

volcano:[英 [vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ] 美 [vɑ:lˈkeɪnoʊ] ]



volcano 基本解释



volcano 相关词组


1. sit on a volcano : 坐在火山上;

volcano 相关例句



1. Six other volcanos were still erupting.



2. No one knows when the social volcano below modern society will erupt.


volcano 网络解释

1. 活火熔城:如(VOLCANO)里的危机处理指庸佟ⅰ禡IB>>里幽默灰谐的特警、(TheFugitive)、(U、SMARSHALS)、(DOUBLEJEOPARDY)三部曲里足智多谋正气凛然的警官及2000年新片(SPACECOWBOYS)里的个性鲜明、舍

2. 地火危城:2.(Volcano) 导演:米克.杰克逊 主演:汤米.李.琼斯、安妮.希奇、基恩.大卫、吉比.霍夫曼 上映:1997年4月25日 地区:美国 一部典型的灾难片,但因为特技场面壮观,气氛处理紧凑利落,仍有可观性.

volcano 双语例句

1. volcano的反义词

1. The rocks from Sharp Island are of volcanic origin. One of the examples is the rhyolite formed by viscous lava spewed from the volcano vents can be found near the caldera edge. As the result of weathering, the rocks here shows an attractive appearence. The tombolo here is also worth a close inspection.


2. Volcanic ash lofts from the source, the volcano, and diminishes as it move upward.


3. Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, is located in Hawaii.

Mauna Loa是世界上最大的活火山。

4. volcano的翻译

4. The most famous volcano in Hawaii is Mauna Loa.


5. The largest volcano on Earth is Hawaii's Mauna Loa.


6. volcano

6. Green Sand Beach lies on the slopes of the world's largest active volcano, Mauna Loa.


7. The right volcano, the slopes of this volcano on the island's largest group of giant stone statue.


8. 1215 AD eruptive produts of Tianchi volcano are composed of pumiceous fall deposits, pumice flow deposits, ash-cloud surge deposits, and ground surge deposits.


9. Licancabur Volcano is located on the border between Chile and Bolivia.


10. The analysis of structural movement and expression shows that Qinqi tectonic active area is a volcano-sendimentary compressional depression formed by several times of compression movement from lower Proterozoic, and spreaded in the direction of north step by step till the forming of Xiangshan and Miboshan group in mid-later period of Ordovician, beating hardly with volcanical rock.


11. It sits on a ridge which was formed thousands of years ago when a huge volcano exploded.


12. The first morning after arrival, I suggest you climb Easter Island's most spectacular volcano, Rano Kau, where Orongo, a major archaeological site, sits on the crater's rim.


13. As the volcano erupted. the villagers fled for their lives.


14. volcano的反义词

14. We should especially notice that there is a near NE trending crustal thickness abrupt variation beltat the depth of Moho in the region, which cuts across the west of Tianchi and corresponds to Ma'anshan-Sandaobaihe graben fault. The fault belt may have played an important role in the migration of magma as the volcano erupted.


15. Hey, I`m Teng Lei, welcome to my Volcano Land.


16. Pyrocluster closes the gap between soft hazy 3D environment effects and puffy dense pyroclastic volcano clouds!


17. A 150 meter-wide clearing in the volcano`s crater lends space for an outdoor theater, a market, and a sloping pine forest.


18. It may be buried in volcano ashes after an eruption.


19. When Kilauea volcano's Puu Oo vent was active I visited it often.

当基拉韦厄火山的Puu Oo洞口出现活动时,我经常去会去那里。


20. It is urgent to apply remote sensing data to volcano monitoring of our country.


volcano 词典解释

1. 火山

A volcano is a mountain from which hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash from inside the earth sometimes burst.

e.g. The volcano erupted last year killing about 600 people...


e.g. Etna is Europe's most active volcano.


volcano 单语例句volcano的意思

1. The venting reminded scientists of the volcano's activity 20 years ago, when it built the dome following its catastrophic 1980 eruption.

2. A towering plume of ash from an erupting volcano in Chile's Patagonia could collapse back down to devastate the surrounding area.

3. The collapse of solidified lava shelf and sea cliff Monday was the largest since Kilauea Volcano began its current eruption in 1983.

4. The unstable lava delta is constantly changing as hardened lava piles up on the slope of the volcano that extends to the ocean floor.

5. Chile's Cordon Caulle volcano began erupting June 4, spewing ash that has disrupted flights in countries ranging from Uruguay to Australia.

6. Researchers are still conducting further observation the volcano with initial finding said that the crater's heat was recorded at 400 degree Celcius.

7. A brief break in the clouds late Wednesday gave visitors a peek at weak steam emissions in the volcano's crater.

8. Unlike other countries with geographies shaped by the white hot crush of rock and magma, the Comoros have been granted the rare chance for a volcano myth update.

9. He said many have refused to leave their vegetable farms on the volcano's slopes during the current harvest time.

10. The danger zone around Shinmoedake volcano was widened to keep residents safe.

volcano的近义词volcano 英英释义


1. a fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt

Synonym: vent

2. a mountain formed by volcanic material