

sinister:[英 [ˈsɪnɪstə(r)] 美 [ˈsɪnɪstɚ] ]


sinister 基本解释


形容词险恶的; 危险的; 不吉祥的; 凶兆的

sinister 网络解释

1. 邪恶的:」(注七)但是话又说回来,左边的(left)这个字,跟邪恶的(sinister)、笨拙的(clumsy)、残障的(defective)这些词汇,在辞源学上还是分不开的一家人. 如果左撇子真的打算正本清源,好好地理清这些「旁门左道」跟自己的关系,光从日常生活用语中下手是不够的,

sinister 双语例句

1. He has a bend sinister.


2. That film won the bid sharp, sinister, the men's point that the small tricks to fool his wife gave Doulou out.


3. The colonel, 'pursued by sinister remorse for having killed a man in an affair of honor, brought everything necessary for recreating the past as far away as possible from his bad memories.


4. Interest He fear is understandable, the interest is to say you follow me, my salary is high; Fear is you do not follow me, you should take care, resembling gangdom、sinister gang organizing rely on fear.


5. sinister在线翻译

5. Li Fucai was sinister and sensuous. He was the cruelest man around.


6. This was a machine, a sinister band of inhuman robots inscrutably keeping the symbol of freedom for themselves, to be used for their own dark ends.


7. sinister是什么意思

7. Results:The bronchial arteries in the root pulmonis are through margo superior and inferior of bronchus sinister, posterior wall and margo inferior of bronchus dextra.


8. sinister在线翻译

8. Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again.


9. The second is the indirect, the attack sinister, that the enemy does not expect and which causes him to divide his forces at the last minute leading to confusion and disaster.


10. During the initial Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, many lives were lost to the depredations of these sinister aliens.


11. If no action is to be deemed virtuous for which malice can imagine a sinister motive, then there never was a virtuous action; no not even in the life of our Saviour himself.


12. For these people, the bilingual education is something ms sinister and subversive.


13. The purpose of the other headquarters in stirring up the sinister wind and lighting the sinister fire was to overpower the open wind and put out the open fire, that is, to overthrow a large number of people.


14. As expected, their individual cells were splendidly designed affairs with all the necessary conveniences and furnishings, all the more sinister in their homeyness.


15. I could see nothing sinister about him.


16. sinister的反义词

16. So, the entrepreneur that you must leave all successes with market economy condition is same, go freely leaves entire, run around on sinister intentions, go pushing, go pulling, go go canvassing, go sale!


17. sinister的解释

17. Our statesmen used to revile Hitler, Mussolini-large and sinister enemies, who wanted to take over the world.


18. There is something sinister in you...


19. Then comes the Soviet retreat and the Nazi occupation—a sinister non-liberation, bringing a terrible fate to the Jewish population, and a moral abyss for those who directly or indirectly abet it.


20. It is hard to appear sinister in a church, and the congregation at Iglesia La Sinagoga, a center of Pentecostalism on 125th Street in East Harlem, seemed utterly ordinary.


sinister 词典解释

1. 邪恶的;有害的;不祥的

Something that is sinister seems evil or harmful.

e.g. There was something sinister about him that she found disturbing.


e.g. ...a sinister and frightening place.


sinister 单语例句sinister是什么意思

1. Italian soccer has long had a chip on its shoulder, blaming supposedly sinister outside forces whenever the national team fails in a major tournament.

2. He beheaded the sinister polygamist with a chopping block sculpted with the visage of a dragon.

3. But a European official who requested anonymity in exchange for divulging confidential information told the AP that there was " nothing sinister " about the move.

4. The nickname for these unlicensed taxis carries a sinister connotation that goes beyond rudeness and overcharging.

5. On October 5, a ghostly entity threatens Ethan Hawke and his family in " Sinister ".

6. Within the structure lies a sinister force, the studio of video game designer American McGee.

7. As the couple chat, a sinister looking figure walks past their table and scowls menacingly.

8. State appointees are being replaced by elected members and sinister practices are metamorphosing into more mundane - and socially popular - daily tasks.

9. Let's talk about the weather - a familiar pastime in many countries but seemingly sinister when it comes to the Beijing Games.

10. While most of the film is a series of vignettes, there is a sinister and often barely perceptible subplot involving murder.