

resent:[英 [rɪˈzent] 美 [rɪˈzɛnt] ]



resent 基本解释


及物动词怨恨; 愤恨; 厌恶; 对…感到愤怒

resent 反义词



resent 相关例句


1. He resents criticism.


2. resent的翻译

2. He did not appear to resent it.


resent 网络解释

1. resent

1. 怨恨:(豌豆) 豆子(pea)吃多就放屁联想:农民(peasant)种豆子(peas),引来了蚂蚁(ant)联想:把来吃豆子(peas)的蚂蚁(ant)一棒(l)打死是令人愉快的联想:礼物是提前(pre)送(sent)的联想:没人(p)送礼物让人怨恨(resent)联想:艺术家(ar)在休

2. 恨:势必扑灭(put out)与艺术毫不相干的没完没了的彼此怨恨(resent)、白活(orate)和责骂. ...

3. resent

3. 愤恨:但是这一做法得到了大陆民一个朝鲜人非常欣赏高度评价(appreciate)电影,他天天去电影院享受(enjoy),避免(avoid)练习(practice)他的技术,后来,他考虑并认为(consider)这样下去不行,他对不能换工作的制度很愤恨(resent

4. 厌恶,憎恶:resemble 相似 | resent 厌恶,憎恶 | reserve 储备,保留

resent 双语例句

1. The resent research indicated that COMT also could convert aldehyde and alcohol beside acid.


2. resent

2. IN resent years, the Weifang Diesel Eengine CO., Ltd. has continuously developde and manufactured new products, among which, the newly developed patent products 4102 and 4110 diesel engines are highly appreciated among its customers for their low oil consumption, low noise and strong power.


3. He needs someone who will talk cheerfully to him, rather than lecturing and arguing. He needs someone he doesn`t resent for her bossiness and he isn`t tempted to avoid and deceive. He needs someone to play with – someone who will laugh at his tension-relieving quips and make him laugh in return.


4. resent的近义词

4. Many people willingly participate in this tradition, but many more undoubtedly resent3 the continual expe e.


5. resent的近义词

5. People say I was lucky twice but I resent that.


6. Using land resources quantity change model and land use/cover change index, dynamic changes and driving forces of land use/cover change were discussed in Tianshui, Gansu Province during the resent twenty years.


7. Some outside the shadow cabinet resent being passed over and neglected.


8. The tension leg platform or an articulated tower is a typical system of fluid and structure interaction, which is a focus in resent research.


9. No stronger case can be shown for prohibiting anything which is regarded as a personal immorality, than is made out for suppressing these practices in the eyes of those who regard them as impieties; and unless we are willing to adopt the logic of persecutors, and to say that we may persecute others because we are right, and that they must not persecute us because they are wrong, we must beware of admitting a principle of which we should resent as a gross injustice the application to ourselves.


10. Many also resent what they see as economic discrimination by China's majority Han Chinese who have migrated to Xinjiang in growing numbers.


11. Micronsized monodisperse polymer microsphere s have been used in many fields in resent years.


12. Along with the productive capacity continually increase and government renewable energy policy adjusting, the demand of certificate for wind energy industry will be released resent years.


13. XJM-S Series Mechanical Agitation Flotation Machine is one of the main equipment in coal slime flotation and in the resent two years, this type of flotation machine has made a new progress in research and development as well as its application.


14. resent

14. Results Resent three month, out of energy and vague aching in the loins and legs respectively are the first physical symptoms for male and female; Hypomnesis is the first psychology symptom for both of them.

结果 近3个月来,曾有的躯体症状中男性和女性占首位的分别为精力不支(29.04%),腰酸腿疼(31.78%);曾有的心理症状中男性和女性占首位的均为记忆力减退(37.26%。41.01%);广义线性回归模型分析表明,身心症状得分与睡眠状况有关系。

15. According to investigation and study, the progress of the relief, prevention and control for pestilence and diseases in Huangnan over the resent decades appears in the intervention of state power and legalization.


16. resent是什么意思

16. In resent years, rural energy resources crisis become more and more obviously with the development of rural economy.


17. As an innovative technique used for the active sludge treatment, the oxidation ditch technique has been widely used in various sewage treatment at p resent and has got quality yielding water and stable sludge.


18. It fits in with the towards of resent digital, moudle and network.


19. resent

19. In resent years, the rate of our countries bribery and corruption crimes remain high, and on the rise. Obliviously, capital punishment is neither provide a perment care to bribery and corruption crimes nor can solve the basic problems. It is difficult to achieve the goal of checking corrupt crime.


20. We are all of us, as if by instinct, intolerant of that which is unfamiliar: we resent its impudence: and very much the same principle which prompts small boys to jeer at a straw-hat out of season induces their elders to send missionaries to the heathen


resent 词典解释

1. 怨恨;憎恶;愤恨

If you resent someone or something, you feel bitter and angry about them.

e.g. She resents her mother for being so tough on her...


e.g. I resent being dependent on her.


resent 单语例句

1. They resent prescriptions handed down from Washington that they say cram courts and prisons with the poor without slowing demand for cocaine in US cities.

2. People admire the higher living standards in the metropolis, yet they deeply resent being labeled by native Shanghainese as country bumpkins.

3. Zhu said the measures address issues that the public resent the most, such as tedious meetings and frequent traffic disruption by cars transporting officials.

4. After having experienced more than 20 years of reform, the majority of Chinese people now do not resent income inequality.

5. Tribesmen are demanding more returns from the natural gas extracted from their territory and resent the army's moves to set up garrisons in the region.

6. Local tribesman resent the presence of foreign and Pakistani troops in their areas and are also suspected of sheltering fugitives from the two groups.

7. Is it because they resent China's development path and hate China's political system?

8. Iraqis care little about the weapons issue, but many resent postwar chaos and what they see as a US occupation.

9. Yet they do not know sympathy is often seen as pity, something disabled people resent.

10. " We resent and oppose the US acts, " said Qin Gang.

resent的近义词resent 英英释义


1. feel bitter or indignant about

e.g. She resents being paid less than her co-workers

2. wish ill or allow unwillingly

Synonym: begrudge