

remarkable:[英 [rɪˈmɑ:kəbl] 美 [rɪˈmɑ:rkəbl] ]


remarkable 基本解释


形容词显著的; 卓越的; 异常的,引人注目的,; 非凡的,非常(好)的

remarkable 相关例句


1. He is a remarkable linguist.


2. Your work has been remarkable this week.


remarkable 网络解释

1. 非凡的:但是至今尚未发现其字母表玛雅人民使用的是象形文字(picture) 另一个发明了象形文字的文明是古埃及文明第一个发明并使用零的概念的也是玛雅人,他们在建筑,数学,天文上的成就是非凡的(remarkable)特别是天文方面,出

2. 显着:原理是:世界上让人一看即忘的无趣商品太多,就像牧场上到处都是的黑白乳牛一样;如果要让你的商品闯出名气,就要想办法让它够显著(remarkable),像一群乳牛中唯一闪亮的紫牛,才会引起市场的注意与讨论.

3. 不同:喜欢艾吉的叛逆青年可以形容他足智多谋(Resourceful),赞美这位擂台统治者(Ruler)与众不同(Remarkable),或是歌颂他与薇琪-格雷罗缠缠绵绵罗曼蒂克(Romantic).

remarkable 双语例句

1. A new power saving pumping unit with fan-shaped crown sheave and flexible connecting rod is developed based on the conventional beam pumping unit. By means of large swing of the crown sheave, the pumping unit can operate with long stroke, resulting in a remarkable reduction of the power consumption.


2. The increase in GS activity of the coleoptile was more remarkable than that of the endosperm.

但是 ,在水稻种子萌发 3d后,在胚芽鞘中除继续检测到GS1的活性外,还可以观察到GS2的活性。


3. The elasticity is good, toughness is strengthens, the nature of coagulate menbrane is good, The moisturizer effect is remarkable, and don`t flow easily.


4. The most remarkable is that her face, red like roses, like扑扑lovely.


5. remarkable

5. The small amount of argon loss that has apparently taken place in these meteorites is remarkable.


6. This process has been one of the key factors underlying the remarkable safety record of commercial air travel.


7. Taiwan`s stock market history and compare the performance of world stock market movements in history often demonstrated a remarkable consistency, the A-share market on the stock market the last century, China Taiwan late 80s, early 90s the trend is very similar to (Taiwan weighted index in 8 months a decrease of 80%, A shares in 13 months dropped by 73%), Taiwan`s stock market trend studies, the A shares market to determine a certain referential significance: Technically speaking, the Taiwan stock market peaked at 12, 459, the out of the typical ABC dropped the three waves, which bounce B waves of up to eight months, a rebound height of the 38.4 percent decline.


8. remarkable的解释

8. The soils of surface 0~5 cm and subsurface 5~25 cm were collected from selected eco-tesseras of degraded abandon lands, corn cultivated lands, vegetation recovery lands and well-protected vegetation lands respectively. Total pool of soil major nutrients showed sensitive changes with vegetation cover, accompanying a similar change of soil microbial biomass carbon. Vegetation recovery resulted in a remarkable change of soil total nutrient pool and increased soil microbial biomass carbon. However, vegetation recovery for 3~6 years long did not drive a significant change in available pool of the nutrients as well as the microbial respiration quotient and soil enzyme activities.


9. They accordingly devised a remarkable system of internal cross-checks to ensure consistency and accuracy.


10. remarkable的翻译

10. Know Guangdong to save coal classics to meet again to what coal industry expands diversified economy Chen Dequn comes more than 10 years, through ceaseless effort, coal industry already obtained remarkable result in respect of development diversified economy, this is very delectable.


11. He has grown into his role as one of our senior statesmen with remarkable


12. Computer and network technology are popular throughout the world, and IT brings one of the most remarkable impart which is the charge of traditional Commercial behavior pattern, that is, the emergence of E-commerce.


13. I, personally, have been reflecting idly upon these remarkable men and women for several years now - especially in light of the many things I've seen theorized by other fans while we all while we wait for J. K.


14. remarkable在线翻译

14. The achievements made during this period, though remarkable, can by no means blanket the lopsidedness in the choice of British and American playwrights as well as their plays.


15. The previous government under the leadership of Premier Zhu faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amount of remarkable work.


16. The previous government, under the leadership of Premier Zhu, faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amount of remarkable work.


17. The previous government, under the leadership of Premier Zhu, faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amount of remarkable work. The public was satisfied with what they have done.


18. remarkable

18. The achievement of this level of investment in a democratic nation is remarkable.


19. remarkable

19. The average body weight of each silkworm is 1.174 g, 1.116 g, 0.975 g and 0.862 g, respectively. The body weight decreases along with the increase of radiation dose. The body weight of 20 Gy and 30 Gy groups have remarkable difference compared to comparison and the 10 Gy groups (P.01). Cocoon shell rate show no significant difference among 10 Gy and the 20 Gy radiation groups and the groups control farm plot comparison. They are 23.37%, 23.54% contrasts 24.25%, respectively. Yet the 30 Gy dose is 21.74%(P.05). The number of eggs laid per spawn first rise then fall, from 529 grains of control farm plot to 540 grains of 10 Gy and 392 grains of 30 Gy. This possibly is the exposure of radioactive rays causes the change of silkworm's growth mechanism, causes the damage of cellar membrane and changed protein structure, and also has an influence to silkworm's digestion function.

四龄第2天随机称量50头蚕,对照、10 Gy、20 Gy和30 Gy区每头蚕平均体重分别为1.174 g、1.116 g、0.975 g和0.862 g,体重随剂量增加明显减轻,其中20 Gy和30 Gy区对比对照和10 Gy区均有极显著差异;茧层率在10 Gy和20 Gy辐照区与对照区比较变化不大,即23.37%、23.54%对比24.25%,而30 Gy辐照区显著降低,为21.74%;单蛾产卵数先升高后降低,从对照区的529粒到10 Gy的540粒和30 Gy的392粒,这可能是辐照使蚕生长发育的机制发生了改变,引起膜损伤、破坏蛋白质的结构的原因,并且对蚕的消化功能也产生了影响。


20. Through radiating silkworm eggs under the dose of 10~30Gy by ~(60)Co-γ, the results showed that:with the increase of radiation dose, the hatching rate of silkworm eggs had an remarkable improvement.


remarkable 词典解释

1. 不同寻常的;非凡的;引人注目的

Someone or something that is remarkable is unusual or special in a way that makes people notice them and be surprised or impressed.


e.g. He was a remarkable man...


e.g. It was a remarkable achievement...



The Scottish labour market has been remarkably successful in absorbing the increase in the number of graduates...


Remarkably, the child recovered from a disease which had swept the world, killing and crippling millions.

令人意想不到的是,这个孩子从病中康复了,而这种病症曾经席卷整个世界,使数以百万计的人丧生或残疾。remarkable 单语例句

1. This remarkable feat is all the more amazing when one considers that MTV came about almost by accident.

2. By all accounts, he did this largely through a remarkable stubbornness.

3. A handful of working reporters and local cable TV's satellite transition disks became so remarkable against an almost empty Main Street USA in the park.

4. A remarkable truth behind all the recent campus tragedies is that the attackers shared a degree of frustration that their grievances had been ignored.

5. The Phoenix big man scored 38 points Friday night to cap a remarkable comeback after missing all but three games of last season.

6. Industrial profits maintained strong growth momentum in November, capping a remarkable turnaround for the year.

7. The number revealed the remarkable difference between the education loan supply and the actual demand.

8. To pursue the ideal of enjoying full human rights, the Chinese government and people have made ceaseless efforts and gained remarkable achievements.

9. The composer's remarkable success should be attributed to his ceaseless study and efforts.

10. China's cement industry posted a remarkable profit surge last year, amid government's macro control measures to cool down an economy that could be facing overheating.

remarkable 英英释义


1. unusual or striking

e.g. a remarkable sight

such poise is singular in one so young

Synonym: singular

2. worthy of notice

e.g. a noteworthy fact is that her students rarely complain

a remarkable achievement

Synonym: noteworthy