

abject:[英 [ˈæbdʒekt] 美 [ˈæbˌdʒɛkt, æbˈdʒɛkt] ]


abject 基本解释


形容词卑鄙的,下贱的; (指境况)凄惨的; 轻蔑的,被鄙视的; 厚颜无耻的

abject 同义词


abject 反义词


abject 相关例句


1. abject的意思

1. He's anything but an abject coward.


2. He is an abject liar.


abject 网络解释


1. 卑鄙的:她人很好,但有一天她被唯一卑鄙的(abject)男修道院院长(abbot)教唆(abet). 他诱拐(abduct)她上了床(abed). 几个月后,她的腹部(abdomen)鼓了起来,这使她非比寻常羞愧(abash),也在确定程度上使她降低了身份(abase).

2. 卑鄙的,卑屈的:abhor 憎恶,痛恨 | abject 卑鄙的,卑屈的 | abjure (发誓)放弃

3. 不幸的:abirritative 镇静的 | abject 不幸的 | abjection 卑鄙

4. abject的翻译

4. 卑劣,卑屈,可耻的:transitory 短暂,顷刻的 | abject 卑劣,卑屈,可耻的 | conjecture 推测,猜想,推测,猜想

abject 双语例句

1. You must be respectful and assenting, but without being servile and abject.


2. This is a country that has gone from isolation and abject poverty to financial prosperity rivalling other great nations of the world in a period of less than a human lifespan.


3. Their diet from the publication of journals, to compile adult magazines; from abject poverty to the wealthy; from timid to hook buckle gang; their way, whether it flat?


4. However, the dispelling has never been successful in that the legitimate scoiety always unconsciously needs an abject, to borrow Julia Kristeva`s term, to remind itself of the position it is at.


5. In short, Maurice was an abject due to the forbidden topic, in which, Maurice, the mouthpiece of Forster, has finally found his psoition with his lover.


6. Abject cowardice; a low stunt to pull; a low-down sneak; his miserable treatment of his family; You miserable skunk!


7. He seems to have conceived an abject, unreasoned terror of the Railroad


8. abject的反义词

8. This research was to investigate the opinions of 448 in-service training teachers. the results were:(1) About 50% in-service training teachers who did not abject to the courses of student teaching, but the title was not proper, They also were not satisfied with the style and contents of the first year's course.

本研究计调查448 位国小在战进修教师意见,经统计后发现:(1)约半数的进修教师反应:不反对开设教育实习课程;不过认为教育实习的「名称」不恰当;不满意第一年的教育实习实施方式及内容。

9. These were in a state of abject poverty.



10. He is an abject liar....


11. abject的反义词

11. All the people in the city knew that he was an abject liar.


12. I used to love to think that I was his abject slave.


13. abject的反义词

13. She was very kind, but one day she was abetted by an abject abbot.


14. Hill padi is important to the natives. At least, it moves them away from hungry and with a little bit of government support, they will get out of abject poverty. The natives do not want to be spoon fed.


15. Locals abominate them, their situation is abject and they are at the mercy of the local people, who are aboveboard with each other, but hold rules in abeyance with regard to strangers.


16. In both the House and the Senate, the vast majority of Republicans rallied behind the idea that the appropriate response to the abject failure of the Bush administration`s tax cuts is more Bush-style tax cuts.


17. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submi ion.


18. abject是什么意思

18. The den upon which his eye now rested was abject, dirty, fetid, pestiferous, mean, sordid.


19. abject是什么意思

19. He had been obliged to offer an abject apology to Mr. Alleyne for his impertinence.


20. After several persons had been let in and let out of the minister's room by the adjutant, an officer was admitted at the dreadful door, whose abject and panic-stricken face had struck Prince Andrey.


abject 词典解释

1. 凄惨的;糟透的;蹩脚的

You use abject to emphasize that a situation or quality is extremely bad.

e.g. Both of them died in abject poverty...


e.g. This scheme was an abject failure.



Both have failed abjectly.


2. 卑躬屈节的;自卑的;怯懦的

If you describe someone as abject, you think they have no courage or respect for themselves.


e.g. He sounded abject and eager to please...


e.g. He looked back at the abject, silent girl and repeated his question.


abject 单语例句

1. But it also has tens of millions of people who live in abject poverty.

2. He recalled that upon visiting the widow of a colleague who had just passed away, he was horrified to find that she was living in abject poverty.

3. An ultimate manifestation of this was the remarkable feat of the government of being able to lift 400 billion people out of abject poverty.

4. Only a careless and uncaring government can let population grow out of control and subject the people to abject poverty and starvation.

5. Development is of overriding importance with more than a billion people in the world still living in abject poverty and battling hunger every day.

6. Ronaldinho has come under fire in the press for some time now following some abject performances on the pitch and unprofessional behavior off it.

7. A recent report from the bank indicates that the global financial turmoil pushed 64 million people into abject poverty last year.

8. Given the fact that China's per capita GDP is still very low, this adjustment is particularly meaningful to those still mired in abject poverty.

9. Though the official number of those in abject poverty is small, many more are yet to rise above the difficult fight for subsistence.

10. Under the umbrella of " socialism with Chinese characteristics ", market economic reforms were rigorously promoted to uplift the masses from abject poverty.

abject 英英释义


1. showing humiliation or submissiveness

e.g. an abject apology

2. of the most contemptible kind

e.g. abject cowardice

a low stunt to pull

a low-down sneak

his miserable treatment of his family

You miserable skunk!

a scummy rabble

a scurvy trick

Synonym: lowlow-downmiserablescummyscurvy

3. most unfortunate or miserable

e.g. the most abject slaves joined in the revolt

abject poverty

4. showing utter resignation or hopelessness

e.g. abject surrender

Synonym: unhopeful