

liberate:[英 [ˈlɪbəreɪt] 美 [ˈlɪbəˌret] ]


过去式:liberated;   过去分词:liberated;   现在分词:liberating;

liberate 基本解释


及物动词解放; 释放; 释出,放出


liberate 同义词




liberate 反义词



liberate 相关例句


1. liberate的反义词

1. Liberate all the prisoners.


2. liberate的解释

2. Allied armies liberated France from the Nazis.


liberate 网络解释

1. 释放:媒体素养所欲达成之目的,皆为新时期公民所应接受之训练与具备之能力,这种训练让大家自信息媒体中释放(liberate),能明辨真伪不被媒体操控,也让大家具备使用媒介的能力(empower),在此信息快速传递的社会中,了解如何正确快速使用媒体,

2. 解脱:自由( liberty),词源上与解脱 (liberate)同根,主要也是指不依赖(independence). 自由是人性的最高理想,也是社会发展的最终尺度. 如果言说只是一种写实描述,只是对外物的一种被动摹写,则语言的言说没有任何自由可言,它在句法上,

3. (常与from连用)解放;释放:liberal博学的;通才的 ,慷慨的;大方的 | liberate(常与from连用)解放;释放 | lighting 照明设备;照明系统

liberate 双语例句

1. The meaning of life lies in the extent to which you are release yourself and liberate yourself.


2. You could only liberate yourself until you become the master of your destiney.


3. liberate

3. Numerical results show: when the viscous force is absent, generally there exist liberate, circulate and chaotic regions in the surface of the section, and only those particles originally lie in the liberate region can be shepherded when viscous is present; (2) as for the role in the shepherding of the ring, corotation resonance may be as same important as eccentric resonance; (3) eccentricity and mass of the shepherd satellite have important effects on the size and type of liberate region, thus they influence the extension of confined particles and the eccentricity of the ring; (4) the shepherding of the whole inner edge and most part of the out edge of ∈ ring are explained, within the uncertainty of the observed masses of shepherds.


4. Before the rise of palliative care movement, Buddhist organizations propagated Buddhist teachings actively, and transferred merits during their daily practice to be reborn in the pure land or to liberate from birth and death. Besides, they had done a lot of social charitable works to take care of the elderly and the dying, such as establishment of Mercy Cloister and Nursing Home; they emphasized to give advice to the dying, to chant for the dying and eight hours after his death, to deliver the dead with Buddhist ceremonies, and so forth.


5. Secondhand dump car tip lorry, want Si Taier to liberate a person of extraordinary powers fertile wait for series, have it is OK to do not have formalities!


6. It is usually felt that the power of flight would liberate one from the earth, but freedom is accompanied by anxiety and loneliness.


7. Taiyuan Liberation Memorial Hall: This district was once one of main battlefields to liberate Taiyuan.



8. That which benefits the numberless sentient beings. Of course that means one cannot liberate


9. Of course that means one cannot liberate the numberless sentient beings who are most dear, most precious, most kind from the oceans of samsaric suffering and it's cause.


10. Of course that means one cannot liberate the numberless sentient beings who are most dear, most precious, most kind from the oceans of samsaric suffering and it`s cause.


11. It is the world that pulverizes him and I who liberate him.


12. Men in women`s clothes, women in male attire, children disguised in beggars` rags: there were some of all sorts: ci-devant counts, marquises, even dukes, who wanted to fly from France, reach England or some other equally accursed country, and there try to rouse foreign feeling against the glorious Revolution, or to raise an army in order to liberate the wretched prisoners in the Temple, who had once called themselves sovereigns of France.


13. In order to liberate the broad masses of poverty-stricken peasants and emancipate the social productive forces, New China, just after its founding, launched a vigorous nationwide land reform movement.


14. We already use the machinery the strength horizontal sea, and uses the mechanical strength to be possible to cause the humanity finally to liberate from each kind of laborious arduous physical labor.


15. First, we must continue to liberate our thinking.


16. FORCES IN Iraq sounded straightforward: liberate the country and turn it over to the Iraqi people. Now U. S.


17. At this point, choice no longer liberate s, but debilitates. It might even be said to tyrannize.


18. Through a paper fissure on one flank, a trick of light on hand-rubbed lacquer: the phoenix wing was a battle-ax, and Kuan Kung, pursuing his vow to liberate the mainland, adjusted his armor and headdress, turned and vanished behind the patina of legend.


19. Just surrender to me and I will liberate you. I will liberate you.


20. Is it object to colonial rule, is it liberate on behalf of one nationality political entity of struggle evolve from after the World War II independently to try to engaged in, it is mainly in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


liberate 词典解释

1. 解放

To liberate a place or the people in it means to free them from the political or military control of another country, area, or group of people.

e.g. They planned to march on and liberate the city...


e.g. They made a triumphal march into their liberated city.



...a mass liberation movement.


2. 使解脱;使脱离;解救

To liberate someone from something means to help them escape from it or overcome it, and lead a better way of life.


e.g. He asked how committed the leadership was to liberating its people from poverty.



If you have the chance to spill your problems out to a therapist it can be a very liberating experience.


...the women's liberation movement.


3. 释放(囚犯)

To liberate a prisoner means to set them free.


e.g. The government is devising a plan to liberate prisoners held in detention camps.


liberate 单语例句

1. Her fiance joins the Eighth Route Army and returns three years later to liberate the village and rescue the girl.

2. Their personal experiences liberate viewers'perceptions, illuminating interpretations of the world from a fresh viewpoint.

3. Daoud vowed to liberate the Imam Ali Mosque but declined to say whether the government would storm the site itself.

4. Measures to liberate China's consumers could take years to put in place, while critics in Congress and within US industry want immediate action.

5. After a series of adventures in this strange new land, he seeks to liberate an enslaved tribe of warriors who live there.

6. In light of the actual situation in Tibet, the Central People's Government also decided to use peaceful means to liberate Tibet.

7. " We just wanted to liberate the souls of our ancestors, " Kao Chin said.

8. We have to liberate our minds and be bold to make experiments and head on with the reforms in the designated direction.

9. Providing it will not only liberate bankers from lots of time and paperwork, but also eliminate a major source of mass discontent.

10. But Burns said the deal will " liberate our two countries for a new engagement " after 30 years of tense relations over nuclear matters.

liberate 英英释义



1. release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition

Synonym: releasefree

2. grant freedom to

free from confinement

Synonym: freereleaseunlooseunloosenloose

3. grant freedom to

e.g. The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university

Synonym: set free

4. give equal rights to

of women and minorities

Synonym: emancipate