is entailed on the eldest son.


2. This job would entail your learning how to use a computer.


3. entail是什么意思

3. Writing a history book entails a lot of work.


4. The land is entailed on the eldest son.


5. That plan entails work.


entail 网络解释


1. 引起:阐释学的视角主义所忽视的东西是,每一普遍的单一性乃是作为由一种事件的决定所引起(entail)的推论/结果(consequences)网络来出场的. 普遍的东西总是采取επ的形式,在这里ε是事件的陈述,而π是一个结果,或者一种逼真性/忠贞. 不用说,

2. 推导:enquire enquire(程序名) | entail 推导 | entities 实体

3. 需要:entablature 柱上楣构 | entail 需要 | entangled chain 缠结链

4. 使必需:entad 向内 | entail 使必需 | entailment 继承人之限制

entail 双语例句

1. entail的近义词

1. A venture capital funding arrangement will typically entail relinquishing some level of ownership and control of the business.


2. entail的反义词

2. And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate to people as fully as possible.


3. Lloy steels may be selected for either creep or corrosion service. This will normally entail tempering temperatures at the bottom range for creep service and at the upper range for corrosion service. Such variations in tempering temperatures shall be taken into account in the selection of materials.


4. The box walls are 3/8 thick and will probably hold studs, but if I do that there probably won t be enough room for an o-ring seal. I could simply put a rubber gasket on the lip, but on the other hand, it may be even better to place some studs outside of the box walls. That would, of course, entail adding a stud lip around the outside edge.

框,墙壁是3/8 风雨同舟,可能会举行钉的,但如果我这样做有可能会没有足够的空间,一O型圈密封,我可以简单地把橡胶垫片对唇,但对其他另一方面,它甚至可能更好一些的地方,钉以外的方块墙,这将是的,当然需要加入种唇周围的外边缘。

5. entail

5. It shall not entail direct effect. There are some difficulties with transposition deriving from constitutional requirements in certain Member States. Some Member States untrust with other States'legal systems. Defects in transposition are still left.


6. What surprised me is to do such a common and simple experiment would entail on great cost and manpower.


7. entail是什么意思

7. It's apparent that to establish scientific working methods often entail on following a special series working procedure.


8. These plans entail great expense on us.


9. He will tell you to set up a new financing scheme through him which, of course, will be at a higher cost and this will also entail a very high profit on the dealer's part.


10. entail什么意思

10. We are faced with a stand-off between two positions, each of which relies on premises that entail the denial of the other.


11. Any information sent to us will be held in strict confidence by us and will entail no obligation on your part.



12. Of course this is necessary because a mother cat, in the wild anyway, would need to hunt for her food, which would entail running and jumping on prey.


13. Or does it entail sitting down with a pattern cutter and designing?


14. Especially since a great deal of security risks entail the wp-admin directory. All you have to do is enter your static IP adress on line 8. You can add more IPs if needed, by creating a new line.

为了安全起见,你可以限制登录管理面板的IP地址,所需要做的只是输入你的固定IP地址在代码第8行位置,你可以添加多个IP,只要多添加一行allow from就可以了。

15. Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant's fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof.


16. Ethics based on reciprocity in interpersonal interaction entail obligations that regulate interpersonal ordering such as those in the parent-child relationship.


17. SC-Source: What exactly does your job entail other than controlling the flow of information?


18. However, running waves entail energy flow that is typi- cally much larger than the energy dissipation in the ice.

但是,运行需要的能量流波是typi -卡利远远大於消耗的能量在冰上。

19. entail

19. A Financial Instrument on foreign markets may entail risks different to the usual risks of the markets in the Client's country of residence.


20. It doesn`t entail my doing for you what you are capable of doing for yourself.


entail 词典解释

1. 使…必然发生;势必造成;使…成为必需

If one thing entails another, it involves it or causes it.


e.g. Such a decision would entail a huge political risk...


e.g. The changed outlook entails higher economic growth than was previously assumed...


entail 单语例句

1. These commitments - by the way economies are interconnected - entail giving up independence on some aspects of a country's macroeconomic policies.

2. Capital Focus Asset Management Director Simon Luk warned that the ETFs have adopted derivative instruments that may entail counterparty credit risk for investors.

3. Compiling and reading budgetary reports may entail some degree of special expertise, or at least background information.

4. The law bans the use of temporary workers for certain jobs at ports, construction sites and other places mainly because they entail serious danger for inexperienced workers.

5. Zhou did not give a specific timetable for the move, which would entail full convertibility for the Chinese currency.

6. Those opposed to reform argue that this would entail dire economic consequences such as increased work stoppages and lost productivity.

7. It is expected to entail new political, military and economic steps to win the war.

8. The general state policies of the central government entail effective and flexible implementation by local governments.

9. Pets bring us so much joy, but they also entail responsibilities.

10. The solutions will entail making sensitive political choices and adopting certain forms of government to effect such a fundamental change of direction.

entail 英英释义


1. the act of entailing property

the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple

2. land received by fee tail


1. limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs

Synonym: fee-tail

2. impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result

e.g. What does this move entail?

Synonym: implicate

3. have as a logical consequence

e.g. The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers

Synonym: implymean