

redemption:[英 [rɪˈdempʃn] 美 [rɪˈdɛmpʃən] ]



redemption 基本解释

名词赎回; 偿还; 补救

redemption 相关例句



1. The redemption of the sinners is not easy.


2. redemption

2. The interest on this account will be paid at redemption.


redemption 情景对话

Trading Stamps-(用赠券换东西)

A:Every time I go to the grocery, the clerk asks me if I save stamps.I always say no, but sometimes I get them anyway.


B:Oh, never turn them down.You can always find someone wholl take them.People spend hours pasting them in little books, and when a book is full.they drive miles to a redemption center where the stamps can be traded for things like pillow cases, or playing cards, or garden tools.

啊,别丢掉它。你总会找到回收赠券的人。 有些人花时间把赠券粘贴在小本子上,当一本贴满后,开几英里的车到回收中心去,在那儿可以用赠券交换像枕头套、扑克牌或修整花园的工具等东西。

A:But you have to save millions of them to get anything worth having.


redemption 网络解释

1. 赎罪:这本书前半部分主要是沉重的童年,后半部分是赎罪的开始,而贯穿整个故事的主题--忠诚(loyalty)和赎罪(redemption),作者就用了两个小孩之间的牺牲和背叛把我们拉到一个表面上和我们没有多大关系,回归到基本人性层面时却紧紧相连的世界.

2. 拯救:一年内获得最多提名:2005年,吉米-福克斯(Jamie Foxx()靠音乐传记片(Ray)获得最佳男主角提名,靠(Collateral)获得最佳男配角提名,此外它还获得了迷你电视短剧最佳男主角的提名,提名作品是(Redemption).

redemption 双语例句

1. And yet, if we examine what happened to the Dionysian powers under the pressure of that treaty we notice a great difference: in the place of the Babylonian Sacaea, with their throwback of men to the condition of apes and tigers, we now see entirely new rites celebrated: rites of universal redemption, of glorious transfiguration.


2. Note 注: 1. Notification letter with rental fee redemption details will be sent to cardholder's mailing address within 2 weeks upon receipt of


3. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Chabad, Lubavitch worldwide Jewish movement, stated that the observance of Noahide Laws by all humankind will be a principle force bring about universal peace and the Messianic Redemption.


4. redemption的解释

4. Data show that in the third quarter, stock funds and hybrid funds were net redemption rate of 2.36% and 2.92%.


5. Third quarter net equity fund redemption rate of 2.36%, mixed funds net redemption rate of 2.92 percent.


6. Well I can't tell you where I'm going, I'm not sure of where I've been But I know I must keep travelin'till my road comes to an end I'm out here on my journey, trying to make the most of it I'm a puzzle, I must figure out where all my pieces fit Like a poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find what feels like home Where that is no one can tell me, am I doomed to ever roam I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'on Questions I have many, answers but a few But we're here to learn, the spirit burns, to know the greater truth We've all been crucified and they nailed Jesus to the tree And when I'm born again, you're gonna see a change in me God made me for a reason and nothing is in vain Redemption comes in many shapes with many kinds of pain Oh sweet Jesus if you're listening, keep me ever close to you As I'm stumblin', tumblin', wonderin', as I'm travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru Oh sometimes the road is rugged, and it's hard to travel on But holdin'to each other, we don't have to walk alone When everything is broken, we can mend it if we try We can make a world of difference, if we want to we can fly Goodbye little children, goodnight you handsome men Farewell to all you ladies and to all who knew me when And I hope I'll see you down the road, you meant more than I knew As I was travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'Drifting like a floating boat and roaming like the wind Oh give me some direction lord, let me lean on you As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru Like the poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find my own way home Oh sweet Jesus if you're out there, keep me ever close to you As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', as I'm travelin'thru

那么我不能告诉你,我要去,我不知道在什么地方我一直在但我知道我必须继续旅行,直到我的道路即将结束我来到了这里我的旅程,努力使大部分我是一个谜,我必须找出所有适合我的作品就像一个穷人wayfaring陌生人,他们谈论的歌曲我只是一个疲惫的朝圣者试图找到什么感觉就像回家如果这是没有人可以告诉我,我注定要永远漫游我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'的我有许多问题,但有几个答案但是,我们在这里学习,精神烧伤,了解更多的事实真相我们都被钉在十字架上的耶稣,他们的树当我出生了,你要去看看我的变化上帝,我是有原因的,并没有什么是徒劳的赎回有很多种疼痛噢甜耶稣如果你听,让我给你任何时候都密切因为我stumblin ',tumblin ',wonderin ',因为我旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过噢有时道路是崎岖的,它很难旅行但是,holdin '对方,我们不必独行当一切都被打破,我们可以改正,如果我们试图我们可以使世界的差异,如果我们想我们可以飞再见了孩子们,晚安你英俊男子永别了,所有的女士们,你的所有谁知道我什么时候我希望我会看到你的道路上,你的意思我知道多当我旅行,旅行,旅行,旅行,旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'漂流像浮船和漫游像风噢给我一些方向上帝,让我依靠你因为我旅行',旅行,旅行',通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过像穷人wayfaring陌生人,他们谈论的歌曲我只是一个疲惫的朝圣者试图找到自己的方式首页噢甜耶稣如果你在那里,让我给你任何时候都密切因为我旅行',旅行,旅行',因为我旅行'通过

7. redemption

7. To put it simply, is to levy additional short-term capital in and out of the redemption fee, to meet the punishment of those who carry and protect the long-term holders.


8. The precious blood of Christ was shed for our redemption and our deliverance from the sinfulness of this world.


9. A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void.


10. Any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any

监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,在GMB 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

11. If you do have a 3-5 year plan for major expenditure, you can consider buying a currency-based funds or bond funds to improve the idle funds of the proceeds; if it is a long-term idle funds, may consider the use of fixed investment in the stock approach funds, to share the economic development of the long-term results, so that would not be forced to appear in the low redemption of equity funds has been the case.


12. redemption的反义词

12. Contracts as collateral for a loan to Forex. com free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the

Forex.com 有权将任何抵押品登记在其名下,或其托管人或名义上替前两者持有抵押品的人的名下。

13. For a loan to SNC free from any claim or right of any nature whatsoever of the Customer, including any equity or right of redemption by the Customer and to register any Collateral in the name of SNC, its custodian or a nominee for either.

因客户的SNC 债务原因,包括但不仅仅是上述的和,SNC 有权出售、抵押、质押、转让、投资,并以其它方式使用任何其所持有的抵押品(包括但不仅仅是,以合同作为SNC 的贷款抵押品),客户不具有对包括客户或其监护人或提名人的任何股权或赎回权,和在SNC 名下登记任何抵押品,提出任何索赔或应具的权利。

14. I watch the walls around me crumble But it's not like I won't build them again So here's your last chance for redemption So take it while it last's cause it will end My tears are turning into time I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye I can't live without you Can't breath without you I'm dreaming about you Honestly tell me that it's over Cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living It won't be right if we're not in it together Tell me that it's over And I'll be the first to go Don't want to be the last to know I won't be the one to chase you But at the same time you're the heart that I call home I'm always stuck with these emotions And the more I try to feel the less I'm whole My tears are turning into time I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye Can't live without you Can't breath without you I'm dreaming about you Honestly tell me that it's over Cause if the world is spinning And I'm still living It won't be right if we're not in it together Tell me that it's over And I'll be the first to go Ya, I'll be the first to go Don't wanna be the last to know Over, over, over My tears are turning into time I've wasted trying to find A reason for goodbye Can't live without you Can't breath without you I'm dreaming about you Honestly tell me that it's over Cause if the world is spinning And I'm still living It won't be right if we're not in it together Tell me that it's over Tell me that it's over Over Honestly tell me Honestly tell me Don't tell me that it's over Don't tell me that it's over

我在我附近观看墙壁碎屑但它不是,如我不会修造他们再那么这您的最后机会为收兑因此采取它,当它前起因它将结束我的泪花把变成我浪费了设法发现一个原因为再见的时间时我不可能居住没有您不能呼吸没有我作梦关于您诚实地告诉我的您它是结束起因,如果世界转动和我仍然居住它不会是不错,如果我们不是在它一起告诉我它是结束和我将是去的一个不想要是要知道的为时我不会是追逐您的那个但是同时您是心脏我叫我总忠心于这些情感的家并且越多我设法感到越少我是无损伤我的泪花把变成时间我浪费了设法发现一个原因为再见不可能居住没有您不能呼吸没有我作梦关于您诚实地告诉我的您它是结束起因,如果世界转动和我仍然居住它不会是不错,如果我们不是在它一起告诉我它是结束和我将是去的一个 Ya,我将是去的一个不想要是要知道的为时在我的泪花把变成我浪费了尝试到发现A 原因为再见的时间不可能居住没有您不能呼吸没有我作梦关于您诚实地告诉我的您它是结束起因,如果世界转动和我仍然居住它不会是不错,如果我们不是在它一起告诉我它是告诉我它是诚实地告诉我诚实地告诉我不要告诉我它是不要告诉我它是

15. Over by Lindsay Lohan I watch the walls around me crumble But it's not like I won't build them again So here's your last chance for redemption So take it while it last's cause it will end My tears are turning into time I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye I can't live without you Can't breath without you I'm dreaming about you Honestly tell me that it's over Cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living It won't be right if we're not in it together Tell me that it's over And I'll be the first to go Don't want to be the last to know I won't be the one to chase you But at the same time you're the heart that I call home I'm always stuck with these emotions And the more I try to feel the less I'm whole My tears are turning into time I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye Can't live without you Can't breath without you I'm dreaming about you Honestly tell me that it's over Cause if the world is spinning And I'm still living It won't be right if we're not in it together Tell me that it's over And I'll be the first to go Ya, I'll be the first to go Don't wanna be the last to know Over, over, over My tears are turning into time I've wasted trying to find A reason for goodbye Can't live without you Can't breath without you I'm dreaming about you Honestly tell me that it's over Cause if the world is spinning And I'm still living It won't be right if we're not in it together Tell me that it's over Tell me that it's over Over Honestly tell me Honestly tell me Don't tell me that it's over Don't tell me that it's over

由 跳林迪舞结束我看在我周围的墙壁崩溃但是它不像我将会不再建立他们因此这里是兑换的你的最后机会因此拿它当它最后引起它的时候将会结束我的泪滴正在变成时间我已经浪费尝试找的理由再见我没有你不能住不能呼吸没有你我正在梦到你真诚地告诉我它结束如果世界正在纺织,引起和我仍然住它将不是正确的如果我们一起不是在它里面告诉我它结束而且我将是第一个去不想要当最后者知道我将不是那一追捕你但是同时你是我呼叫家的心我总是以这些情绪被欺骗而且更多我试着感觉比较少人我是整个的我的泪滴正在变成时间我已经浪费尝试找再见的理由没有你不能住不能呼吸没有你我正在梦到你真诚地告诉我它结束引起如果世界正在纺织而且我仍然住它将不是正确的如果我们一起不是在它里面告诉我它结束而且我将是第一个去 Ya,我将是第一个去不想要当最后者知道结束,结束,结束我的泪滴正在变成时间我已经浪费尝试找再见的理由没有你不能住不能呼吸没有你我正在梦到你真诚地告诉我它结束引起如果世界正在纺织而且我仍然住它将不是正确的如果我们一起不是在它里面告诉我它结束告诉我它结束结束真诚地告诉我真诚地告诉我不要告诉我它结束不要告诉我它结束

16. redemption的解释

16. Our mission is to escape from crucifixion, not from redemption.


17. So Cai Yan in this year, I was probably in a year redemption Guihan.


18. 16 During the continuance of this security the Borrower shall not assign, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose, part with possession or make any arrangement for the sharing of the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein or accept surrender of any lease or tenancy thereof or cause or permit any second or further legal charge or mortgage to be effected or charging order to be created on the Property or in any way encumber assign or otherwise dispose of the equity of redemption therein or diminish, jeopardise or prejudice the security hereby created to the Lender or permit the same to be done without the prior written consent of the Lender and then only in accordance with such conditions as the Lender may stipulate in such consent

9.16 在本抵押存续期间,未经贷款人事先书面同意,借款人不得将物业或其任何部份或其中权益转让、按揭或设定押记,或以其他形式处置、放弃管有或安排共享物业或其任何部份或其中权益;或就物业或其任何部份接受退租;或促使或容许就物业作出第二或更多押记或按揭,或设定押记令;或以任何方式为物业的衡平法赎回权设立产权负担,或出让或以其他形式放弃物业的衡平法赎回权;或缩减、危及或损害藉本契据向贷款人所作的抵押。即使获贷款人事先书面同意,亦只可遵照贷款人在该同意书所列条件作出

19. Said voters do not optimistic about the market, there will be redemption fund, accounting for 25.1 percent of the total number of voters.


20. Without sincere repentance and redemption, the nun might not even be born during the time when Sakyamuni Buddha was around and met his disciple, She Li Zhi who is an Arahat.


redemption 词典解释

1. 赎回;偿还;拯救;救赎

Redemption is the act of redeeming something or of being redeemed by something.

e.g. He craves redemption for his sins.


e.g. ...redemption of the loan.


2. 无可挽救的;不可救药的

If you say that someone or something is beyond redemption, you mean that they are so bad it is unlikely that anything can be done to improve them.

e.g. No man is beyond redemption...


e.g. I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.


redemption 单语例句redemption的解释

1. The Reserve Primary Fund suspended redemption last month because of losses on debt issued by bankrupted Lehman Brothers.

2. The third is about the redemption of one Japanese soldier, who manages to retain a semblance of human decency despite all the cruelties around him.

3. His fragile relationship with Winnie is the emotional core of the film, though his redemption doesn't quite ring true.

4. " The government garrison guarding the oil field was totally destroyed, " the National Redemption Front rebel group said in a statement.

5. Tsingtao Beer learned to use " share redemption " to change the gloomy situation.

6. These increases were partly offset by the redemption of Certificates of Indebtedness.

7. To cope with the tide of redemption, many players have raised their liquidity ratio up to 10 percent.

8. Share redemption meant a company bought back the shares from the market and wrote them off.

9. This has sparked speculation that frequent train passengers will soon be able to use their mileage for similar ticket redemption.

10. Perhaps through similar acts of charity by innocent children, nations with a murky past may receive redemption.

redemption什么意思redemption 英英释义


1. the act of purchasing back something previously sold

Synonym: repurchasebuyback

2. (theology) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil

Synonym: salvation

3. repayment of the principal amount of a debt or security at or before maturity (as when a corporation repurchases its own stock)