

mingle:[英 [ˈmɪŋgl] 美 [ˈmɪŋɡəl] ]


过去式:mingled;   过去分词:mingled;   现在分词:mingling;

mingle 基本解释




mingle 相关例句


1. mingle的近义词

1. The two rivers mingle their waters when they join.


2. It was a cry that mingled fright with surprise.


3. mingle在线翻译

3. The king mingled with the people in the streets.



1. mingle的近义词

1. Near the bridge, the waters of the two streams mingled.


2. He rarely mingles with persons of his own rank in society.


mingle 网络解释

1. 混合:长个大肿块(lump),丰满才漂亮(plump),死了才脱落(slump)a部分(fraction)i摩擦(friction),部分无花是党派(faction),摩擦无花是小说(fiction)图钉在前是处理(tackle),明明在前是混合(mingle),火花在前才闪烁(sparkle),

2. 交往,混合:34 transfuse 输血 | 35 mingle 交往,混合 | 36 forfeit 没收 confiscate

3. mingle

3. (使)混合:ambiguous 含糊的 | mingle (使)混合 | mix 混合v.

4. 混合起来,相混合:merge 合并,逐渐融入 | mingle 混合起来,相混合 | minimize 对...做最低估计

mingle 双语例句

1. And as in childhood, when existence had no toil beyond the day's simple lesson, no ambition beyond the neighboring approval of the night, I brought to you the morning's task for the evening's sanction, so now I bring to you this self-appointed taskwork of maturer years; less confident indeed of your approval, but not less confident of your love; and anxious only to realize your presence between myself and the public, and to mingle with those severer voices to whose final sentence I submit my work the beloved and gracious accents of your own.



2. In an upstairs room of my city house, at midnight, I would send out through the open windows long, tortured 9fragments of Alwin Schroeder's 170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello to mingle with the squeals of cats.


3. Place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra, when


4. You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you.


5. In one spirit meet and mingle


6. This is such a good way to reduce work anxiety and mingle/bond with associates.


7. mingle是什么意思

7. Aroma: Intense pungency of grapefruit and lime mingle with the more tropical passion fruit notes.


8. Okay, kid. let's mingle.


9. mingle的翻译

9. People with high E. Q. usually mingle with others quite well.


10. Our races mingle well together. It is common in Singapore for people of different races and religions to be good friends and neighbours.


11. It suits me well to mingle now.



12. Thirdly, let Chinese know the world more, and the peaceful Olympic spirit; let the culture of East and West mingle well; let China government get more good advice or feedback from righthearted, sincere foreign friends, so that can build a more harmonious socialist society characteristic of China.


13. The two flavors mingle well.


14. mingle在线翻译

14. Now the most shameful of the customs of the Babylonians is as follows: every woman of the country must sit down in the precincts of Aphrodite once in her life and have commerce with a man who is a stranger: and many women who do not deign to mingle with the rest, because they are made arrogant by wealth, drive to the temple with pairs of horses in covered carriages, and so take their place, and a large number of attendants follow after them; but the greater number do thus, --in the sacred enclosure of Aphrodite sit great numbers of women with a wreath of cord about their heads; some come and others go; and there are passages in straight lines going between the women in every direction, through which the strangers pass by and make their choice.


15. I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that`s what I want that`s what I want


16. When they had paid their tribute of politeness by curtseying to the lady of the house, they were permitted to mingle in the crowd



17. He doesn't like to mingle with others.


18. This is my first time to really get a chance to mingle and interact with him.


19. He`s always trying to mingle with the best players.


20. At this point, you should mingle and make conversation with the other guests.


mingle 词典解释

1. (声音、气味等)混合,混杂;(感情)交织,交错

If things such as sounds, smells, or feelings mingle, they become mixed together but are usually still recognizable.

e.g. Now the cheers and applause mingled in a single sustained roar...


e.g. Foreboding mingled with his excitement.


2. 应酬;交际

At a party, if you mingle with the other people there, you move around and talk to them.

e.g. Go out of your way to mingle with others at the wedding...


e.g. Guests ate and mingled...


mingle 单语例句

1. Cypriots started to mingle freely in April 2003 after Turkish Cypriot authorities eased restrictions on people crossing from one side to the other.

2. Nearly 40 percent of employees in India play golf to mingle with senior business executives, the highest proportion of any country surveyed in a new poll.

3. The performers will mingle with the elated crowd, creating a warm festive scene and ambience every week from Thursdays to Sundays.

4. The industry's VIPs mingle at political galas and Super Bowl parties.

5. Mingling and helping others mingle and adjust to life in China is one of the many side projects that he partakes in.

6. There were 20 who qualified, for whom 20 chosen women were invited with whom they could meet and mingle.

7. Men and women do not usually mingle in Afghanistan unless they are related, and parties involving both genders are rare and kept secret.

8. A pleasant indoor place for these grandparents to sit and mingle lacks in most local communities.

9. Long explains that he extracts elements of past traditions to mingle with his own creative impulses.

10. The arrangement allowed the Chinese lads to mingle with the club's big names such as Andriy Shevchenko and Michael Ballack on and off the pitch.

mingle的翻译mingle 英英释义


1. to bring or combine together or with something else

e.g. resourcefully he mingled music and dance

Synonym: mixcommixunifyamalgamate

2. get involved or mixed-up with

e.g. He was about to mingle in an unpleasant affair

3. be all mixed up or jumbled together

e.g. His words jumbled

Synonym: jumble