

doom:[英 [du:m] 美 [dum] ]


过去式:doomed;   过去分词:doomed;   现在分词:dooming;

doom 基本解释

名词厄运; 命运; 死亡; (尤指不利的、有罪的)判决,宣判

及物动词注定; 判定; 使…的失败; 宣判

doom 相关例句


1. The prisoner was doomed to death.


2. doom的翻译

2. The court doomed him to life imprisonment.



3. Excessive rainfall doomed the crops.



4. The project was doomed to failure.



1. The dictator met his doom after ten years of rule.


doom 网络解释

1. (厄运):或许有人分别使用Goth、Gothdom、Gothik等等,来表示它发展的不同分支,但对我而言,它们与Gothic只有词性的区别;因为最引人注目之处绝非词语本身的历史,而是它在人群中意味的混淆,如同厄运(Doom).

2. 末日使者:蝴蝶 蛇发女妖(MEUDSA):系带3个,假腿(飞鞋),旋涡,雷神,蝴蝶,冰眼 暗夜魔王(NS):瓶子,护腕2个,假腿,双刀,黑皇(龙心) 骷髅王(SNK):瓶子(可选),护腕2个,假腿,臂章,强系,龙心,狂战(可选) 末日使者(DOOM):瓶子(可选),护腕2个,

doom 双语例句


1. With nearly twenty years research work in doom and aboard, the research and the application on the low energy ions bioeffect have made a big progress.


2. Doom takes to part us, leaves thy heart in mine


3. doom在线翻译

3. The doom of Ninive was nevertheless in itself for Juda an object-lesson which the impassioned language of the Prophet was well calculated to impress deeply upon the minds of thoughtful Israelites.


4. Spielberg developed a relationship with Kate Capshaw, whom he met when he cast her in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.


5. Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul Of the wide world dreaming on things to come, Can yet the lease of my true love control, Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom.

一○七 无论我自己的忧虑,或那梦想着未来的这茫茫世界的先知灵魂,都不能限制我的真爱的租约,纵使它已注定作命运的抵偿品。

6. Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul, Of the wide world, dreaming on things to come, Can yet the lease of my true love control, Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom.


7. Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soulOf the wide world dreaming on things to come, Can yet the lease of my true love control, Supposed as forfeit to a confined doom.


8. This is the supreme test of Feanors willingness to give up his possessions, to let them go and be free of his need to hoard, a test as momentous as Frodo`s later at the Cracks of Doom.


9. When his army loses, doom appears imminent.


10. The restoration, which pushes the protagonist to witer despair, is imployed to challenge itself or predict a new reversal, thus suggesting the imminent doom of the old system.


11. doom的意思

11. And Love, and the chained Titan's woful doom


12. doom

12. In real life, the lack of meticulous preparation would doom the escape to partial failure.


13. To the doom and darkness to people who oppose us!


14. doom

14. Your son is the blessed and he is doom to have three sons to continue the offspring for you.


15. The trauma of the past becomes a big mental block and tries to doom the future.


16. Send Larry Daley and his friends to their doom!


17. Doom and gloom seem to headline news about the auto industry.


18. Dodge meteors as Silver Surfer, puzzle your way through security traps with Mr Fantastic, smash tanks as The Thing, help Invisible Woman defeat Doctor Doom's robots and destroy enemy missiles as Human Torch.

运用Fantastic先生来通过由Silver Surfer扰乱的迷宫陷阱,用The Thing来粉碎坦克,帮助隐形女打败Doom博士的机器人并且用Human Torch来摧毁敌人的导弹。

19. I hate to be the voice of doom.


20. Where is my stage...? Your destiny can be your doom. I do not believe the destiny. But destiny for me, which is a start.


doom 词典解释

1. 厄运;劫数;毁灭

Doom is a terrible future state or event which you cannot prevent.

e.g. ...his warnings of impending doom.


e.g. ...a wicked mermaid who lured sailors to their doom.


2. 悲观;沮丧

If you have a sense or feeling of doom, you feel that things are going very badly and are likely to get even worse.

e.g. Why are people so full of gloom and doom?...


e.g. Attendance figures had been steadily dropping, creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors.


3. 注定;命定;使在劫难逃

If a fact or event dooms someone or something to a particular fate, it makes certain that they are going to suffer in some way.

e.g. That argument doomed their marriage to failure.


doom 单语例句doom

1. Our constant digestion of doom and gloom has made us seemingly numb to the realities of those who are suffering.

2. Charlize Theron is sick of being linked with " doom and gloom ".

3. When the USA went on a rampage using its might, the signs of doom have been triggered yet the Americans did not see them.

4. When China loosened its film import quota earlier this year, the nation's film industry was instantly shrouded in doom and gloom.

5. Adding pressure on the delegates was a sense that failure to reach an agreement this time could permanently doom the talks.

6. He also indicated that walking out was a tactic often used in the negotiating process, and did not necessarily spell doom for the talks.

7. On the other is a hotel facade dressed up for " Indiana Jones " festivities to look something like a plastic temple of doom.

8. The doom and gloom predicted by the pub owners when the enforcement went into effect simply has failed to materialize.

9. They no longer dwell on impending climate doom, but on the economic windfall that will result from embracing the " green " economy.

10. If the developing nations accept such terms, they can only bring doom to the livelihoods of millions of their farmers.

doom 英英释义


1. an unpleasant or disastrous destiny

e.g. everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it

that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world

Synonym: doomsdayday of reckoningend of the world



1. decree or designate beforehand

e.g. She was destined to become a great pianist

Synonym: destinefatedesignate

2. make certain of the failure or destruction of

e.g. This decision will doom me to lose my position

3. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law

e.g. He was condemned to ten years in prison

Synonym: sentencecondemn